ASC | BBC Atlantic Relay Station, English Bay |
AUS | Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Glen Waverley VIC |
AUS | Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Radio Australia, Melbourne VIC |
AUS | Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Salisbury SA |
AUS | Rohde and Schwarz, Radio Monitoring / Communications, Melbourne VIC |
AUS | TELSTRA - Telecom Australia, Network Products/Operations, Blackburn |
AUS | Winradio Communications, Rosetta Laboratories, Saint Kilda |
AUT | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Zentralstelle Funküberwachung, Vienna |
AUT | Fernmeldebüro, KW-Meß- und Beobachtungsdienst, Klagenfurt |
AUT | Österreichischer Rundfunk, Sendetechnik, Vienna |
BEL | ACOS Intelligence and Security, Brussels |
BEL | Alcatel ETCA, Service de Documentation, Mont-sur-Marchienne |
BEL | Centre de Controle des Radiocommunications Mobiles, Ophain |
BEL | Defense, Staffdepartement Intelligence and Security, Kw Kon Elisabeth, Brussels |
BEL | Defensie, Stafdepartement Inlichting en Veiligheid, Steun, Brussels |
BEL | Krijgsmacht, Signal Intelligence, Molenbeek |
BUL | Ministry of Defense, DIS/MOD, Director of SIGINT, Sofia |
BUL | State Agency for National Security, Sofia |
CAN | Dept. of National Defence, Defence Research Establishment, Ottawa |
CAN | Electronic Warfare Squadron 2, Operations, Kingston |
CAN | Government of Canada, Services du Spectre, Saint-Remi QUE |
CAN | National Defence Library, Ottawa ONT |
CAN | Thales Systems Canada, Ottawa ONT |
DNK | Danmarks Radio, Teknisk Bibliotek, Soeborg |
DNK | National Telecom Agency, Copenhagen |
DNK | Telestyrelsen, Radiokontrolstationen Reersoe, Gorlev Sjaelland |
EGY | Technical Research Department, HF Monitoring Section, Cairo |
FNL | Finnish Air Force, Komentotie RAK 300, Tikkakoski |
FNL | Finnish Broadcasting Company, Measuring Station, Jokela |
FNL | Finnish Defence Forces, LSHR Järjestelmäkeskus, Riihimäki |
FNL | Nokia Telecommunications, Information Service, Espoo |
FRA | Armee de Terre, Brigade de Renseignements, Haguenau |
FRA | Atos, Bull-Amesys Crypto, Aix-en-Provence |
FRA | Avantix, Aix-en-Provence |
FRA | Escadron Specialise de Guerre Electronique 14054, Mutzig |
FRA | European Aeronautical and Defence Systems, C3I Systems + Defense El.s, Velizy |
FRA | ICOM France, Radiocommunication, Toulouse |
FRA | Ministere de la Defense, Commandement Forces Aeriennes Strategiques, Taverny |
FRA | Ministere de la Defense, Direction des Recherches Techniques, Paris |
FRA | Schlumberger Sena Defense, Montrouge |
FRA | Serpikom, COMINT/EW, Aix en Provence |
FRA | Service National des Radiocommunications, Controle, Rambouillet |
FRA | Thales, Hardening and Electronic Warfare, HF COMINT, Cholet |
FRA | Thomson-CSF, Guerre Electronique et Securite, Gennevilliers |
FRA | 44 Regiment de Transmissions, Informatique |
GBR | BBC Monitoring Service, Operational Services, Reading |
GBR | BBC World Service Shop, London |
GBR | British Telecom, Development and Procurement Labs, Ipswich |
GBR | British Telecom, Holborn Centre, London |
GBR | British Telecom, Systems Security Section, Ipswich |
GBR | Communications and Security Group, Training Co, Loughborough |
GBR | Defence Special Signals School, Bletchley Wing, Chicksands, Bedfordshire |
GBR | Diplomatic Wireless Service, Central Receiving Station, Hanslope |
GBR | General Electric Company, Hirst Research Centre, Borehamwood |
GBR | Government Communication Headquarters, Library, Cheltenham |
GBR | Government Communications Bureau, Nine Elms, London |
GBR | Mathematical and Associated Scientific Services, EW Department, Lincoln |
GBR | Ministry of Defence, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, Malvern |
GBR | Ministry of Defence, T + R Branch, DEI + IS, Blandford Camp |
GBR | Ofcom, Knowledge Centre, London |
GBR | Ofcom, Radio Monitoring Station, Baldock |
GBR | Racal Communications Systems, Systems Design, Bracknell |
GBR | Racal Training Services, Support Services, Basingstoke |
GBR | Radio Monitoring Station, Greenock, Scotland |
GBR | Radiocommunications Agency, Library, London |
GBR | Roke Manor Research, Romsey |
GBR | United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, The Admiralty, Taunton |
GER | Amt für Geoinformationswesen der Bundeswehr, Euskirchen |
GER | Amt für Geoinformationswesen der Bundeswehr, Traben-Trarbach |
GER | Amt für Nachrichtenwesen der Bundeswehr, Bad Neuenahrweiler |
GER | Amt für Nachrichtenwesen der Bundeswehr, Grafschaft-Gelsdorf |
GER | Amt für Wehrgeophysik, Fachinformationsstelle, Traben-Trarbach |
GER | Bundesamt für Post und Telekom, Bibliothek, Mainz |
GER | Bundesamt für Post und Telekom, Funkmeßdienst, Darmstadt |
GER | Bundesamt für Post und Telekom, Funkmeßstelle, Krefeld |
GER | Bundesgrenzschutz, Gruppe Fernmeldeunwesen, Swisttal |
GER | Bundesgrenzschutz, Zentralstelle Information Kommunikation, Swisttal |
GER | Bundesnetzagentur, Außenstelle, Breidenburg-Nordoe |
GER | Bundesnetzagentur, Außenstelle, Konstanz |
GER | Bundesnetzagentur, Mainz |
GER | Bundesstelle für "Fernmeldestatistik", Großhesselohe |
GER | Bundesstelle für "Fernmeldestatistik", Prüfstelle, Husum |
GER | Bundeswehr, Bataillon Elektronische Kampfführung 931, Daun |
GER | Bundeswehr, Fernmeldeaufklärungsregiment 940, Daun |
GER | Consulate General of France, Defence Attache, Munich |
GER | Daimler Chrysler Aerospace, Verteidungssysteme, Funkaufklärung, Ulm |
GER | Dept. of Defence, European Technical LEFT, Mainz Kastel Station |
GER | Deutsche Telekom, Rundfunksendestelle Merscher Höhe, Cologne |
GER | Deutscher Wetterdienst, Bibliothek, Offenbach |
GER | Deutscher Wetterdienst, Geschäftsfeld Seeschiffahrt, Hamburg |
GER | Embassy Egypt, Comm Bureau, Berlin |
GER | Embassy Hungary, Army / Air Force / Defence Attache, Berlin |
GER | Embassy India, Naval Wing, Naval Attache, Berlin |
GER | Embassy Israel, Outpost, Defence Attache, Bonn |
GER | Embassy Italy, Outpost, Defence Attache, Bonn |
GER | Embassy Romania, Outpost, Defence Attache, Bonn |
GER | European Aeronautical and Defence Systems, Ewation, Ulm |
GER | Fernmelde- und Radarstelle der Bundeswehr, Hof/Saale |
GER | Fernmeldestelle Süd der Bundeswehr, Gablingen |
GER | Flottenkommando, Versorgungsgruppe, Glücksburg |
GER | Forschungsxellschaft für "Angewandte Naturwissenschaften", Wachtberg |
GER | Heeresführungskommando, Abteilung Geophysik, Koblenz |
GER | Hensoldt Sensors, SIGINT, Ulm |
GER | Hilberling, Entwicklungslabor Hochfrequenztechnik, Rendsburg |
GER | Lufthansa Flight Training, Pilot School, Airport, Bremen |
GER | Marinefernmeldestab 70, Flensburg |
GER | Medav, Digitale Signalverarbeitung, Uttenreuth |
GER | Plath Group, Procitec Signal Processing Solutions, Pforzheim |
GER | Presse- und Informationsamt, Referat HF, Bonn |
GER | Rohde und Schwarz, various company departments, Munich |
GER | Südwestfunk, Bibliothek, Baden-Baden |
GER | Siemens, various company departments, Munich |
GER | Siemens-Nixdorf, Vertrieb Verteidigung und Sicherheit, Bonn |
GER | Spanish Embassy, Marine Attache, Bonn |
GER | United States Army, TSTA, Rhein-Main Airbase, Frankfurt |
GRC | Panou Group, Defense Systems Division, Athens |
HNG | Amt für Nationale Sicherheit, Technische Hauptabteilung, Budapest |
HNG | Antenna Hungaria, Government Broadcast Company, Budapest |
HNG | Fachdienst Nationale Sicherheit, Verwaltungsdirektion, Budapest |
HNG | Kormanyzati Frekvenciagazdalkodasi Hivatal, Budapest |
HNG | Monitoring Station Tarnok, Erd |
HNG | Special Service for National Security, Budapest |
IND | Government of India, Electronics Corporation of India, Communications, Hyderabad |
IND | Indian Army, Directorate of Signals Intelligence, New Delhi |
IND | Ministry of Defence, Defence Electronics Research Laboratory, Hyderabad |
IRL | Commission for Communications Regulation, Radio Spectrum, Dublin |
ISR | Tadiran Electronic Systems, Spectrum Control Department, Project Manager, Holon |
ITA | Ministero della Difesa, Raggruppamento Unita Difesa, Rome |
ITA | Stato Maggiore Difesa, Centro Intelligence Interforze, Maccarese |
JAP | Japan Radio Co, Radio Systems Section 1, Special Equipment Engineering Dept. 1, Tokyo |
JAP | Japan Radio Co, Material Procurement Department, Tokyo |
KEN | International Committee of the Red Cross, IT Dept., Nairobi |
LBR | UNHCR, Senior Telecommunications Operator, Monrovia |
MKD | UNPREDEP, Nordic Bataillon, Signal Platoon, Skopje |
MLA | DEF-EC, Setapak, Kuala Lumpur |
MRC | Conseil Superieur de la Defense Nationale, Mohammedia |
MRC | Direction Generale des Etudes et de la Documentation, Mohammedia |
NLD | Ministry of Defense, Militaire Inlichtingen en Veiligheids Dienst, Kamp Holterhoek, Eibergen |
NLD | Defensie en Veiligheid, TNO, Den Haag |
NLD | Koninklijke Landmacht, Opleidingscentrum, Ede |
NLD | Landmacht, Divisie Gevechtsteun Commando, 't Harde |
NLD | Ministry of Defence, MID, OSINT, Den Haag |
NLD | NATO, SHAPE, Technical Centre, Den Haag |
NLD | Philips Crypto, Nederwetten |
NLD | Radio Nederland, Hilversum |
NOR | Forsvarets Overkommando, Headquarters Defence Command, Oslo |
NOR | Forsvarets Overkommando, Vardo |
NOR | Forsvarsstaben Biblioteket, Alnabru Bedriftssenter, Oslo |
NOR | Norwegian Intelligence Service, Alnabru Bedriftssenter, Logistics Office, Oslo |
NOR | Norwegian Intelligence Service, Forsvarets Forsoksstasjon, Vadso |
NOR | Norwegian Intelligence Service, Forsvarets Stasjon Kirkenes, Hesseng |
NOR | Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Biblioteket, Oslo |
NZL | Directorate of Defence Intelligence, Chief Petty Officer, Wellington |
PNG | PTC, Spectrum Managament, Port Moresby |
POL | Instytut Morz Polarnych, Polar Seas Institute, Reda |
POL | Panstwowa Agencja Radiokomunikacyjna, Directorate, Warsaw |
POR | Instituto das Comunicacoes, Radio Monitoring Authority, Lisbon |
POR | Marinha Nacional, Submarine Squadron, Weapons + Electronics, Alfeite |
SAF | Armscor, Pretoria |
SAF | Electronic Industry Supplies, Johannesburg |
SAF | GEW Technologies, Silverton |
SAF | Grintek Ewation, EW Systems, Pretoria |
SAF | National Communications Centre, Wingate Park |
SAF | National Defence Force, Grintek Electronic Warfare Innovation, Johannesburg |
SAF | National Intelligence Agency, Alternative Information Services, Sunnyside |
SAF | State Information Technology Agency, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria |
SDA | British Aerospace, Communications Dept., Headquarters, Riyadh |
SDA | King Saud University, SIGINT, Riyadh |
SNG | Defence Science Organisation, Singapore Science Park |
SNG | Ministry of Defence, MinDef General ComCen |
SNG | Singapore Telecom Electronics, Info-Comm Systems, Jurong East |
SPA | Telefonica Sistemas, Direccion Compras, Biblioteca, Madrid |
SPA | Telefonica, Proyectos para Defensa, Madrid |
SWE | Foersvarets Radioanstalt, Avdelning Teknik och Data, Bromma |
SWE | Foersvarsmakten, SeC ÖHK Godsmottagningen, Karlskrona |
SWE | National Defence Radio Institute, Forsvarets Radioanstalt, Bromma |
SWE | National Post and Telecom Agency, Monitoring Station, Enkoping |
SWE | Norrlands Signal Corps, Radio Department, Boden |
SWE | Post and Telestyrelsen, National Post and Telecom Agency, Skoendal |
SWE | Sveriges Radio, Technical Department, Stockholm |
SWE | Swedish Armed Forces, Försvarsmakten, Godsmottagening, Göteborg |
SWE | Swedish Armed Forces, Naval Base, Muskö |
SWE | Swedish Armed Forces, Naval Base, Västra Frölunda |
SWE | Swedish Armed Forces, Naval Electronic Warfare Centre, Harsfjaerden |
SWE | Swedish Defence Material Administration, Oestersund |
SWE | Swedish Naval Forces, Handlaeggare Frekvensledning, Harsfjaerden |
SWI | Bundesamt für Polizei, Bibliothek und Dokumentation, Berne |
SWI | Bundesamt für Unterstützungstruppen, Berne |
SWI | Eidgenössisches Department des Auswärtigen, Sicherheit, Berne |
SWI | European Broadcasting Union, Euroradio Operations, Geneva |
SWI | Generaldirektion PTT, Bibliothek und Dokumentation, Berne |
SWI | Rediffusion, Abteilung Netztechnik, Zürich |
SWI | Swiss Army, Führungsunterstützungsbasis, Zimmerwald |
SWI | Wavecom Nachrichtentechnik, Entwicklungszentrum, Bülach |
THA | Broadcasting Board of Governors, Radio Free Asia, Relay Station Udorn |
TUN | Ministere de la Defense Nationale, Direction des Transmissions, Bab-Saadoun |
TUR | Aselsan Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret, Satinalma, Yenimahalle, Ankara |
TUR | Bilisim Küpü, Network Department, Ankara |
TUR | National Electronics and Cryptology Research Institute, Istanbul |
TUR | Ulusal Elektronik ve Kriptoloji Arastirma Enstituesue, Gebze-Kocaeli |
USA | Advanced Systems Technology, Electronic Attack Wing, Oak Harbor WA |
USA | Advanced Technology Group, DARPA Support Office, San Diego CA |
USA | Aeronautical Radio Incorporated, CALSEL LEFT, Annapolis MD |
USA | Applied Signal Technology, Sunnyvale CA |
USA | Army Frequency Management Office, Fort Sam Houston TX |
USA | Brazilian Army Commission, SIGINT Department, Washington DC |
USA | Communications Naval Security Group, Fort George G Meade MD |
USA | Dept. of the Navy, Naval Air Warfare LEFT Training Systems, Orlando FL |
USA | EADS Systems and Defence Electronics, Palo Alto CA |
USA | Federal Communications Commission, Field Ops, Allegan MI |
USA | Global Business Dimensions, Pompton Plains NJ |
USA | Globe Wireless, Foster City CA |
USA | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington MA |
USA | National Defense, IIT Research Institute, Annapolis MD |
USA | National Security Agency, Naval Post Graduate School, Monterey CA |
USA | PanAm Global Radio, Grapevine TX |
USA | Radio Free Asia, Technical Operations Division, Washington DC |
USA | Radio Reconnaissance Technologies, Training Unit, Fredericksburg VA |
USA | Signal Processing Analytics, Glen Allen VA |
USA | Signal Science, Santa Clara CA |
USA | Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Charleston SC |
USA | VA Tech, NSA Hume LEFT for Cyber and Homeland Security, Blacksburg VA |
USA | Watkins-Johnson Co, Stanford Research Park, Palo Alto CA |
USA | YarCom, Austin TX |
The following selection covers only the past twenty years or so ... after working in this field for more than 57 years!
