

Deutsch Italiano

Laghetto Sivie near the Bocchetta di Campello Monti
GTA Step 3 Campello Monti - Rimella
7 October 2015, 1100
Click on the picture to view it in full size!

Overwhelming location in the Monte Rosa - Sesia Valley Nature Park - immediately southeast of the Monte Rosa and directly at the GTA (Grand Traverse of the Alps)! Ideal point of departure for beautiful walks and more than 400 fantastic mountain trekkings!

Hotel + Restaurant Fontana
A family affair since 1905
Fam. Rinoldi
13020 Rimella
Phone +39 0163 55200
UTM 436509 5084166 1155

Small family hotel with attentive service

Good traditional cooking with local specialities from the wild Mastallone Valley: chamois, caprino di Rimella (the famous goat's cheese), goat kid, polenta, rabbit, risotto, trout; regional wines and spirits. Click here for images of typical dishes!

Quiet rooms at moderate prices (half board around 60 EUR)

Ideal for families and small hiking groups

General store with wide choice of foodstuff for hikers and tourists

Hotel open June - September. Restaurant and store open full-year

Good bus connection from Varallo Sesia. Attention, do not confuse this town with Varallo Pombia! Train connections from Milan via Novara, or from Torino via Novara, then take the scheduled bus to Varallo Sesia. Touring bus connections to Varallo Sesia from Milan, Torino, and Vercelli. Nearest airport is Malpensa, continue by bus shuttle to Milan or Novara and change to the touring bus to Varallo Sesia. A taxi from Malpensa to Rimella costs around 120 euro, from Novara to Rimella about 100 euro. We strongly recommend the taxi service of Mr. Tiziano Andreoli from Varallo Sesia, a native from Cravagliana in the Mastallone valley, with excellent practice of the roads and the whole area between Domodossola, Milan, Novara, Vercelli, Torino and Rimella, phone 0163 52842 or 339 7892335. He provides also a small bus for 4-9 passengers at the same cost of the taxi for 1-3 passengers

Übersichtskarte für die Anreise
Östlich von Varallo der Passo della Colma =
direkte Straßenverbindung vom Orta-See nach Varallo - Rimella!
Kartendaten © Copyright Open Topo Map

All guidebooks, maps and literature for Rimella and Piedmont's Alps
are available directly from us here in Tübingen!

12,000+ (twelve thousand!) selected beautiful pictures for digital photo frames

Since 2005, wilderness guide Jörg Klingenfuß has taken more than 31,000 (thirty one thousand) pictures in Rimella and in the Sesia valley. These cover the large wilderness area of the Mastallone valley, from the surroundings of the small city of Varallo at 500 metres altitude up to the summits of the Mastallone and Strona valleys peaking at more than 2,400 metres, providing spectacular views and panoramas from the momentous massif of the Monte Rosa via the 4,000+ metres high summits of the Wallis down to the vast Lowlands of Northern Italy.

For those who would like to view Rimella and its beautiful surroundings, we offer more than 12,000+ (twelve thousand!) selected superb pictures on a digital memory card. All pictures are labelled with the file name in the lower left corner. Examples:

The pictures have been optimized for rapid display in a digital photo frame to the exact format 1024 • 768 pixels, i.e. they are larger than the examples above that have been scaled down to 800 • 600 pixels for this webpage. The generous format 1024 • 768 pixels is used e.g. by the recommendable 10-inches device Intenso Media Creator. At Amazon this now costs less than 70 EUR, and it has been recommended by TEST November 2010 due to its excellent picture quality - that we perfectly confirm! - in the size 20 • 15 centimetres. - The pictures cover all seasons year round with their full variety, and the period from 2005 to 2025. This unique collection comprises representative sections of our spectacular digital panoramas - in some cases three-dimensional (!) - as well. Media Creator digital photo frames can be viewed at our friends at Rimella in the Albergo Fontana and in the Bar Monte Càpio, and at Nosuggio in the Osteria Emilia.

We use original SanDisk 4 gigabyte SDHC (Secure Digital High Capacity) memory cards; these have proven as excellent in our digital cameras in the wilderness field. The price of the card with 12,000+ pictures is 60 EUR. Please order here or send us an e-mail at info@rimella.de.

What's more, our archives comprise thousands of pictures, especially macro pictures, of flora and fauna. More than 400 species have been defined according to the biological systematics by means of experts on the spot, Wikipedia, and specialised webpages in the Net. A list of species defined so far can be found here.

Amount of work involved: about 2,700 man hours in the mountains, about 320 man hours on the computer.

"Complimenti per le belle foto!!!!" Flavio Cappelletti, Verbania, 17. November 2006.

"Caro Giorgio, oggi ho ricevuto il pacco con le fotografie, mie e quelle da distribuire, grazie, come al solito molto belle ..." Piera Rinoldi, Bar Monte Càpio, Prati di Rimella, 5. November 2009.

"Guarda, queste foto sono una meraviglia." Emilia, Osteria di Nosuggio di Cravagliana, 3. August 2010.

"Una roba così bella non ho mai vista." Emilia, Osteria di Nosuggio di Cravagliana, 21. Mai 2011, über den digitalen Fotorahmen Intenso Media Creator mit über 12600 Superfotos ...

"Volevo ringraziarti delle belle foto per il Museo della Sella." Dr. Ornella Maglione, Responsabile Ecomusei della Regione Piemonte, Torino, 6. Juni 2011.

"Alpe Camplasco ... Che bel pensiero. Questa foto è una meraviglia." Giacomina, 80 Jahre alt, Cravagliana, 26. Juni 2012.

"Libro 'Valsesia' di S... In tutto questo libro non c'è neanche una foto come le tue. Le tue foto sono le tue foto ... Ormai tutt' la val' le conosce." Emilia, Osteria di Nosuggio di Cravagliana, 2. Oktober 2012.

Guided Mountain Trekkings
The Language of Rimella
Foto Gallery
Foto Gallery Campello Monti Winter 2003/2004
GTA Website
Municipality of Rimella

Nature Park Monte Rosa - Sesia Valley
Nature Park Monte Rosa - Sesia Valley
Cima della Bocchetta
Walser Museum Rimella
International Association for the Walser

Neighbouring Village: Cervatto
Neighbouring Village: Cravagliana
Neighbouring Village: Fobello
Neighbouring Valley: Strona Valley
Geology University Tübingen

Holy Mountain of Varallo
Holy Mountain of Varallo

Weather Forecast for Piemonte and the Aosta Valley
Snow situation in Piemonte

Literature and Maps

Last updated 10 FEB 2025

The Author

Jörg Klingenfuss

Hagenloher Str. 14
D-72070 Tübingen
E-Mail info@rimella.de

VAT ID DE146913332

Member of CAI Varallo Sesia