English • Deutsch • Italiano • Español • Nederlands • Français • Sverige • Norge • Bahasa Indonesia • Kreol
Georg Wiessala. ex Editor of Radio User (formerly Shortwave Magazine), United Kingdom, in The Spectrum Monitor, United States of America - February 2025:
John F Stewart, United Kingdom - 2 February 2025: "2025 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2025 Super Frequency List on CD ... still the most informative and still the best all round for quality and content, and yes to still the best size for this type of reference book."
Robert Rose, United States of America - 31 December 2024: "2025 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2025/2026 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Really nice products. Very well done. Can imagine how many hours have gone into it. Will be ordering other products in 2025."
Brian Burt MM0GLX, Station Manager, Radio Monitoring Station, Greenock, Scotland, United Kingdom - 15 December 2024: "2025 Super Frequency List on CD ... Thank you for your products. Keep up the good work."
Gary G Schinski, United States of America - 9 December 2024: "2025 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Keep up the good work."
Michael J. Marcus KG7M, United States of America - 8 December 2024: "2025 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2025 Super Frequency List on CD ... thank you for keeping such a great publication going for so many years!"
Martien van Lieshout, Netherlands - 11 November 2024: "2025/2026 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Klingenfuss Publications are always a perfect reference to me."
David Shunk, United States of America - 20 August 2024: "2024 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2024 Super Frequency List on CD ... arrived today – they are great!"
Eric Bodin F4FJP, France - 16 June 2024: "2024 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2024 Super Frequency List on CD ... Thank you for your speed and for the work that went into making these books and CDs."
Stephen Williams MW7NEF, United Kingdom - 3 May 2024: "2024 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... on first inspection it looks great, packed with information, I can see that a large amount of work has been put into it."
Blazej Muraszko M0CFV, United Kingdom - 8 April 2024: "2024 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Keep on doing what you are doing for the radio enthusiast!"
Jiri Vinter, Czech Republic - 7 / 11 March 2024: "BC2024.XLS database... UT2024.XLS database ... Thank you for ... your great work. / Perfect service. Goods delivered today. Satisfaction."
Raven Redbird, HF Underground - 20 January 2024: "2024 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... pricey but worth it. Sorry WXYZ ... but I like the fact this publication includes both BC and utility frequencies for easy reference. I purchased this online from Universal Radio."
Fred Osterman N8EKU, Universal Radio Inc., United States of America - 2 January 2024: "2024 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... It is a blessing that you still produce these wonderful books after so many decades."
Ky Vargas KY5VAR, United States of America - 29 and 12 December 2023: "2024 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... I have been tracking broadcasts for hours and your book makes it so much fun. Great job! - I'm so excited to have a REAL no power needed compendium for SW and beyond. I can't wait to show off your manual to the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club."
Sandipan Basu Mallick VU3JXD, Indian DX Club International, Kolkata, India - 28 December 2023: "Few months back our veteran member Dr. Swapan Chowdhury, who currently resides in Australia, paid a visit to Kolkata ... In a gathering of club members, all had a glimpse of 'Shortwave Frequency Guide' and 'Guide to Utility Radio Stations'. Contents and quality is found to be quite superior from the legacy radio handbook."
Craig Parsley, United States of America - 27 December 2023: "2024 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Thank you so much for preparing this wonderful guide."
Lev Lytovchenko, Canada - 22 December 2023: "I just received ... 2024 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... The consistency of the book is exactly what I would like to wish. Great!"
Wim Decoster ON4AM, Belgium - 19 December 2023: "2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2024 Super Frequency List on CD ... your guide and cd are really great! Go on."
William Montney, United States of America - 12 December 2023: "2024 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Thanks for your great publications!"
Albert Bowers KA6FBB, United States of America - 10 December 2023: "2024 Super Frequency List on CD ... Thank you for the service you provide."
Fred Osterman N8EKU, Universal Radio Inc., United States of America - 7 December 2023: "2024 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2024 Super Frequency List on CD ... Very happy you are still producing this resource after so many years! Very important for the hobby."
Brian Burt MM0GLX, Station Manager, Radio Monitoring Station, Greenock, Scotland, United Kingdom - 6 December 2023: "2024 Super Frequency List on CD ... Your work saves us hours of time tracing stations that are received at our Monitoring Station. Keep up the good work. No doubt the data will be up to your usual professional standard."
Wilfrid Drum, United States of America - 5 December 2023: "2024 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Looking forward to receiving your great publication!!!"
Stewart Winston, Australia - 6 May 2023: "2023 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2023 Super Frequency List on CD ... the last time I ordered books from you was in 1982. Thought it time to update to the latest. Looking forward to receiving them and getting as much out of the new ones as I did the others."
David Harris in Practical Wireless, United Kingdom - April 2023: "2023 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2023 Super Frequency List on CD ... Whichever Klingenfuss publication you choose they will provide a unique gateway to exploring the full SW spectrum."
Xavier Montagne, France - 7 March 2023: "2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... I have received your magnificent book ... Your work is truly amazing!!"
Bob Grove W8JHD, Review Editor, in The Spectrum Monitor, United States of America - February 2023: "For several decades, German publisher Joerg Klingenfuss has been a leading provider of comprehensive manuals listing frequencies and contents of global transmissions of utilities and broadcasts on the shortwave radio bands. - 2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... This 32nd edition contains more than 500 pages of detailed information on utilities stations ... If you are seriously interested in monitoring the utes, this is the manual for you!"
Georg Wiessala in Weather and Radio, in The Spectrum Monitor, United States of America - February 2023: "For regular, reliable, information about these broadcasts, and many other meteorological radio transmissions, the Klingenfuss 2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... is an indispensable resource for this part of the spectrum."
John Glover W2QL, United States of America - 11 February 2023: "2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... I can already tell that your publication will add much value to my listening experience, more than other listening guides/databases."
Hans de Zeeuw, United Kingdom - 28 January 2023: "... 2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations arrived safely on my doormat. Looks very promising and impressive."
Radioenthusiast, United Kingdom - 8 January 2023: "A New Edition from the Monitoring Meisters ... The 2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations - and related CDs - have now been published. This is the 32nd edition of this massive and meticulously-researched resource. On 544 pages, the utility monitor, professional or otherwise, will, once again, find dependable and all-embracing detail, in ascending frequency order, on utility frequencies and stations, marine and meteorological transmissions, digital data, marine and aeronautical mobile services, and much more; plus a wealth of those indispensable screenshots and a valuable range of auxiliary information. Like many publications from the Klingenfuss stable, the book stands out, not least because of its general background information on monitoring professional utility radio stations, from legal and political matters, resources and new technical developments, signals analysis and Web-SDR, automatic monitoring and DF. The book moves with the times and remains the best go-to resource of its kind."
Tom P Martens, United States of America - 19 December 2022: "2023 Super Frequency List on CD ... I have heard about the Klingenfuss Frequency List for decades and am excited to get a copy ..."
David J Riggins, United States of America - 18 December 2022: "2023 Super Frequency List on CD ... I had bought your CD before and it was excellent material and information in addition to being extremely accurate."
Glenn Briden VE3051SWL, Canada - 16 December 2022: "2023 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2023 Super Frequency List on CD ... Very happy to see you continue to publish this amazing guide. I have tried many options yet Klingenfuss remains the Number 1 guide for accuracy, presentation layout and simplicity of use."
Hans Mank, Netherlands - 16 December 2022: "2023 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Thank you for your excellent work!"
Carlos Fernando Gàllego Paz EA3AIG, Spain - 8 December 2022: "2023 Super Frequency List on CD ... This is the third year that I have purchased from you. I am very satisfied with your product, and I will continue to buy it every year."
Gary Zeigler, United States of America - 12 December 2022: "2023 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2023 Super Frequency List on CD ... BC.XLS broadcast radio stations database ... UT.XLS utility radio stations database ... thanks again for a great set of products."
Kevin Murray KK7HGD, United States of America - 6 December 2022: "2023 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2023 Super Frequency List on CD ... Thank you for your excellent product and services!!"
Bruno Delahaye F6FQI, France - 6 December 2022: "2023 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2023 Super Frequency List on CD ... Thanks for your works around HF frequencies from broadcast or utility stations."
William Montney, United States of America - 3 December 2022: "2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2023 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Digital Data Decoder Screenshots on USB Stick ... You have a fantastic publication and obviously a great support team. Where would we be without this ..."
Albert Bowers KA6FBB, United States of America - 3 December 2022: "2023 Super Frequency List on CD ... Thanks for all you do."
Ron Planken, Netherlands - 28 November 2022: "2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... I use the book almost daily for the beautiful hobby. Am very happy with it."
Michael Haberer, Germany - 27 November 2022: "2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations - 2023 Shortwave Frequency Guide - I am always amazed by the detailed content and quality of the two books mentioned above. It is one of my most beautiful Christmas presents."
Laurence Jamieson, United Kingdom - 19 November 2022: "2023 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2023 Super Frequency List on CD ... 30 years since I bought my first 'Utility Guide' from Shortwave Magazine :-)"
Part of Laurence's impressive bookshelf ...
Click to enlarge!
Tom Martens, United States of America - 14 November 2022: "2022 Super Frequency List on CD ... I have always heard Klingenfuss Shortwave Lists were the most complete and up to date in all the world."
Dominik Bogdan, United States of America - 30 August 2022: "Thank you very much ... for your decades of HARD WORK and incredible products for the shortwave listening community."
Karen Verbrugge, France - 24 July 2022: "2022 Super Frequency List on CD ... Thank you for all your hard work in making this available!"
Erik Thomassen, Norway - 10 July 2022: "2022 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2022 Super Frequency List on CD ... I am trying to bring the monitoring hobby back to life, and what could then be better than to have your publications at hand!"
David Mortimer, United States of America - 6 July 2022: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Radio Data Code Manual ... Thank you also for your wonderful products. I purchased my first copy of the Guide to Utility Radio Stations years ago. Since then, the Guide has been my ultimate reference."
Guido Sesani, Italy - 28 June 2022: "2022 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2022 Super Frequency List on CD ... After about 30 years, I found my old SW receiver in a box in the attic with your guides, frequency lists and logs, and I got the urge to listen again. I see that you are still in business after so long and I congratulate you ..."
Richard Dillman, Maritime Radio Historical Society, United States of America - 14 June 2022: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Thanks for maintaining this great resource!"
Albert Bowers KA6FBB, United States of America - 29 March 2022: "2022 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Package arrived in excellent condition. Your products are always the best."
Armada International, one of the world's leading, and most respected defence publications - 3 May 2022: "PROCITEC, the industry leader for software-based signal processing." Just for the record, we've used PROCITEC's superb go2MONITOR digital data decoder for years ...
Lee Rice AD3AA, United States of America - 22 March 2022: "2022 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Very complete list of just what I was looking for."
Mark Allen, Vice President - PanAm Global Radio, United States of America - 15 February 2022: "2022 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... We have been a user of your products for many years and always find them of the highest quality."
Georg Wiessala, Editor of Radio User, United Kingdom - February 2022: "2022 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2022 Super Frequency List on CD ... a huge amount of information has been presented clearly and in a logical format ... information provided (much of which is not to be found elsewhere) ... a plethora of first-rate screenshots ... 'must-read' sections with über-informative content far above what many may reasonably expect from a frequency guide ... No other guide, as far as I know, contains such eye-opening details, and Jörg Klingenfuss deserves much praise for reminding us of this framework ... In conclusion, this remains the most comprehensive guide currently available, and it looks set to remain the go-to gold-standard reference for many years to come in our ever-changing world. Essential, accurate, reliable and highly recommended, indeed."
Patrick McNally, Ireland - 9 February 2022: "2022 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Super book!!!"
Alex Balakersky, United States of America - 7 February 2022: "2022 Super Frequency List on CD ... Thank you very much for putting all this work into frequency lists."
Frederic Shabec, United States of America - 17 January 2022: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2022 Super Frequency List on CD ... Thanks for all the hard work you do with the books and CD's."
Christophe Vrizet, France - 17 December 2021: "2022 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2022 Frequency Database for the Perseus Receiver ... It's perfect! Thank you for this wonderful wealth of information."
Daniel Gillet VE2XWA, Canada - 13 December 2021: "2022 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Thanks for the great work Joerg!"
Glenn Briden VE3051SWL, Canada - 7 December 2021: "2022 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2022 Super Frequency List on CD ... Thanks so much for ALL the work your team does keeping this guide going. One of the main tools keeping my interest in the hobby alive."
Grant A Prescott N7NMC, United States of America - 29 November 2021: "2022 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2022 Super Frequency List on CD ... I fondly remember using your guides forty years ago at US Coast Guard San Francisco Communications Station (NMC)."
John Boutin, United States of America - 22 November 2021: "I am really enjoying the 2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations and reach for it often. Wish I had ordered one years ago."
Zacharias Liangas, Greece - 21 October 2021: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... I'm unsure which was my first but the earliest I have is the 1999 guide, a huge book for that time with more than 600 pages. - For me it was something as like driving to the land of the unknown, a guide that used a total different format than the old pal WRTH. - Very soon I was adapted to the content of the book. Separate part for the frequencies that is the half of the book size, separate part for the countries plus a lot of useful parts as meteo or radio fax listings by time, also NAVTEX listings on the main frequencies of 518 or later 490, aero services, SINPO and SIPFEMO codes, the Q and Z codes, ... - As you can understand this book saved my life from identifying unknown stations! - In more recent conditions i.e. since mid 2019 and with the huge availability of remote Kiwi SDR receivers and little later, it would be a good choice to once again check once again the bands with a new guide from Klingenfuss. As usual the new guide was and is very useful with its neal up to date information . - My verdict 8/10."
Ken Baird, New Zealand - 18 October 2021: "My copy of 2021 'Shortwave Frequency Guide' arrived today. Good reading and a mine of info."
Brian Burt MM0GLX, Station Manager, Radio Monitoring Station, Greenock, Scotland, United Kingdom - 6 October 2021: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2021 Super Frequency List on CD ... No doubt the data will be up to your usual professional standard."
Ian McAvoy, Canada - 4 October 2021: "2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... I have an older copy of your guide which is just excellent."
Ken Baird, New Zealand - 16 August 2021: "I have your 2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations and find it excellent. A must for Ute DXers." New Zealand DX Times - September 2021: "... a real treasure trove of up to date info."
Joanne Rouse, Chief Operator - PanAm Global Radio, United States of America - 10 August 2021: "2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... We have been a long time user / purchaser of your products and find them of exemplary quality."
Jens Seeberg, Denmark - 26 June 2021: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... With the growing number of sun spots over the coming 4-5 years the interest for your books and getting inspiration from them should grow a lot."
Patrice Pettier, France - 14 June 2021: "2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2021 Super Frequency List on CD ... Very usefull tool!"
Thales, Hardening and Electronic Warfare, HF COMINT, Cholet, France - 18 May 2021: "2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2021 Super Frequency List on CD ... HF Broadcast Station Database ... HF Utility Station Database ... I was told of your expertise by my more experienced colleagues."
R Waddingham, United Kingdom - 29 April 2021: "My copy of the Shortwave Frequency Guide 2021 arrived today. I am really delighted with it; it is a truly superb publication. I must thank you for your speedy, personal service ..."
Daniel Ayers ZL1DFA, New Zealand - 29 March 2021: "Anyway thanks for your excellent publications, I have known of them for more than 20 years and always wanted my own!"
William Kurlander, United States of America - 13 March 2021: "2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... I've been a fan of your publications for roughly 30 years ..."
Rich Bisignano W2DGU, United States of America - 12 March 2021: "2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... I received the first parcel today and it was packed really well. I look forward to reading this 2021-2022 Utility Station Guide ... I have been buying your guides since 1988 and still have my collection intact. Thanks for doing this!"
Richard Ellwanger, United States of America - 10 March 2021: "2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Thank you for putting together the most informative SW listening guide on the market. Great service and quick shipping also."
Richard Olesen, United States of America - 8 March 2021: "2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2021 Super Frequency List on CD ... glad you use supreme packaging materials so your publications and content are able to survive the long journey perfectly and arrive in good condition. The U.S. Mail system is brutal when they handle packages."
Christopher Dalton, United States of America - 6 March 2021: "2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2021 Super Frequency List on CD ... The book and CD are very nice."
Maurizio Vecchi, Italy - 3 March 2021: "Double CDs with Modulation Types ... fabulous with all digital signals."
Bob Grove W8JHD, Review Editor, in The Spectrum Monitor, United States of America - February 2021: "2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2021 Super Frequency List on CD ... Changes to radio communications: digital electronics, encoded transmissions, solid-state miniaturization of equipment, and emergence of new listening targets, as well as the evaporation of previous stations, are but a few. - Throughout the past five decades, the leading purveyor of shortwave frequency lists has been Joerg Klingenfuss, whose numerous, annually-updated publications are perused by not only shortwave hobbyists, but by major communications manufacturers and government agencies because of the products' comprehensive and accurate contents."
Georg Wiessala, Editor of Radio User, United Kingdom - February 2021: "2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2021 Super Frequency List on CD ... Like many others, I have been using both of those professional frequency lists, besides other Klingenfuss books, for decades - both for short wave broadcast listening and DXing and for utility signal monitoring - as a traveller, SW enthusiast and technically-interested editor. There were no travels this year, and it has been especially important to me to have plenty of accurate and verifiable frequency data during my much-increased DXing activity in lockdown ... Web-SDRs ... a particular interest of Jörg's for some years now. - Much like the 2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide, 2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations benefits from an extremely informative introduction, which includes background data ... I particularly enjoyed the sections on automatic monitoring and direction-finding with wideband SDRs, for example, the Kiwi-SDR infrastructure ... the many instructive screenshots ... throughout the book are a great resource and will keep you busy for years. - In some areas, short wave radio transmissions- of this there can be no doubt- continue to be on the rise worldwide, be it in utility, scientific, military and clandestine contexts, through digital HF networks and digital utility station radionets ... remember, at no time have we had such a broad spectrum of technologies and means to receive and decode many of these transmissions, with a minimum of effort ... This wealth of information is without equal at present, these two books, the CD, and the other Klingenfuss products, continue to be the best treasury keys you can currently get. Updated with new information, utterly dependable and trustworthy, as always, there is no doubt that these are a must for everyone interested in HF communications in all their variety."
Glenn Briden VE3051SWL, Canada - 12 February 2021: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Nothing else to say other than don't know how I would monitor shortwave without your great guides every year."
Shaun Chowdhury, Australia - 28 January 2021: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Radio Data Code Manual ... 2021 Super Frequency List on CD ... All items were received in record time, in less than a fortnight. It is wonderful to study such comprehensive publications. For 2021, I ordered more than my usual volumes and am very impressed."
Fred Osterman N8EKU, Universal Radio Inc., United States of America - 25 January 2021: "An extraordinary effort once again. Anyone who says, 'There is nothing left to listen to on shortwave' should simply see a copy of 2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide! So many stations ... so little time."
Bruno Marado DA1DX / CT7AHQ, Portugal - 21 January 2021: "Radio Data Code Manual ... The publication is excellent and remains usefull in 2021, as the majority of the digital data comms in use today on the HF/VHF bands are well described in this book. The paper and binding is of outstanding quality to last several years of use ... Best regards and continue the outstanding work you keep doing."
Lambert J. Derenette, Belgium - 15 January 2021: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Radio Data Code Manual ... 2021 Super Frequency List on CD ... The package is arrived in good order. After 22 years of inactivity it is nice to see you are still working strong on your publications. Happy once again to work with them."
Fred Schutze, Netherlands - 8 January 2021: "2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2021 Super Frequency List on CD ... I've received my ordered books and CD package in good order. Information looks very good and with high quality!"
Jos Bogaert, Netherlands - 7 January 2021: "2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2021 Super Frequency List on CD ... I'm very pleased with the guides."
Marc Marshall, United Kingdom - 22 December 2020: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Radio Data Code Manual ... 2021 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2021 Frequency Database for the Perseus Receiver ... well packaged parcel, very pleased with the books and CD's."
Simon Lucas M3ZYH, United Kingdom - 6 December 2020: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2021 Super Frequency List on CD ... Many thanks for your speedy service ... The stature of your publications just gets better and better. It's true to say they are the gold standard, by a long way."
Martien van Lieshout, Netherlands - 3 December 2020: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... As always a standard work. Just the best."
Shaun Chowdhury, Australia - 1 December 2020: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Radio Data Code Manual ... 2021 Super Frequency List on CD ... Thank you once again for the wonderful work that your group has done over many years."
James Tedford, United States of America - 30 November 2020: "Super Frequency List on CD ... Your CD is the best resource for station information. I've purchased it every year since 2010. Usually from Universal Radio, but am now happy to buy it from you."
Sam Thurman, United States of America - 23 and 27 November 2020: "Thank you for offering your Shortwave Frequency Guide and other products online! I've enjoyed this guide in prior years and look forward to using your 2021 Edition. - I'm glad your company is still publishing these guides - I really like having something in hard copy I can use, that will lay flat and is easy to carry for field use!"
Jeff Krehbiel NZ5GI, United States of America - 30 September 2020: "2019/2020 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Radio Data Code Manual ... 2020 Super Frequency List on CD ... I received my shipment weeks ago and I just realised I never let you know I got it! I am completely happy with everything - the magazines were a fun bonus! Thanks so much for all your work in putting these things together and making them available."
Stephen Jarvis, United States of America - 2 August 2020: "2019/2020 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2020 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Radio Data Code Manual ... 2020 Super Frequency List on CD ... books have been outstanding."
Frederick Beihold NV1N, United States of America - 30 June 2020: "2019/2020 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2020 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Radio Data Code Manual ... 2020 Super Frequency List on CD ... Radiotelex Messages ... Double CDs with Modulation Types ... Broadcast and Utility Databases ... Entire order received in good condition. It's a pleasure ordering products from your company!"
Michael Hanlon, United States of America - 13 and 14 May 2020: "I am now restarting my hobby and I am very excited to be able to place an order with you! I remember when I was much younger, hearing about your publications but at that time I did not have the means to purchase your publications ... Even though the SW band has changed dramatically in the last 30 years, there is still something magical."
Michael McConnel, United States of America - 13 March 2020: "2019/2020 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2020 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Radio Data Code Manual ... Radiotelex Messages ... Double CDs with Modulation Types ... the books and disks arrived yesterday ... can hardly put them down, fascinating reading ... wishing you all the best in your radio efforts."
John Smith K3GO, United States of America - 9 March 2020: "I have been using your shortwave and utility books for 39 years. I fondly remember the first booklets and my primitive teletype serial port computing equipment before we had Windows and GUI. You do a great job ... I wish you the best for all you do for the hobby community."
Georg Wiessala, Editor of Radio User, United Kingdom - February 2020: "... we all require updated intelligence on what to listen for, and when. The Klingenfuss 2020 Shortwave Frequency Guide has been the go-to reference for decades, and this year's new edition is no exception. Although the Klingenfuss titles are widely used in government, intelligence and other professional circles - a strong recommendation in itself - I am looking here at the book(s) from the point of a radio enthusiast, editor, short wave listener and occasional DXer. - I normally use this title in conjunction with another one, the Klingenfuss Guide to Utility Stations, currently out in its 30th edition, for 2019/2020, and together with the 2020 Super Frequency List on disk. That's because I am interested in utility signals on HF, both in terms of the techniques used and issues of decoding, modulation types, and signal analysis. - The 2020 Shortwave Frequency Guide is, once again, weighty, both in terms of the quality and extent of the listings and by means of the extremely useful additional information contained in this resource, which you will be hard-pressed to find elsewhere ... across the book, you will find plenty of screenshots and visualisations of what exactly there actually still is, on short wave. More than you think, in fact. This will sharpen your appetite for what there is to come ... For me, the biggest advantage of Chapter 2 of the title, Monitoring Professional Utility Radio Stations, are the textbook-level explanations of issues such as reception and demodulation, the use of Software-Defined Receivers (SDR), the value of the Klingenfuss team's vast monitoring experience, and the wealth of services available via HF utility signals, from weather observations to HF e-mail, and from aeronautical communications and public safety to marine, other military and humanitarian networks. The value of the annual Klingenfuss offerings lies exactly in this breadth and depth of coverage, and in the meticulously-researched detail. If you have followed Nils Schiffhauer's last series of columns on Utility Monitoring in Radio User over the last two years, you will not want to be without this book. If you are into web-SDRs, or standalone SDRs, for that matter, you will find here the very latest, in regard to equipment and/ or websites, such as the Kiwi-SDR system and the Open Web RX Project of András Retzler HA7ILM - all amply illustrated with immaculate screenshots. In this context, related topics like direction-finding and SDR-recording are also explained and illustrated at length, and then some. - The frequency list of utility radio stations comes next and covers 20 to 27870 kHz ... Broadcast stations ... a page or two on DRM, and a useful primer on the future, emphasising, for example, that 'professional digital utility station radionets are on the rise.' Here - unlike in any other frequency guides I know of - you will also find some vital historical context of short wave radio, from the Cold War situation to today's Chinese Takeaway of the airwaves. - Against this background, I found section 4.4 particularly revealing; it is entitled 'Internet, SATCOM and HF Radio in Dictatorships: Censorship of the Internet and Restricted Online Access vs. Free Worldwide Shortwave Reception for Everybody'. You get the idea: HF cannot be switched off, and Klingenfuss makes a convincing case here for the continued - and rising relevance - of the medium, which governments ignore at their peril, or with deliberate manipulative intent. As vital as the future of HF radio is the awareness of its political context. - In all, this is a comprehensively-researched and totally indispensable book for any utility monitor, short wave enthusiast, or, indeed, anyone who wishes to look behind some of the smokescreens of fake news and misinformation to understand the world from other perspectives and viewpoints. And this is, after all, why we are all into short wave radio, isn't it?"
Bob Grove W8JHD, Review Editor, in The Spectrum Monitor, United States of America - February 2020: "2020 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Over the decades of the shortwave listening hobby, many frequency lists have been introduced. Names like Radio TV News, Confidential Frequency List, Shortwave Directory, Monitoring Times, Popular Communications, Shortwave Frequency Directory, World Radio/TV Handbook, and more could be found on every shortwave listener's bookshelf. - One additional name is arguably the most exhaustive and detailed directory in print: Joerg Klingenfuss' Shortwave Frequency Guide ... It is a combination of the two basic radio resources on shortwave: utilities and broadcasters. - For those listeners who prefer instant informational access via computer, the guide is also available as the 2020 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... this handy CD allows rapid call-up of enormous amounts of data, starting with all the frequency entries from the book, then includes 23,800 formerly-active frequencies, and more than 900 screenshots of digital-data pages from off the air via SDRs, Kiwi SDRs, and Web SDRs. - Joerg Klingenfuss never disappoints serious shortwave listeners with his exhaustive databases, and these two latest releases are no exception."
Nicolas Perrin, France - 14 February 2020: "2019/2020 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2020 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Many thanks for the hard work."
Glenn Briden VE3051SWL, Canada - 15 January 2020: "4th year in a row your guides are the best by far. Thanks for continuing them each year."
Maurizio Vecchi, Italy - 30 December 2019: "I am reading the Radio Data Code Manual very carefully and with pleasure. I am very interested in DSC and NAVTEX ..."
Piero Bordino, Italy - 26 November 2019: "2020 Super Frequency List on CD ... very useful ... Thank for your help for my SWL hobby."
Maurizio Vecchi, Italy - 4 November 2019: "I have your Utility publications. Congratulations on your work. I read in the first pages very interesting info about your activity."
Bernard Marchal, Radio Club Hotel Echo, France - 10 April 2019: "2019/2020 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Paper version still an important and practical alternative for monitoring."
Simon Lucas M3ZYH, United Kingdom - 10 March 2019: "2019/2020 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2019 Super Frequency List on CD ... excellent publications."
Georg Wiessala, Editor of Radio User, United Kingdom - March 2019: "All of the 2019 editions of the equally indispensable publications from the radio publications stable of Jörg Klingenfuss are of huge potential interest to readers of Radio User. I have had two books, in particular, crossing my desk this year; the 2019 Shortwave Frequency Guide and the 2019/2020 Guide to Utility Radio Stations. - Both of these, and other Klingenfuss products are widely used in professional as well as hobby monitoring circles worldwide, and, in 2019, they continue to set the benchmark for how listening guides should be done. - The 2019 Shortwave Frequency Guide is the 23rd edition of this excellent publication, and it, once more, offers extremely comprehensive frequency lists of both professional HF utility and broadcast radio stations on a global scale, including indispensable information, such as mode, the location target area(s), transmission times, language information, and much more besides. Don't skip over Chapters One and Two, on monitoring utility signals, because the depth of background information on everything from politics and equipment offered here, is unprecedented and includes SDR receivers, web-SDR technology, automatic monitoring and types of services, such as HF E-Mail and others. Both the listings of utility stations, and those on broadcast radio are prefaced by informative, and meticulously-researched introductions, on such issues as DRM and the future of radio. - Among all frequency guides I am aware of, the Klingenfuss books are the only ones, which provide insightful critical comment and analysis on the history and politics of short wave broadcasting, touching on topics like EU regulations, Chinese short wave dominance, the vulnerability of internet-infrastructure, the internet, SATCOM and HF radio in dictatorial regimes, the absurdly premature abandonment of short wave by some states - Germany among them - and much else. This provides some much-needed context to your DXing if you are interested in more than merely accumulating 'catches'. - A number of meaningful screenshots and an alphabetical list of broadcast radio stations, as well as, a number of other indices and lists of acronyms and transmission sites make this volume complete. - If you are specialising in utility signals, you might also wish to acquire other Klingenfuss books and CDs, such as the 2019/2020 Guide to Utility Radio Stations. The 30th edition of the latter, which includes the 38th edition of the Guide to Radioteletype Stations, stands out for its in-depth. There are 216+ pages of comprehensive utility stations listings. The additional and background details provided include information on IDs, callsigns, classes of stations, Q/Z codes, acronyms, and much more. I particularly liked (and used) the chapters on the A-Z of utility stations, aeronautical, maritime mobile, meteorological and NAVTEX transmissions. A noteworthy, and unusual, innovation in both books has to be the content relating to the possibilities afforded for direction-finding using the Kiwi-SDR system, which readers can find at the end of Chapter Two (in both books). These show workflow screenshots, which I am not aware of being offered in any other frequency book at the moment." (Click here!) "Whatever your slice of the hobby cake is, you will find a wealth of information on it in here - all significantly enriched by those indispensable, high-quality, screenshots and auxiliary reference materials."
Georg Wiessala, Editor of Radio User, United Kingdom - March 2019: "Radiotelex messages ... 25 years of global radio monitoring, mainly in terms of radioteleprinter and data comms. Leafing through a book like this ... made me aware that - then as now - there is no medium as political as is international radio ... it reflects the landscape and language of international power of former decades. For example, the reader discovers transmissions on such diverse issues as human rights in Egypt and was was then Czechoslovakia, French news bulletins from Algeria to Central America, reports on assassinations of members of the government in Pakistan and Russia, notes on the initiation of a new transmission network in Northeast China's Jilin Province ... Perhaps my favourite is the 1978 Fax from the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, informing recipients that it was -20 degrees centigrade at the time. 'This', the sender adds, 'will make the polar bears at Schönbrunn Castle happy." As a historical momento, this is riveting stuff."
Bob Grove W8JHD, Review Editor, in The Spectrum Monitor, United States of America - January 2019: "Experienced listeners to the shortwave spectrum recognize the name Joerg Klingenfuss as the most comprehensive publisher of accurate and timely frequency guides. At the top of the list are his shortwave and utility guides, and the Super Frequency List CD. Additional specialty products include screenshots on memory sticks, code books, and signal sounds CDs. - When we mention shortwave listening, that most commonly refers to the monitoring of international broadcasts. For many of us, our introduction to the world of shortwave radio was by listening to the BBC on Grandma's Philco. The intercontinental mire of radio broadcasts grew significantly during the mid-twentieth century and keeping track of who was when and where on the dial became a challenge. The listening hobby grew, and many magazines were born to support the interest. - The 2019 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... fills nearly three-hundred-fifty pages with numerically-ascending frequencies, both broadcasting and utilities (the communicators) ... The panoply includes fixed and portable / mobile and covers amateur, maritime, aeronautical, government, commercial, military and more. - The 2019/2020 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... has nearly five-hundred-fifty pages, packed with details of communicators around the globe ... In addition, this volume includes a massive collection of printouts of digital data transmissions along with their sources and frequencies. - The 2019 Super Frequency List ... all this information on a convenient disc so that you can access all this information on your computer? Well, you can ... Now improved over previous editions for ease of use, its search feature now allows you to query the usual frequency, country call sign, modulation, start time, or station, and also supports full-text word searches; for example, typing USAF USB brings up lists of US Air Force, upper-sideband, communications channels. - These publications are a must-have for the serious shortwave listener ... also available from TSM advertisers such as Universal Radio ... "
Ronald Birnbaum WY1R, United States of America - 9 December 2018: "2019/2020 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2019 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2019 Super Frequency List on CD ... Thank you for your service. For decades we have relied on your research and outstanding products."
Martien van Lieshout, Netherlands - 22 November 2018: "2019/2020 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... For years the Guide to Utility Radio Stations is for me a reference. Also the Radio Data Code Manual and the Modulation CDs are a great help."
Gaby Delassus F5PSI, France - 12 October 2018: "2019/2020 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... in the past, I've been one of your customers since a long time, in the 80 and 90! buying many of your serious books."
Marco Frau, Italy - 5 October 2018: "2017/2018 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... I received today the book all super OK!"
Richard Roush KA8BDD, United States of America - 16 May 2018: "2018 Super Frequency List on CD ... This is simply amazing! One does not have to travel the world for great DX, just tune a Kiwi-SDR from a remote spot. We have come so far in technology."
John Palmer M0LCD, United Kingdom - 5 April 2018: "2018 Frequency Database for the Perseus Receiver ... I am most grateful and your service is the best I have ever had. I have used your books and CD's over the last 20 years. I have still got the books from way back in 1999. In those days I purchased them from the RSGB bookshop. I have used other books on the same subject, but never as good as yours. I will be ordering other titles in the next few days. Again many thanks for your first class service."
Javier Tresanchez EA3VO, Spain - 12 March 2018: "2017/2018 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2018 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... I have been buying your books for years now at the Hispano Americana Bookstore in Barcelona."
Georg Wiessala, Editor of Radio User, United Kingdom - March 2018: "2018 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... meticulously researched ... The clandestine radio stations list offered here is unrivalled. The book is enriched by screenshots and is used by a number of professional monitors and services around the world. The contextual information on utility monitoring, modes in use and legal restrictions is one of the best I have seen. It will pave the way into this fascinating part of the hobby for many enthusiasts and readers of Radio User's new utility monitoring column. The publication, like others, has moved with the times and there is much of interest here for those interested in HF e-mail, short wave radiograms, web-SDR listening and automatic monitoring and recording techniques, in fact, the book is worth its price for its survey of the future of a range of radio transmissions alone. Unlike the other guides reviewed here, the Klingenfuss list makes no bones about the underlying politics of radio, the use of radio by extremists of all kinds and about the utter foolishness of leading international broadcasters to discontinue short wave transmissions at a time when the world needs them most. There are also a few home truths about DRM, internet censorship and radio and political repression world-wide. It is refreshing to find this kind of background made more explicit in a title of this nature. Like its predecessor editions, this title is, therefore, highly-recommended."
Marinus Kremer, Netherlands - 27 February 2018: "2017/2018 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... The book has arrived in good condition and I am very happy with it."
Arnoud van Ekris, Netherlands - 31 January 2018: "2018 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2017/2018 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Radio Data Code Manual ... CD Recording of Modulation Types ... I have received the books and CD's in good condition due the splendid packing!!!"
Glenn Briden VE3051SWL, Canada - 10 December 2017: "2018 Super Frequency List on CD ... I can not imagine listening to shortwave radio without your guide."
Robert Dodt, United Kingdom - 8 November 2017: "2018 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... I have used your very excellent SW Frequency Guides for years."
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode Editor, in Radio User, United Kingdom - May 2017: "2017/2018 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2017 Super Frequency List on CD ... Jörg Klingenfuss has been producing HF frequency lists for professional and hobby users for many years and his lists remain the most accessible and comprehensive ones available."
Radio User, United Kingdom - April 2017: "2017/2018 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2017 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2017 Super Frequency List on CD ... Over the past 48 years, Klingenfuss Publications has built a reputation for producing superb frequency guides and reference books that are of interest to both professional and hobby radio enthusiasts. Whether your interest lies in aeronautical, maritime or military communications, news agencies, non-governmental organisations, standard frequency and time signal stations or weather broadcasts, these Klingenfuss publications are likely to be very useful reference sources. The combination of these items should meet the needs of most devotees for the low frequency, medium frequency and shortwave bands."
Roland Elst PE1PIN, Netherlands - 25 March 2017: "2017/2018 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Received today looking great. The last version I ordered in 2007..... so big changes."
Peter Rovardi G4HSB, United Kingdom - 21 March 2017: "2017 Frequency Database for the Perseus Receiver ... Rapid service!!"
Ronald Birnbaum, United States of America - 26 January 2017: "2017/2018 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2017 Super Frequency List on CD ... Glad to order from you again. Last time was about 30 years ago. Getting older ..."
John Wasciuk WA8TON / VO1TON, ARROW Communication Association, Ann Arbor MI, United States of America - 26 January 2017: "I would like to cordially thank you for giving a door prize for our Dayton Hamvention bus trip on May 21, 2016! The 2016 Shortwave Frequency Guide and the 2016 Super Frequency Guide on CD were highly coveted items by every one of our participants!"
Bob Grove W8JHD, Review Editor, in The Spectrum Monitor, United States of America - January 2017: "2017/2018 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... the 29th edition of this superb reference should put to rest any suspicion that shortwave utility use is waning. - 2017 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... separately addresses broadcast and utility stations. For new shortwave listeners, an introductory section outlines various classes of stations that can be monitored on the shortwave spectrum. It is a global overview of modes, countries, and services. - 2017 Super Frequency List on CD is a massive compendium of the print guides' contents ... has a voluminous collection, nearly 500 examples, of digital images actually taken from the shortwave spectrum."
Daniel Gillet VE2XWA, Canada - 10 July 2016: "CD Recording of Modulation Types ... I received my package yesterday. As usual im very impressed by the quality of your work." - 27 June 2016: "I'm a big fan of your books since many years!"
Frank Ravenswood K2NCC, United States of America - 6 March 2016: "One thing I have a lot of in this house, is printed material. Shelves and boxes of knowledge I wish I could better retain, but enjoy nonetheless along the way. Most eventually get traded, donated, sold, but some I just never get rid of. Reference books mostly, many with information not found online. Yeah, it was a surprise to me too, everything isn’t on the Web! The Klingenfuss guides are a great example."
Bob Grove W8JHD, Review Editor, in The Spectrum Monitor, United States of America - February 2016: "For the consummate monitor of the radio spectrum, two major sources dominate the frequency directory compendium. For scanner enthusiasts it's the website, and for shortwave aficionados it's Joerg Klingenfuss's comprehensive collection in print and on CDs. Joerg has been a leader in shortwave publications for decades, covering both broadcasting and utilities; his latest issues are excellent examples of his continuing effort to offer professional and comprehensive volumes. 2016 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... This 20th print edition should provide ample evidence to refute the 'shortwave is dead' myth. Last year's volume had 360 pages. This year's volume? Still 360 pages. While it is true that the broadcasters are slowly but surely emigrating from the HF spectrum, utility stations are actually on the rise. As might be expected with the dwindling broadcast users of the HF spectrum, there are only about half the number of frequencies in this list as there were for utilities. For convenience to the listener, Klingenfuss addends the frequency list with a cross reference of stations listed alphabetically by country. Clandestine stations have a list of their own, with such notables as Radio Libertad, Voice of Freedom, Sound of Hope, Voice of the People and many, many more. - 2015/2016 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... includes a January 2016 supplement and is far more detailed than the Shortwave Frequency Guide."
Fabio Cambisi, Italy - 15 January 2016: "2016 Super Frequency List on CD ... Always wonderful work."
John Collins, United States of America - 25 December 2015: "2016 Frequency Database for the Perseus Receiver ... 2016 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2016 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 1997-2016 Digital Data Decoder Screenshots on USB Stick ... I have just received the 2016 version updates ... Everything looks great and software loaded with no issues ... I am very pleased! Thank you also for your precise follow-through with delivery of the 2016 segment of my order - reliable scheduling of such details has become almost non-existent ... you managed that follow through smoothly and precisely ... thank you!"
Brian Carr, New Zealand - 18 December 2015: "I got my 2016 Shortwave Frequency Guide yesterday afternoon, very happy with it."
John Collins, United States of America - 16 November 2015: "I am very pleased with the quality and general organization of the products, as I have been for many years."
Dezider Monos OM5NA, Slovakia - 17 August 2015: "2015/2016 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Radio Data Code Manual ... The package was delivered today in excellent condition. I was surprised by the gift. Excellent service, I appreciate it!"
Frank Ravenswood K2NCC, United States of America - 27 July 2015: "2015 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2015/2016 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... I have purchased from you before, and would like to do so again. I have a handful of your publications dating back to the late '90s."
Frederick McKeeman, Ireland - 30 April 2015: "2015 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Just to confirm that this excellent guide arrived yesterday ..."
Ivan Dias Jr., Brazil - 12 April 2015: "Shortwave Reception via Web-SDR ... A very interesting item to translate to Portuguese and share online."
Anders Dahlgren SM6BMC, Sweden - 12 April 2015: "Shortwave Reception via Web-SDR ... Just fantastic development!! You are doing lots for the mankind!! Bought the printed 2015/16 latest Utility Guide - found lots of fine info indeed."
Travis Tyler, Germany - 19 March 2015: "2015/2016 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2015 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2015 Super Frequency List on CD ... Radio Data Code Manual ... Thank you for working so diligently to provide such products!"
Radio User, United Kingdom - March 2015: "2015/2016 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2015 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2015 Super Frequency List on CD ... Over the past 46 years, Klingenfuss Publications has built a reputation for producing superb frequency guides and reference books that are of interest to both professional and hobby radio enthusiasts. The latest editions are no exception. Without doubt, the combination of these three items should meet the needs of most devotees for the low frequency, medium frequency and high frequency bands."
John M., United States of America - 9 February 2015: "2015/2016 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... over the years I have found your publications to be superior; especially as regards utility stations and digital decoding."
Hans Ostnell LA2MOA, Station Manager, Vardo Radio / LGV, Arctic Norway, 17 January 2015: "2015/2016 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... well worth waiting for! Excellent publication!"
Bob Grove W8JHD, Review Editor, in The Spectrum Monitor, United States of America - January 2015: "2015 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... The printed book is encyclopedic in content ... an excellent armchair reference for someone who wants to identify what he hears, whether it is a world broadcaster or a two-way ute. - 2015 Super Frequency List on CD ... The CD also has an extensive library of more than 300 screen shots of texts, photos, facsimiles, and digitized transmissions as revealed by software defined radios (SDRs) like Winradio and Perseus, utilizing decoding platforms from PROCITEC and WAVECOM. - 2015/2016 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... the consummate reference for serious monitors of non-broadcast communications ... massive table of frequencies ... massive digital services section which composes virtually half of the book's size."
David L Salomon AG4F - Senoia Amateur Radio Club KK4SRC, United States of America - 7 December 2014: "2015/2016 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2015 Super Frequency List on CD ... Thank you very much for the quick reply, confirmation and shipping! I look forward to receiving them. These have been the reference standard for many years and continue to be a great source of data!"
Fred Dinning GM0GOV, United Kingdom - 30 November 2014: "2015 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... I really find this publication an excellent reference and very useful for identification of signals to confirm which paths are open as a check against the efficacy of various pieces of propagation prediction software – a very useful tool to help with my amateur radio operations."
K2NCC on QRZ Forum - 15 September 2014: "Klingenfuss puts out some of the best books/data on freqs and modes."
John Robinson, United States of America - 26 July 2014: "It’s been several years since I ordered my 1996 Klingenfuss Guide. Glad you are still around. With the University of Twente's WebSDR receiver I am back loving DXing again."
Jens Chr. Seeberg, Danish Seamens Mission, Kalundborg - 30 May 2014: "It's a pleasure to see your great work for informing about the use of Short Wave Frequencies. Keep up the spirit! Short Wave is an important tool also in our Digital World. By Danish Seamens Mission in Kalundborg we have started a pioneer work in order to inspire Cargo Ships to use DRM Broadcast Receivers - specially for All India Radio."
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode editor of Radio User, United Kingdom - February 2014: "Klingenfuss Publications has been producing excellent radio reference books and frequency lists for the short wave community for many years. The Klingenfuss books are backed by a worldwide monitoring network and are one of the few publications of this type that are updated annually. As a result, you can generally count on their references to provide good quality up to date information. 2014 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... This is a great book for readers with a wide interest in short wave radio because it covers both utility and broadcast stations in a single 360-page volume. As with all Klingenfuss books, the print quality and binding are excellent and the book will remain open at the selected page without stressing the binding. To summarise, the 2014 Shortwave Frequency Guide is a very comprehensie and handy book for the shack and contains a useful summary listing of all utility and broadcast transmissions."
Patrick McNally, Ireland - 23 January 2014: "2013/2014 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... As usual it is a production of the highest quality!!"
Piero Bordino, Italy - 22 November 2013: "2014 Super Frequency List on CD ... Thanks for your very very useful CD. Being quite old, without your CD, I would perhaps have abandoned my SW radioreceiver ..."
Arvid Husdal, Norway - 25 October 2013: "2013/2014 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2013 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Thanks for your contribution to the dx-world!"
Peter Chew, Editor of Admiralty List of Radio Signals Volume 1 Maritime Radio Stations, United Kingdom Hydrographic Office - 18 October 2013: "Thank you for clarifying the situation with respect to Globe Wireless."
Conor Daly on - 21 September 2013: "When I was doing the radio job I usually had my own copy of the Klingenfuss frequency guide as they were always very up to date with the very best info. They probably still are, he's a legend."
Gayle van Horn W4GVH, Assistant Editor, in Monitoring Times, United States of America - March 2013: "2013 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... The easy-to read book is a real asset at your listening post, regardless of whether you monitor the utility bands or enjoy programming from shortwave broadcast stations. The 2013 Shortwave Frequency Guide is an excellent annual publication for the beginner or experienced radio hobbyist who seeks a complete HF spectrum reference book (utility/broadcast station listings). The book easily opens and remains open at the selected page for easy reference at your receiver. This year’s edition, as in past years, is a fine addition to my listening post."
Geir Laastad LA6LU, Norway - 4 January 2013: "2013 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2013/2014 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2013 Super Frequency List on CD ... I think the first Klingenfuss book I bought must have been around 1985-1990 :) "
Jean-Louis Anhes, Belgium - 21 December 2012: "2013/2014 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Seems to be very interesting, as every year! Hope to be soon at home to discover new frequencies ... Thanks for the nice job!"
Vesa Laulumaa, Finland - 10 December 2012: "2013/2014 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2013 Super Frequency List on CD ... Wow, excellent customer service!"
Vesa Laulumaa, Finland - 2 December 2012: "2013/2014 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2013 Super Frequency List on CD ... I am a returning customer. I ordered the Utility CD back in 1995 during my UN service in Makedonia. =) "
John F Stewart, United Kingdom - 1 December 2012: "2013/2014 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Please keep up the good work, I love the format of your publications."
Fred Dinning GM0GOV, United Kingdom - 25 November 2012: "2013 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Been using your publications for 25 years now - keep up the excellent work!"
Karel Rosenberger, Czech Republic - 4 July 2012: "Your reports are also excellent for DX-listening on shortwave. I look forward to another great working with you."
Dennis Smith M1DLG, United Kingdom, on Socialhams - 21 June 2012: "The Klingenfuss databases are the best out there."
Chris NU1OI, United States of America, on EHAM - 17 June 2012: "I saw an advertisement by Klingenfuss the other day. I still have one of his utility guides that must be over 30 years old."
Bernard Marchal, France - 23 April 2012: "Well done for the last frequency on 'hot frequency' about your website, a really good job! I know Klingenfuss since 2000 by older guides. Klingenfuss is always the best way to stay informed in the field of radio. Great, keep going!"
Theo Elings PA3THE, Netherlands - 5 and 14 April 2012: "I like to order a 2011/2012 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... free Supplement January 2012 ... because my latest Guide to Utility Radio Stations is from 1983, so it's time to upgrade hi hi. - This morning I got your book, excellent quality."
Neil Goldstein, United States of America - 1 February 2012: "There are two definitive books for the shortwave hobby remaining ... although I've never owned one, many people also swear by the Klingenfuss guides. The 2012 edition of the Shortwave Guide is also available now over at Universal Radio."
Gayle van Horn W4GVH, Assistant Editor, in Monitoring Times, United States of America - March 2012: "2012 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... The easy-to-read book is a real asset in the radio shack, regardless of whether you monitor the utility bands or enjoy transmissions from shortwave broadcast stations. The 2012 Shortwave Frequency Guide is an excellent annual publication for the beginner or experienced radio hobbyist who wants a complete HF spectrum reference book (utility plus broadcast station listings). This is a basic no-frills radio reference guide and it will definitely complement your monitoring time at the dials."
Larry Bennett G4HLN, Radio Signals Manager, United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, The Admiralty, Taunton, United Kingdom - 3 February 2012: "You may (or may not?) recall that we did correspond many years ago when I was a radio officer at Portishead Radio / GKA - we used to use your publications in preference to the outdated ITU publications regularly."
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode editor of Radio User, United Kingdom - February 2012: "2012 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... In my opinion, Joerg has been producing the best HF frequency lists for many years ... Broadcast stations frequency list ... This is a very useful listing ... By country ... This is particularly useful if you want to listen to radio from a specific country because you can quickly identify the frequencies and times to listen. The paper quality and binding are excellent and the book easily opens and remains open at the selected page without having to break its spine."
Anker Petersen, Chairman of Danish Shortwave Clubs International - 13 December 2011: "2012 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2012 Super Frequency List on CD ... By a quick glance it has the same very high quality as previous years! Congratulations on that, despite the changing conditions for shortwave listening. I agree with you on pages 184-187, that HF radio still is vital!"
Martin Smith M0MWS, United Kingdom - 7 December 2011: "WAVECOM W-PCIe Digital Data Decoder Card and W-CODE Digital Data Software Decoder ... I also understand, I get a copy of your monitoring books as well. Last ones I received, with my WAVECOM W40PC card, kept me very busy for ages :-) "
Mike KA3JJZ, United States of America, on - 11 August 2011: "2011/2012 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... The Klingenfuss guide is very good ... It is extensively researched, and probably the best one (barring an expensive subscription to some professional databases) on the market today."
Hans Kulk NL12972, Netherlands - 20 June 2011: "2011/2012 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Used the 2002 edition much, time for an update :-) "
Amateur radio station PI1RDB, Netherlands - 6 March 2011: "2011 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2011 Super Frequency List on CD ... I am very impressed by your work. I will use the book + CD many times. Thank you very much."
Radio Free Asia, Technical Operations Division, Washington DC, United States of America - 2 March 2011: "2011/2012 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2011 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2011 Super Frequency List on CD ... Thank you for processing our order in such a timely manner."
Gayle van Horn W4GVH, Assistant Editor, in Monitoring Times, United States of America - March 2011: "2011 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... The easy-to-read book is a real asset in the radio shack, regardless of whether you monitor the utility bands or enjoy transmissions from shortwave broadcast stations. The 2011 Shortwave Frequency Guide is an excellent annual publication for the beginner or experienced radio hobbyist who wants a complete HF spectrum reference book (utility/broadcast station listings). This is a basic no-frills radio reference guide and it will definitely complement your monitoring time at the dials."
Mark K6MAK, United States of America, on - 18 February 2011: "2011/2012 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... I also have the book, and got it from Universal Radio. It contains a lot of information, with a couple of folded pull-out pages of tables and maps. The bulk of the book is frequency lists, computer screen prints of digital transmissions (nice to see what these signals look like), with misc reference material in the back of the book. A lot of useful data in one handy place. A CD-ROM companion is also available separately. It's a very sturdy book which should hold up quite well with heavy use. Recommended."
Dawood Al-Askar, Kuwait - 27 January 2011: "2011/2012 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2011 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2011 Super Frequency List on CD ... Radio Data Code Manual ... Double CD with Modulation Types ... Radiotelex Messages ... Encyclopedia of Intelligent and Secret Services ... 2011 Frequency Database for the Perseus LF-HF Software-Defined Receiver ... Digital Data Decoder Screenshots on CD ... Excellent effort and quality of product introduced. Many thanks to the Klingenfuss staff and Radio Deutsche Welle."
Cornelis Blom, Radio-Holland, Rotterdam, Netherlands - 26 January and 3 February 2011: "WAVECOM W61PC Digital Data Decoder ... Thank you for the excellent handling of my order. I appreciate your package very much."
John F Stewart, United Kingdom - 15 January 2011: "2011 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2011 Super Frequency List on CD ... Thank you for your prompt service ... good service and excellent product."
Anker Petersen, Chairman of Danish Shortwave Clubs International, in Shortwave News - January/February 2011: "On the 24th of October 2010 the B10 winter schedules became effective. Already on the 11th of December I received the 2011 Shortwave Frequency Guide (SWFG) with the 2011 Super Frequency List (SFL) on a CD from Jörg Klingenfuss, Germany. The Broadcasting part begins with an updated article about DRM which overall is described to have been a flop! I prefer the SWFG when I scan the SW broadcast bands, because the current schedule and language is available at each frequency in time order. At the same time Klingenfuss has published the 17th Edition of the SFL with the same 8,000 broadcast frequencies and 8,300 utility frequencies in use plus 22,100 formerly active frequencies. This modern tool is very easy to use on a PC using Microsoft Windows and has excellent search functions for specific frequencies, countries, stations, languages, call signs and times - or any combination thereof!"
Patrick McNally, Ireland - 4 January 2011: "2011/2012 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Great job as usual :-)"
Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club, Australia, in VK3 News, Australia - 3 January 2011: "2011 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... This publication is the bible for hobby listeners who tune into clandestine, domestic, and international broadcast stations worldwide. It contains a broadcast frequency list with thousands of entries, and even covers utility stations worldwide ..."
Stephane Mazzoni F6BNM, France - 31 December 2010: "2011/2012 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Congratulations for the huge and professional job in doing this database, I compared successfully with all of my own records."
Universal Radio, Online Catalog, United States of America - 19 December 2010: "2011/2012 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... The world's best guide to non-broadcast stations in the range of 0 - 30 MHz. The beginning chapters offer an education on monitoring international HF comm traffic. We recommend this title as the very best of its type. - Radio Data Code Manual ... Here you will get the hard-to-find technical details of most HF protocols ... A great reference for the intermediate or advanced teletype enthusiast or anyone wishing to understand transmission protocols."
PW Publishing, Bookstore, United Kingdom - 19 December 2010: "The 2011/2012 Guide to Utility Radio Stations has remained a best seller for the past 26 years which is testament to this excellent reference publication. This is the most comprehensive independent reference available to the utility listener. - 2011 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... a valuable reference document. It’s about as up-to-date as you can get! - 2011 Super Frequency List on CD ... a very useful on-line reference that you can have running whilst you are listening. The search facilities on the new disk are excellent and it’s very easy to navigate to the information you need."
hinky on - 31 August 2010: "2010 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Klingenfuss has the best scheduling."
Peter Boskos VK2EHQ, Australia - 29 June 2010: "WAVECOM W61LAN Digital Data Decoder Box ... I received the Wavecom unit this morning. Thank you for the excellent service."
Peter Hart G3SJX, Perseus SDR Review Editor, RSGB RADCOM, United Kingdom - 24 May 2010: "Thanks for the information and details on your website. Very interesting, you have a very comprehensive database."
B W Burt MM0GLX, Station Manager, Radio Monitoring Station, Greenock, Scotland, United Kingdom - 18 March 2010: "2009/2010 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2010 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2010 Super Frequency List on CD ... Again you have surpassed yourself with the quality and accuracy of your latest editions ... Each year the data saves us hours of tedious listening and direction finding trying to identify stations that you have listed on the C.D. This is one of the best tools a Monitor can have at his disposal. Keep up the good work."
Helmuth W Kump KT3L, United States of America - 24 February 2010: "Passport to World Band Radio in Limbo ... I have found a worthy salve for my gaping Blue Pages wound, in the Klingenfuss 2010 Shortwave Frequency Guide, but at a somewhat dear price ... This is an excellent resource which includes utility stations and lots of supplemental information, including schedules by broadcaster as well as by frequency. You get what you pay for: the physical quality of the book is excellent. It will lie flat, and it's easy-to-read, with high-quality pages that can be thumbed through quickly. I highly recommend you view the online sample before purchasing to see if it is your cup of tea. Klingenfuss also offers its manuals in CD-ROM format, and although I have not tested this, you should be able to produce custom listings by filtering on language, time, country, etc."
John Collins, United States of America - 22 February 2010: "2010 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2010 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2009/2010 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Radio Data Code Manual ... The books and CD's are, as we have come to expect, are simply fabulous--very nice work!"
John Collins, United States of America - 3 February 2010: "2010 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2010 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2009/2010 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Radio Data Code Manual ... Thank you for the speedy service - very nice to see! Keep up the outstanding production!"
Maciej Zycinski, Poland - 29 January 2010: "2010 Super Frequency List on CD ... Thank you very much for your e-mail confirmation and prompt shipment. I do hope to have a lot of enjoyment ... It is very encouraging to see that there are still some companies taking their business (and their customers) very seriously."
Peter Le Quesne ZL4TCC, New Zealand - 26 January 2010: "2010 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2009/2010 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... some 25 years ago when I lived in Dunedin, I was in contact with you and bought several of your publications which I still have."
Dennis Brewer, United States of America's Broadcasting Board of Governors, Radio Free Asia, Relay Station Udorn, Thailand - 18 January 2010: "2010 Super Frequency List on CD ... Your frequency lists are incredibly good."
Anker Petersen, Chairman of Danish Shortwave Clubs International, in Shortwave News - January/February 2010: "2010 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... a comprehensive shortwave frequency list which for each frequency contains a line for each broadcast, practicably arranged in time order within each frequency. That includes exact times, transmitter site, language and target area. I prefer the Shortwave Frequency Guide when I scan the shortwave broadcast bands. In mid-December 2009 I listened to 50 broadcast stations at random in frequency band and time and identified them 100 %, no matter what language, and made a comparative analysis. WRTH 95 % correct, 2010 Shortwave Frequency Guide 96 % correct. - 2010 Super Frequency List on CD: This modern tool is very easy to use on a PC using Microsoft Windows and has excellent search functions for specific frequencies, countries, stations, languages, call signs and times - or any combination thereof!"
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode editor of Radio User, United Kingdom - January 2010: "2009/2010 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... time to turn to your trusty frequency guide. I use Klingenfuss as my main reference for two reasons - it's regularly updated and it allows you to look up utilities in several different ways."
H. van Heteren PE2VHE, Netherlands - 15 December 2009: "... many, many thanks for making a frequency database for the Perseus SDR!"
Kaj Bredahl Jorgensen, Editor-in-chief of Danish Shortwave Clubs International, Denmark - 11 December 2009: "2010 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... very good and fast service. I look forward to use the book for my radiolistening during the next year."
Juan Antonio Arranz Sanz, Spain - 9 November 2009: "2009/2010 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2009 Super Frequency List ... I'm enjoying these editions."
Luigi Gradozzi, Italy - 7 July 2009: "2009/2010 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... it's very useful."
Bob Grove W8JHD, Chief Editor, in Monitoring Times, United States of America - March 2009: "2009/2010 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... The shortwave spectrum continues to be home to a myriad signals, both voice and data, communicating globally. Trying to identify these stations can be a challenge, but with an accurate, up-to-date directory, the task is much easier. Joerg Klingenfuss' Guide to Utility Radio Stations has become the standard source on monitoring the first 30 MHz of the radio spectrum. Information-packed chapters on digital data transmissions, along with hundreds of screen shots of decoded transmissions, assist the monitor in nailing down the sources of digital transmissions. Every serious shortwave listener should treat himself to this essential consummate reference. - 2009 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Frequency information, as well as parallel frequencies, appear to be as accurate as possible considering seasonal frequency adjustments. As with other hobby publications, the Shortwave Frequency Guide uses a respected staff of leading radio contributors, providing the latest in information on the broadcast scene. The Klingenfuss Shortwave Guide remains a favorite reference in my listening post. The book layout for quick information access is easy to use. Whether monitoring a utility or broadcast station, this basic, no frills method of radio reference remains an asset to every listener. - 2009 Super Frequency List on CD ... Now in its 15th annual edition, this CD is the quintessential standard of reference for shortwave listeners. It is a massive, accurate composite of clandestine, utility and broadcasting stations listed in frequency order, which the listener can browse and search with key words. If you want instant information on stations heard in the 3-30 MHz spectrum, this CD is for you!"
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode editor of Radio User, United Kingdom - March 2009: "2009/2010 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Klingenfuss has considerable experience and that shows in the latest release. This annually updated guide is an amazing piece of work, not only for the breadth of its content but also because Joerg uses monitoring stations all over the world to capture and validate the content. One of the points that make the Klingenfuss list unique is the constant worldwide monitoring. - 2009 Super Frequency List on CD ... includes some excellent and very fast search routines. The search engine searches as you type so you will generally find the result waiting for you as soon as you finish typing!"
B W Burt MM0GLX, Station Manager, Radio Monitoring Station, Greenock, Scotland, United Kingdom - 15 February 2009: "2009/2010 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2009 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2009 Super Frequency List on CD ... Again we are impressed with the accuracy and scope of the Klingenfuss Radio Monitoring Publications. We have long been a user of your books which are used as a reference data base for our reception of unknown signals. This has over the years saved us hours of work. Keep up the good work."
Anker Petersen, Chairman of Danish Shortwave Clubs International, in Shortwave News - February 2009: "2009 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... the current schedule and language is available at each frequency in time order. - 2009 Super Frequency List on CD: This modern tool is very easy to use on a PC using Microsoft Windows and has excellent search functions for specific frequencies, countries, stations, languages, call signs and times - or any combination thereof!"
Nils Schiffhauer DK8OK, Radio Editor, Germany - 13 January 2009: "Klingenfuss frequency database for the MICROTELECOM Perseus LF-HF Software-Defined Receiver ... Renowned DXer Joerg Klingenfuss, editor of his Guides to Utility Radio Stations (recognized as 'Gold Standard', now in its 25th volume), has stripped and converted his list of utility stations to fit Perseus' userlist.txt format. This works, as I just tried out, and is indispensable for utility DXers."
Raoul Maujean, Mauritius - 21 December 2008: "2009/2010 Guide to Utility Stations ... 2009 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2009 Super Frequency CD ... thanks for all those instructive and interesting documentations."
Michiel Schaay, Netherlands, 14 December 2008: "2009 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2009 Super Frequency List on CD ... the results of your excellent monitoring efforts and admirable persistance."
Anker Petersen, Chairman of Danish Shortwave Clubs International, Denmark - 5 December 2008: "2009 Shortwave Frequency Guide and 2009 Super Frequency List on CD ... After a very quick glance, I see that it has the usual high standard. Just a quick check on 3960: VOIRI via Sitkunai 1430-1530 in Russian, R Racja via Sitkunai 1530-1730 in Belarusian. Well done for this spot check!"
"hamradiooperator", United States of America, on Godlike Productions Forum - 30 October 2008: "Short Wave Radio Frequencies??? The book you want to get is called the Shortwave Frequency Guide by Klingenfuss. Thousands of frequencies. It lists all the frequencies of utility stations, broadcast stations and pirate radio stations. It shows what exact time the broadcast starts, and ends. It shows where the broadcast originates from (basically country and city). It also shows what continent the broadcast is targeted to. It lists remarks that shows in cases of what days of the week, or season the broadcast takes place."
Bob Grove W8JHD, Chief Editor, in Monitoring Times, United States of America - August 2008: "I have had the opportunity over the last 30 years to observe first hand the changes that have taken place in the HF spectrum. You will notice that the HF radio spectrum of yesterday looks nothing like the HF spectrum of today. Nowhere is this more dramatically demonstrated than in the digital modes used on HF frequencies. While some old-timers claim the bands are dead and shortwave is being abandoned, nothing could be further from the truth. The bands are as active as ever, but the modes and services transmitting on HF have changed. It's the listening hobby that, for the most part, has not kept up with the times. If you want to get on board this changing world of HF digital communications, one publication stands out above all the rest - the Klingenfuss Radio Data Code Manual. Now in its 18th edition, Joerg Klingenfuss has literally compiled an encyclopedia of digital information for the HF radio spectrum in this voluminous publication. This standard international reference book is indispensable for identifying HF radio stations using various digital modes. If you plan on really listening to the HF digital spectrum of today, then you need this book on your reference shelf."
Randy Wynn, United States of America - 1 July 2008: "I really enjoy looking through the 2008 Guide to Utility Radio Stations and also the 2008 Shortwave Radio Guide. Both books are very informative."
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode editor of Radio User, United Kingdom - July 2008: "The Radio Data Code Manual is one of the most important references for the serious utility listener simply because it brings together a vast amount of technical information that's not available in any other single publication. The manual has been written by enthusiasts and is widely used by both professional and hobby users around the world. I particularly like the baud rate tables in the section covering identification of digital data systems. Using the signal's baud rate along with these tables, you can narrow down the possibilities for an unknown signal very quickly. This is almost always faster than automated mode recognition software. To further help identification, the digital section includes lots of high quality screenshots from the WAVECOM W61 digital data decoder. The Radio Data Code Manual continues to be the prime reference for those interested in monitoring a wide range of radio transmissions. The content is bang up to date and the range of information is not available in any other single publication."
Randy R Wynn, United States of America - 28 April 2008: "The 2007/2008 Guide to Utility Radio Stations is very well put together, and very informative, and can't wait to get next year's edition. The books are very helpful here stateside."
Gayle and Larry van Horn, Assistant Editors, in Monitoring Times, United States of America - March 2008: "The 2008 Klingenfuss Shortwave Guide remains a favorite reference aid in the Van Horn DX Cabin. The modern layout for quick information access is easy to use. Whether monitoring a utility or broadcast station, this basic, no frills method of radio reference remains an asset to every listener. - For the serious shortwave utility hunter or broadcast listener, the 2008 Super Frequency List on CD is the ultimate disk database."
Radio User, United Kingdom - February 2008: "For those with a general interest in short wave listening, the 2008 Shortwave Frequency Guide is a must-have reference book. It's about as up-to-date as you can get ... providing an excellent combination of broadcast and utility information in a single volume."
Hans K Hildebrand WA1UFO, United States of America - 10 February 2008: "Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Your radio guides are awesome!"
Anker Petersen, Chairman of Danish Shortwave Clubs International, in Shortwave News - February 2008: "I prefer the 2008 Shortwave Frequency Guide when I scan the shortwave broadcast bands, because the current schedule and language is available at each frequency. - Comparison: I counted how many essential details were correct for the 25 international and 25 domestic stations randomly heard. The results were Passport to World Band Radio 92 percent, 2008 Shortwave Frequency Guide 97 percent, and World Radio TV Handbook 96 percent. The 2008 Shortwave Frequency Guide is slightly better, because the domestic stations of All India Radio contain the three main languages."
Radio User, United Kingdom - January 2008: "The Klingenfuss 2007/2008 Guide to Utility Radio Stations has remained a best seller for the past 25 years and is an excellent reference publication for the utility enthusiast. There is no other source that compiles such as comprehensive range of information into a single publication. This is all vital data that can save the enthusiast hours of investigation. - The 2008 Shortwave Frequency Guide is a must-have reference book. It's about as up-to-date as you can get. - The 2008 Super Frequency List on CD comes with its own built-in search engine that is remarkably quick and searches on each letter of the search word as you type it. As a result, the answer is usually displayed before you've finished typing!"
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode editor of Radio User, United Kingdom - December 2007: "... the best known source of printed schedules is the Klingenfuss Guide to Utility Radio Stations. This excellent reference is updated annually and provides one of the best references available to the enthusiast. In addition to the book's detailed coverage of the HF bands, there is a section dedicated to weather fax with frequencies, callsigns and schedules for stations throughout the world."
Hidetoshi Okano, Japan - 5 December 2007: "2007/2008 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2008 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2008 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Thank you for your wonderful publications. I am satisfied with these ones."
Ken Baird, New Zealand - 13 November 2007: "Shortwave Frequency Guide ... I find it a most useful book to have and appreciate the enormous amount of work that goes into it's preparation."
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode editor of Radio User, United Kingdom - July 2007: "... the famous Guide to Utility Radio Stations. Joerg Klingenfuss and his contributors go to great lengths to capture as many stations as possible from all over the world. In fact, they deliberately go to out-of-way listening locations so they can operate from noise-free locations to capture the maximum number of stations. The monitoring and capturing process is continuous, which is how they are able to produce such an up-to-date reference book. The Klingenfuss Guide has, rightfully, earned itself a place in the most advanced radio monitoring stations."
Henrik Thiil Nielsen, Denmark - 14 May 2007: "Klingenfuss's two double CDs of Modulation Types recordings are a little pricey but I have found them extremely useful. You can listen to them to get acquainted with the sound of different data modes, you can use them as input for your decoding software (or hardware) in order to test the decoder and improve your own decoding skills. Their advantage for these purposes over 'live' material is that modes and parameters are listed for each recording and the recordings are of high quality. - One of the best sources of information on what to listen to on which frequencies is the Klingenfuss Guide to Utility Radio Stations. - Indispensable reference: Radio Data Code Manual."
Bob Grove W8JHD, Chief Editor, in Monitoring Times, United States of America - March 2007: "2007 Super Frequency List on CD ... This extraordinary CD is the most comprehensive in the world, covering shortwave broadcasting, clandestine and utilities services worldwide - frequencies, call signs, locations, schedules and much more! An extraordinary, up to date, shortwave database on a disk. - 2007 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... an indispensable tool for all listeners to the global, high frequencies spectrum through 26 MHz. This information-packed compendium contains nearly 20,000 listings as well as excellent, informative, background pages on shortwave listening. - For the stalwart shortwave utilities aficionado who needs the ultimate reference for identifying the myriad voice and data signals encountered in the high frequency spectrum, no printed volume outdoes the 2007/2008 Guide to Utility Radio Stations. Fully half of this publication provides superb reference information such as identifying users by call signs, worldwide weather broadcast schedules, data transmissions (including hundreds of screenshots), ... This fine collection for the utilities monitor leaves little to be desired."
Randy Wynn, United States of America - 8 February 2007: "The 2007 Shortwave Frequency Guide is easier to use than the competitors and it is very well put together. It is the best one on the market."
Robert Thomassin VE2PMK, Canada - 1 February 2007: "2007/2008 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Encyclopedia of Intelligence and Secret Services ... Thanks Jörg for the wonderful work."
Anker Petersen, Chairman of Danish Shortwave Clubs International, in Shortwave News - 20 January 2007: "2007 Super Frequency List on CD ... This modern tool is very easy to use on a PC using Windows and has excellent search functions for specific frequencies, countries, stations, languages, call signs and times - or any combination thereof! 2007 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... I prefer it when I scan the SW broadcast bands, because the current schedule and language is available at each frequency. Very comprehensive, up-to-date and accurate and absolutely worth purchasing by the active shortwave listener and DXer!"
Pieter on UDXF, Netherlands - 20 January 2007: "Hi Glenn, let me tell U 1 thing, I was able to try the Wavecom W61LAN and the Code300-32 v3.0. The Wavecom was 80 percent better than the Kaho decoder. It's a lot of money. So, when you have some savings, go for the Wavecom: W61LAN Professional + all updates 9,600 USD."
Daniele Cristaldini, Italy - 16 January 2007: "2007/2008 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2007 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2007 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... wonderful publications. Let me say that your job is superb!"
Allen Fountain, Utility editor of Australian DX News - 7 January 2007: "2007/2008 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2007 Super Frequency List on CD ... I realize only too well what a major task you face in keeping information up to date, and in making the decision of what you actually finally list. You don't just put in something because it is on the Internet."
Radio User, United Kingdom - January 2007: "The Klingenfuss 2007/2008 Guide to Utility Radio Stations has remained a best seller for the past 25 years which is testament to this excellent reference publication. With 9,510 frequencies monitored during 2006 this is the most comprehensive independent reference available for the utility listener ... all vital data that can save the enthusiast hours of investigation. - The 2007 Shortwave Frequency Guide is a valuable reference document. It's about as up-to-date as you can get. - 2007 Super Frequency List on CD provides a very useful on-line reference that you can have running whilst you are listening. The search facilities on the new disk are excellent and it's very easy to navigate to the information you need."
Ronald Edberg, United Kingdom - 4 January 2007: "I received my 2007 Super Frequency List on CD last week and it is very good."
Erik Køie, ex Danmarks Radio, Holte, Denmark - 24 December 2006: "2007/2008 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Again a very comprehensive book."
James D Strader, United States of America - 10 December 2006: "2007/2008 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2007 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2007 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 1997-2007 Digital Data Decoder Screenshots CD ... This is my favourite Christmas Gift to myself for over a decade. The accuracy and information contained in your publications is second to none!"
Anthony Farrugia, Malta - 9 December 2006: "2007/2008 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2007 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2007 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Keep up the good work! Your publications are the only ones which are really up to date and do not contain obsolete entries."
Hidetoshi Okano, Japan - 1 December 2006: "2007/2008 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2007 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2007 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Thank you for your wonderful publications. I am satisfied with these ones."
Steven Gardiner, United Kingdom - 5 November 2006: "2005/2006 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... I use to get the book quite regularly here in the UK as it is the best book available in my opinion for date mode listeners like myself."
Mike Chace, Digital Digest editor of Monitoring Times, United States of America - October 2006: "Kaho vs. WAVECOM ... WAVECOM has better customer support, more modern gear, is generally quick to release new modes."
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode editor of Radio User, United Kingdom - April 2006: "Radio Data Code Manual ... This remains the most comprehensive reference manual for data signals that is generally available. Whilst there are some excellent reference sources on the Internet, a single publication with such detailed information remains a powerful tool for the data enthusiast. The teleprinter alphabet section not only shows details of the various systems, but is set-out in tabular form so you can quickly spot the key features. For those interested in unknown signals, section 5 provides in-depth analysis of the operation of a wide range of modes and sub-modes. With the help of a few analysis tools and this excellent manual you should be able to classify unknown signals very efficiently."
Defence Special Signals School, Bletchley Wing, Corporal Gary Hamilton, Chicksands, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom - 10 March 2006: "2005/2006 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Radio Data Code Manual ... Without the help of your literature over the past couple of months the course I have just completed would have been a lot more difficult."
Gayle and Larry van Horn, Assistant Editors of Monitoring Times, United States of America - March 2006: "2006 Super Frequency List on CD ... If you use a computer in your listening post, this is an extremely useful reference to have running while tuning the HF radio spectrum. We were particularly impressed with its ease of use, and its search and sort capability. Given the bright future of e-book publishing, it is nice to see Klingenfuss support both print and electronic formats for some of his more popular publications. The 2006 Shortwave Frequency Guide and the 2006 Super Frequency List on CD are two of our favorite annual reference publications that we use in our radio listening post. Regardless of what portion of the HF spectrum you prowl, these two publications will provide a lot of listening information at your fingertips. Either or both deserve a place next to your radio."
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode editor of Radio User, United Kingdom - March 2006: "Radio Data Code Manual ... This is a wonderful reference book that contains a host of otherwise difficult to find information. If you are serious about finding and decoding some of the more advanced systems this manual is pretty much a necessity. Section 4 contains some excellent summaries of the various teleprinter alphabets that you are likely to encounter. These are compared side-by-side, so it's easy to spot and compare the different parameters. These tables are essential if you're attempting any bit analysis work. Section 5 is another gem with a detailed look at all the main systems that you will find on HF. As well as general descriptions of the modes, there are detailed charts explaining the inner workings of both the synchronisation and error correction routines. The illustrations are excellent and convey what is complex information in an easy to digest format. I've just covered the highlights here, but there's lots more information tucked away in this excellent publication."
Bud Peed, United States of America - 5 February 2006: "2005/2006 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Radio Data Code Manual ... Have been a great fan of your books for years. They are never discarded, only read over and over! Your books are spot on and a big help in my hobby! Well done."
Anker Petersen, Chairman of Danish Shortwave Clubs International, in Shortwave News - 16 January 2006: "2006 Super Frequency List on CD ... total of 19,100 utility and broadcast entries on SW. This modern tool is very easy to use on a PC using Windows and has excellent search functions for specific frequencies, countries, stations, languages, call signs and times - or any combination thereof! 2006 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... I prefer it when I scan the shortwave broadcast bands, because the current schedule and language is available at each frequency. Very comprehensive, up-to-date and accurate and absolutely worth purchasing!"
Bob Padula, Australia, in Electronic DX Press - January 2006: "2006 Super Frequency List on CD ... Access time for retrieving the data is in milliseconds, and searches may also be made for specific frequencies, countries, abbreviations, languages, callsigns and times. 2006 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Timely additional information is included about technological developments in HF broadcasting, including digital modulation, and an in-depth introduction to shortwave radio monitoring. Content based on actual monitoring by the author and a team of experts around the world."
Michiel Schaay, Netherlands, 7 January 2006: "2006 Shortwave Frequency Guide and 2006 Super Frequency List on CD ... Congratulations to you and the RRF team, with a very good job!"
Mark T Egan VK2KLJ - 20 June 2005: "2005 Super Frequency List on CD ... Your database software is wonderful and the digital signal CD's great for identifying many signal types."
Anthony Farrugia, Malta - 4 June 2005: "2005/2006 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2005 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... I found both publications up to date and very useful. No other publications provide so much competent information."
Radio Society of Great Britain's Headquarters Staff in RadCom - March 2005: "2005 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... logical and uncluttered layout. It is likely that there will be a resurgence of interest in HF broadcast listening as more DRM broadcasts come on stream, with their promise of near-FM quality reception. The 2005 Shortwave Frequency Guide covers DRM well, with information on receivers and an up to date listing of those DRM broadcasts already available. For those who use their general-coverage receivers to stufy HF propagation, the 2005 Shortwave Frequency Guide will be a Godsend, reducing enormously the time and effort involved in identifying stations which, by the fact that by and large they use the same frequency at the same times each day, can be used as propagation 'beacons'. For those who want to tune in to specific stations, listen to broadcasts in a particular language, or simply wish to explore the shortwave bands in more details, the 2005 Shortwave Frequency Guide is a must."
Bob Margolis, Products and Books Review Editor, on - 1 February 2005: "2005/2006 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... , I always compare it to the previous edition to see what updates have been made ... This shows the extent to which Klingenfuss Publications keeps on top in monitoring the airwaves. That is why the Klingenfuss utility guidebooks are worthy purchases year after year."
Geoffrey V Stocks, United Kingdom - 18 January 2005: "2005 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... to say I am impressed is an understatement. I cannot boast of having fancy equipment just a love for tuning in around the world and your publication is so informative and easy to use."
Jan Nieuwenhuis, Publications editor of Benelux DX Club Bulletin, Netherlands - January 2005: "2004 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... a comprehensive reference ... covers everything you need for serious short-wave listening. Once again a great source of information! - 2005/2006 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... THE book for shortwave utility listening with an enormous account of accurate information. It's a must have book for the serious utility monitor. - 2005 Super Frequency List on CD ... ... a comprehensive reference dor the shortwave broadcast and utility monitor."
Anker Petersen, Chairman of Danish Shortwave Clubs International, in Shortwave News - January 2005: "I prefer the 2005 Shortwave Frequency Guide when I scan the shortwave broadcast bands, because the current schedule and language is added to the frequency list. Moreover, the 2005 Super Frequency List on CD is unsurpassed with its search capability on a PC: in a split-second you are able to get all entries in either frequency-, station-, country-, language- or time order which is extremely useful for the shortwave listener."
Francisco de las Casas, Spain - 7 January 2005: "2005/2006 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2005 Super Frequency List on CD ... I've been using up to day the 2003 versions and it has been very useful to me. Carry on in this way. My congratulations for your publications."
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode editor of Shortwave Magazine, United Kingdom - January 2005: "If you are fortunate enough to have the 2005 Super Frequency List on CD there's a country search built-in. This, I've found, is probably the fastest and most efficient way to identify stations by country. If you have just the paper-based version of 2005/2006 Guide to Utility Radio Stations all is not lost as this includes a host of information designed to make life easy for the listener. One chapter that's often missed is the station list. If for example, you're looking for stations in Canada you will find all the stations listed in one place along with call signs and all the current operating frequencies - pretty impressive! This is much more efficient than trawling through a bare frequency list. It's this clever compilation of extensive utility information into a practical format that makes the Klingenfuss guide so valuable."
James D Strader, United States of America - 7 December 2004: "2005/2006 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2005 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2005 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... you are still 'NUMBER ONE' in accuracy and quality."
Aidan Nightingale, United Kingdom - 18 November 2004: "By far the best publication and most informative publication I've found is the Klingenfuss Radio Code Manual. Much of the information in this publication I've yet to see available on the Internet. It's a good primer for anybody interested in the concepts, protocols and modes of communication on the HF spectrum."
Bob Grove W8JHD, Chief Editor, in Monitoring Times, United States of America - March 2004: "2004 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... as with previous editions, it's a gem. Broadcast listeners can instantly narrow down identification of any station among those transmitting on a frequency at a given time. This is a great aid and quick access during a DX session or for a program listener. The alphabetical list of broadcast stations is invaluable when focusing on a particular country to monitor."
Harold Ort N2RLL, Chief Editor of Popular Communications, United States of America - March 2004: "Monitors have come to know and trust the Klingenfuss 2004 Super Frequency List on CD. Among the digital data decoder screenshots are many stations of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the Afghanistan and Iraq war zones."
Richard Olesen, United States of America - 26 March 2003: "I just received the new Radio Data Code Manual. Very informative. Your hard work is reflected in the book. Nice Job. I really like the quality of the page stock. There are a lot of useful references."
Ari Tiiska, Finland - 12 December 2002: "Radio Data Code Manual ... 2003 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Thanks once more for your excellent books. This kind of information is very difficult to find elsewhere."
Steve Ford WB8IMY, Managing Editor, in American Radio Relay League QST - August 2001: " If you are tempted to go snooping outside the ham bands with your digital decoder, the Radio Data Code Manual is a vital reference that will make it possible for you to interpret the gibberish you often see on your monitor."
Anker Petersen, Chairman of Danish Shortwave Clubs International, in Shortwave News - February 2003: "I found the following details essential for the DXer during his listening and identification of the transmitter and broadcast: station name, exact language, scheduled broadcast time, exact frequency and transmitter site. For identification purposes, it is necessary that all the essential details are readily available in the handbook. This was found to be the case in 68% of the checks in the WRTH, and 74% in the Shortwave Frequency Guide. The German editor Joerg Klingenfuss and his staff have put a lot of effort to make it as up-to-date as possible and it is slightly more accurate than the WRTH in the details. Its big advantage is that for each SW frequency you can read at what time it is used by various broadcasters and in which language."
Md. Azizul Alam Al-Amin, Bangla Desh - 31 December 2002: "I would like to take the opportunity to show my heartfelt gratitude and thanks for sending your excellent 2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... The guide is quite informative and exclusive. I have told to some of my DX-er friends about it ..."
Richard D'Angelo, Executive Director, North American Shortwave Association - 13 December 2002: "2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide... Mailed monday, and arrived today, Thursday ... very fast! ... another excellent edition of this very valuable resource."
Dick Richardson, United Kingdom - 11 December 2002: "2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... I have only had the chance to look at it for one hour and already it is my favourite radio handbook - well done. I will see you next year for sure. In the meantime when I can afford it I would also like to get the CD version. Many thanks for a useful book, and prompt service, and one (if not the only one which I have) which already seems to be up to date with its information - IT WORKS."
D Graham Scott, United Kingdom - 14 December 2004: "Having installed the WAVECOM W40PC DSP Digital Data Decoder Card, it appears to be better than my older Hoka C3 Gold (it runs under Windows!). I'm now looking for that "special" signal to decode, but I should probably read some more of the manual first!"
Bob Padula, Australia, in Electronic DX Press - 31 January 2003: "The latest edition of the 2003 Super Frequency List on CD reflects the continuing and ongoing use of this modern medium for presentation of a massive amount of vital and accurate data in support of world HF broadcasting. No complex set-up, installation or configuration is necessary - the disk is inserted into the drive and the data is immediately available. The data is searchable by various methods, and access time is extremely short, in milliseconds. The order and width of the columns can be varied by the user. I called up details of all stations broadcasting in Latin, and their times and frequencies - I was surprised to note two broadcasters in that search - Vatican and Finland. I also asked for data for all stations using the Irkutsk relay - 27 entries were revealed. I found that there is only one station broadcasting in Ladino (Israel), and one in Icelandic (Iceland). Oromo, the language spoken in East Africa, was shown as being used by eight broadcasters, and all necessary data was given. Searching for complete schedules for specific broadcasters is straightforward. DX specialist monitors will find this product to be extremely useful in assisting in station identification, where various search routines may be called up, whether for domestic/international/clandestine broadcasting services or utility. Particularly neat is the "concurrent search" program, which when sued in combination with the incremental search represents a very powerful tool. A search for all broadcasters using the Al Dhabayya relay centre in Abu Dhabi gave us 131 results, in 1 millisecond - that sort of search routine is an excellent example of what can be accomplished with this disk. Program listeners may use the disk to obtain details of an almost infinite number of permutations, such as "all broadcasts in Arabic at 0615 UTC". Many entries will be found for the emerging new technology known as "HF E-mail", claimed to be more cost-efficient than traditional satellite radio systems, with transfer rates of 2.4 kB now commonplace, with a possible 32 kB within reach. I met with Joerg at his home some three years ago when I visited Germany, and was impressed with his dedication and superb attention to detail and topicality of all products and services he offers. This product is a very useful tool for anyone involved in HF broadcasting. I have used the CD for many years as an important adjunct not only in support of my professional work associated with broadcast engineering, but also for my hobby interests in world radio. I would recommend it to anyone with an active interest in all forms of HF radio monitoring."
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode editor of Shortwave Magazine, United Kingdom - February 2003: "Despite the the rapidly increasing use of the Internet, the 2003 Guide to Utility Radio Stations remains the most usable reference for most listeners. One of the sections I always find particularly useful is the station list. This may not sound that exciting, but the real hidden gem is the way the list is formatted. Rather than listing in station or frequency order, the list is based on countries and then sorted by service. This arrangement really speeds up the search process. For example, if you wanted to find meteorological HF stations in Kenya you just look-up Kenya, then MET and you will find Nairobi Met listed with all its operating frequencies. Another real timesaver is the meteorological radiofax and radiotelex listing."
John Kench G8JTQ, United Kingdom - 16 January 2003: "Have been looking at your website - absolutely magic! Saving up for a WAVECOM!!"
Radio Nederland's Real Radio Booklist Review - 9 January 2003: "2003 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... If you're interested in the signals between the broadcast bands, this guide is the acknowledged leader. A comprehensive guide to codes and abbreviations used in practice. Published in December, the book has a quick production turn-around time."
Radio Monitoring Station, Station Manager, Greenock, Scotland, United Kingdom - 12 December 2002: "2003 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2003 Super Frequency List on CD ... Thank you again for your wonderful products."
Sheldon Harvey, Canada, in The Radio H.F. Internet Newsletter - September 2002: "Joerg Klingenfuss is one of the world's best known utility radio monitors. For those who monitor two-way utility radio traffic on the HF bands, his publications and CDs are essential reference guides. His material is highly respected, well researched, constantly updated, detailed and precise. Although these reference guides are often more costly than others on the market, they are well worth the investment for the serious radio monitor."
Robert T Combs, United States of America: "I have used your publication since I received it and have it found it to be highly accurate on all of the signals I have received. I have purchased your book many times in the past."
Allen Fountain, Utility editor of Australian DX News - 6 August 2003: "Have downloaded the new software for the WAVECOM W40PC. I have to say that my decision to select the WAVECOM back in February 2001 was correct. I was very pleasantly surprised to find that, in addition to the new modes, there were a number of additional operational features, also a new manual. It was just like getting a new decoder."
Damian P Geiss AC7RG, United States of America - 25 June 2003: "I just wanted to email you and thank you for the outstanding Compact Disc Recordings of Modulation Types. I listened to all four last night and they are absolutely fantastic in quality. A great assistance in my research."
Sergey M. Kolesov, Ukraine - 13 May 2003: "Thank you for prompt delivery of the 2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide and the 2003 Super Frequency List on CD. I have reviewed them and found that they are really reliable source of frequencies of utility stations."
Dave Thorne, Australia - 12 May 2003: "Radio Data Code Manual ... It is very good and right up to date. Thanks very much for your efforts, and I can thoroughly recommend this publication for serious surveillance work."
Bob Grove W8JHD, Chief Editor, in Monitoring Times, United States of America - May 2002: "Radio Data Code Manual ... The age of digital electronics has spawned an incredible array of special languages and cyphers for exchange of communications. Nowhere is this assemblage more visible than on the HF spectrum. Dozens of proprietary systems and algorithms multiply into hundreds of variants heard as beeps and buzzes as the listener tunes through the 1.8-30 MHz spectrum. For the curious, stand-alone decoders and computer software programs abound, but recognition is still a problem - unless you have a comprehensive guide such as the manual from Klingenfuss. A massive 600 pages of illustrated information, the code manual provides an orientation to nearly every data transmission likely to be encountered on the air, along with lists of sources for decoding software and hardware. Massive details are provided for interpreting codes encountered on the airwaves. This comprehensive reference is an outstanding companion for users of the sophisticated WAVECOM decoders."
Richard Olesen, United States of America - 26 March 2003: "I just received the new Radio Data Code Manual. Very informative. Your hard work is reflected in the book. Nice Job. I really like the quality of the page stock. There are a lot of useful references."
Michiel Schaay, Netherlands, 19 March 2003: "Radio Data Code Manual ... is really a goldmine!"
Gayle and Larry van Horn, Assistant Editors of Monitoring Times, United States of America - March 2003: "It is the digital utility station listings that really make the 2003 Guide to Utility Radio Stations stand out. His listing of digital mode stations are exhaustive. No other radio hobby publication has the scope and depth of coverage of digital radio networks as the Klingenfuss publications. - 2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Each year, I add this informative source, along with other DXing publications, as an aid in my personal monitoring sessions. It remains my favourite. Plain and simple ... it is very user-friendly ... This is the only publication that combines shortwave broadcast and utility stations in one volume. I have used Klingenfuss frequency guides for years."
John Kench G8JTQ, United Kingdom - 19 February 2003: "2003 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... At this early stage I am very impressed with both the book and CD, and confident that they will provide the information when and how I will require it."
Lee Jessup, United Kingdom - 7 February 2003: "2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Being relatively new to the hobby, I was very pleased to note how easy the guide is to use considering how comprehensive it is. Well done to you and all your contributors."
Peter de Vroome PE1DTN, Netherlands - 8 February 2003: "2003 Super Frequency List on CD ... keep on doing your good work!"
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode editor of Shortwave Magazine, United Kingdom - February 2003: "Despite the the rapidly increasing use of the Internet, the 2003 Guide to Utility Radio Stations remains the most usable reference for most listeners. One of the sections I always find particularly useful is the station list. This may not sound that exciting, but the real hidden gem is the way the list is formatted. Rather listing in station or frequency order, the list is based on countries and then sorted by service. This arrangement really speeds up the search process. For example, if you wanted to find meteorological HF stations in Kenya you just look-up Kenya, then MET and you will find Nairobi Met listed with all its operating frequencies. Another real timesaver is the meotorological radiofax and radiotelex listing. - The 2003 Super Frequency List on CD continues to improve with every edition. This latest version is lightning fast. The most powerful is the word search. Rather than a simple word search orn a single word or phrase, you can build your own very specialized searches to dig out just what you want. This is an incredibly fast and powerful search system that really allows you to make the most of the 10,000+ frequency list."
Anker Petersen, Chairman of Danish Shortwave Clubs International, in Shortwave News - February 2003: "I found the following details essential for the DXer during his listening and identification of the transmitter and broadcast: station name, exact language, scheduled broadcast time, exact frequency and transmitter site. For identification purposes, it is necessary that all the essential details are readily available in the handbook. This was found to be the case in 68% of the checks in the WRTH, and 74% in 2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide. The German editor, Joerg Klingenfuss, and his staff has put a lot of effort to make it as up-to-date as possible and it is slightly more accurate than the WRTH in the details. Its big advantage is that for each shortwave frequency you can read at what time it is used by various broadcasters and in which language."
Bob Padula, Australia, in Electronic DX Press - 31 January 2003: "The latest edition of the 2003 Super Frequency List on CD reflects the continuing and ongoing use of this modern medium for presentation of a massive amount of vital and accurate data in support of world HF broadcasting. No complex set-up, installation or configuration is necessary - the disk is inserted into the drive and the data is immediately available. The data is searchable by various methods, and access time is extremely short, in milliseconds. The order and width of the columns can be varied by the user. I called up details of all stations broadcasting in Latin, and their times and frequencies - I was surprised to note two broadcasters in that search - Vatican and Finland. I also asked for data for all stations using the Irkutsk relay - 27 entries were revealed. I found that there is only one station broadcasting in Ladino (Israel), and one in Icelandic (Iceland). Oromo, the language spoken in East Africa, was shown as being used by eight broadcasters, and all necessary data was given. Searching for complete schedules for specific broadcasters is straightforward. DX specialist monitors will find this product to be extremely useful in assisting in station identification, where various search routines may be called up, whether for domestic/international/clandestine broadcasting services or utility. Particularly neat is the "concurrent search" program, which when sued in combination with the incremental search represents a very powerful tool. A search for all broadcasters using the Al Dhabayya relay centre in Abu Dhabi gave us 131 results, in 1 millisecond - that sort of search routine is an excellent example of what can be accomplished with this disk. Program listeners may use the disk to obtain details of an almost infinite number of permutations, such as "all broadcasts in Arabic at 0615 UTC". Many entries will be found for the emerging new technology known as "HF E-mail", claimed to be more cost-efficient than traditional satellite radio systems, with transfer rates of 2.4 kB now commonplace, with a possible 32 kB within reach. I met with Joerg at his home some three years ago when I visited Germany, and was impressed with his dedication and superb attention to detail and topicality of all products and services he offers. This product is a very useful tool for anyone involved in HF broadcasting. I have used the CD for many years as an important adjunct not only in support of my professional work associated with broadcast engineering, but also for my hobby interests in world radio. I would recommend it to anyone with an active interest in all forms of HF radio monitoring."
Borja Marco, Spain - 29 January 2003: "Radio Data Code Manual ... 2003 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Excellent quality books."
Curtis Cochran KG6IXW, United States of America - 27 January 2003: "Your 2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide is fantastic."
David Fleming NS8S, United States of America - 23 January 2003: "Enjoy your website too! Fantastic!"
John Kench G8JTQ, United Kingdom - 16 January 2003: "Have been looking at your website - absolutely magic! Saving up for a WAVECOM!!"
Kaj Bredahl Jørgensen, Editor-in-chief of Danish Shortwave Clubs International, in Shortwave News, Denmark - 14 January 2003: "2003 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... you have done again a very good job."
Radio Nederland's Real Radio Booklist Review - 9 January 2003: "2003 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... If you're interested in the signals between the broadcast bands, this guide is the acknowledged leader. A comprehensive guide to codes and abbreviations used in practice. Published in December, the book has a quick production turn-around time. - 2003 Super Frequency List on CD ... an extremely comprehensive and accurate list ... A powerful concurrent full text word search is included as well. - 2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... an extremely comprehensive and accurate list, in frequency order ... also includes over 100 pages of broadcast station schedules by country in alphabetical order. The book has a quick production turn-around time. This book is ideal if you scan the dial methodically and want a book that will help you identify mystery stations. Klingenfuss bases his material on actual monitoring by a worldwide team of over 100 people. Highly recommended. - This review was compiled by the staff of 'Media Network', the English language webzine of Radio Netherlands. The review was done independently of the author and publisher. Radio Netherlands has no financial connection with either and provides the information above in good faith."
Lee Reynolds in Monitoring Times, United States of America - January 2003: "The WAVECOM W40PC DSP Digital Data Decoder is a well-designed and laid-out device. On HF performance was excellent. One item under the heading of "eye candy" that I really liked is the ability to select different palettes for the tool displays - it makes interpreting things like waterfall displays much easier when various attributes are properly colour-coded. As you can tell, I like this device. I liked it well enough to have purchased one some months ago. I have a reasonable wide experience of digital transmission decoding hardware (Hoka, Universal et al) and the Wavecom is my firm favourite, because it offers an excellent compromise between quality, features and cost. If you're in the market for a high-end decoder, I can definitely recommend the Wavecom line of products. Not only are they well designed, they're well supported and Wavecom honestly admit to any problems you may encounter, happily working with you to resolve the matter. Feature set and cost is only half the value here - a manufacturer that acknowledges the hobbyist's existence is the other. One big plus for this device is that software updates are reasonably regular and, importantly, free! Wavecom exhibits a mentality that takes into account the low-end purchaser, not just the corporate/governmental buyer. This compares extremely favourably with a competitor's offering of a 3.5" diskette with the latest software upgrade for their hardware for a mere USD 400. I may be crazy enough to be a digital utility monitor but I'm not crazy enough to pay that kind of money for a merely incremental software upgrade as well!"
Md. Azizul Alam Al-Amin, Bangla Desh - 31 December 2002: "I would like to take the opportunity to show my heartfelt gratitude and thanks for sending your excellent 2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... The guide is quite informative and exclusive. I have told to some of my DX-er friends about it ..."
Michael Bente, United States of America - 31 December 2002: "2003 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2003 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Guide to Worldwide Weather Services ... I have purchased from you several items over the past years, and thank you very much for the support it has given me in my hobby of shortwave listening."
Bob Padula, Australia - 14 December 2002: "2003 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... an excellent and meticulous production."
Richard D'Angelo, Executive Director, North American Shortwave Association - 13 December 2002: "2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide... Mailed monday, and arrived today, Thursday ... very fast! ... another excellent edition of this very valuable resource."
Radio Monitoring Station, Station Manager, Greenock, Scotland, United Kingdom - 12 December 2002: "2003 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2003 Super Frequency List on CD ... Thank you again for your wonderful products."
Ari Tiiska, Finland - 12 December 2002: "Radio Data Code Manual ... 2003 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Thanks once more for your excellent books. This kind of information is very difficult to find elsewhere."
Dick Richardson, United Kingdom - 11 December 2002: "2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... I have only had the chance to look at it for one hour and already it is my favourite radio handbook - well done. I will see you next year for sure. In the meantime when I can afford it I would also like to get the CD version. Many thanks for a useful book, and prompt service, and one (if not the only one which I have) which already seems to be up to date with its information - IT WORKS."
Richard D'Angelo, United States of America - 8 December 2002: "I find the Shortwave Frequency Guide to be a very valuable reference source in my DXing endeavors."
Anthony J Harding, United Kingdom - 7 December 2002: "Once again, for the seventh year running, Klingenfuss Shortwave Frequency Guide is packed from front cover to back with USEFUL information. Every page of your publication is of interest to the shortwave listener without having to skip pages of advertising and sponsorship. I have purchased a copy of this book every year since first published in 1997 and will continue to do so along with the excellent Super Frequency List on CD. I would recommend all radio enthusiasts who purchase data by mail order to use Klingenfuss. Your publications and your delivery times are second to NONE."
Barry Harding, United Kingdom - 5 December 2002: "2003 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2003 Super Frequency List on CD ... Thank you for processing my order of 02/12 same as last year - very efficiently. Receipt was on Wednesday 04/12."
John T Edwards, France - 2 December 2002: "Thank you for all your efforts over the years to supply the precious indications necessary to guide everybody like me who has a love for radio listening."
Roberto Innocente, Italy - 17 November 2002: "2002 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... It's simply... FANTASTIC! Congratuations for your wonderful job!!!"
Sheldon Harvey, Canada, in The Radio H.F. Internet Newsletter - September 2002: "Joerg Klingenfuss is one of the world's best known utility radio monitors. For those who monitor two-way utility radio traffic on the HF bands, his publications and CDs are essential reference guides. His material is highly respected, well researched, constantly updated, detailed and precise. Although these reference guides are often more costly than others on the market, they are well worth the investment for the serious radio monitor."
Hans Kulk NL12972, Netherlands - 31 August 2002: "Compact Disc Recording of Modulation Types .. The CD's are of great interest to me personally because at home I'm a radio listener from 40 kHz to 300 MHz. The CD's contain very good samples of all kinds of radiocodings and is indeed very helpful in finding out whats going on."
Robert J Inderbitzen NQ1R, Marketing Coordinator, in American Radio Relay League QST - April 2002: "... details on how to listen in on the newest, most secretive shortwave digital modes including commercial HF e-mail! Relied on by professional and hobbyist listeners for years, Klingenfuss publications are known for their thoroughness and accuracy."
Bob Grove W8JHD, Chief Editor of Monitoring Times, United States of America - March 2002: "For combination utilities/broadcast listeners who want a ready, comprehensive reference, nothing can beat the 2002 Shortwave Frequency Guide. This dual directory is an excellent value. Joerg Klingenfuss is probably the best-known shortwave frequency specialist."
David Stoddard, United States of America - 14 February 2002: "Just wanted to send you a .w40 file of a recent Sailmail transmission. I've just recently purchased my WAVECOM W40PC and I'm having a blast with it. I'm using it in conjunction with a T2FD and a Ten-Tec RX340. I really enjoy your website along with your publications and frequency database."
Kevin Nice G7TZC, Chief Editor of Shortwave Magazine, United Kingdom - January 2002: "WAVECOM W40PC DSP Digital Data Decoder Card ... This decoder represents the leading edge of the shortwave listening hobby. With the W40PC you can intercept and display traffic that originates from systems that utilize very complex engineering to pass information at an ever increasing rate ... for less money than that required to purchase a large wide-screen TV set. If you are serious about data modes, and I do mean serious, then you will need much more than a shareware decoder. I've been using this Wavecom for a good few weeks and there's no doubt it is a joy to operate ... a very lively, rapidly updating spectrum display."
Barry Harding, United Kingdom - 13 December 2001: "My order which you dispatched this Monday arrived on Wednesday. I am very impressed by your fast efficient service. Initial look at the Super Frequency List on CD and the Guide to Utility Radio Stations look very interesting, excellent value with features that will greatly enhance my hobby. My old Guide 6th edition will now be scrapped. I intend to update on a regular basis from now."
Jean-Louis Anhes, Belgium - 24 August 2002: "Please continue your fantastic job!"
Walter Lindenbach, Canada - 27 May 2002: "2002 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... It must be a frightful lot of work ... Dankesehr für ein sehr gutes Buch!"
F A de Jager, Netherlands - 10 May 2002: "I have received the WAVECOM W40PC DSP Digital Data Decoder Card in good order. Thank you very much for the additional books and recorded signals. Everything is working fine. I am very very satisfied about the excellent hardware and software."
Jean-Louis Querton, France - 2 April 2002: " WAVECOM W40PC DSP Digital Data Decoder Card ... runs absolutly fine. I'm delighted to use it and enjoy more and more monitoring the frequencies. Many thanks for your great job in publishing the famous Klingenfuss Manuals."
Tom Davies, South Africa (Republic of) - 9 March 2002: "Many thanks for my 2002 Guide to Utility Radio Stations, which arrived yesterday. I am delighted with the publication, as well as your prompt service."
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode editor of Shortwave Magazine, United Kingdom - February 2002: "2002 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... this handbook continues to be the leading up-to-date frequency reference. - 2002 Super Frequency List on CD ... excellent CD ... the search facility is extremely fast. - 2002 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... The layout is very simple and easy to use and provides an excellent up-to-date reference."
Kaj Bredahl Jørgensen, Editor-in-chief of Danish Shortwave Clubs International, in Shortwave News, Denmark - January 2002: "2002 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... I find it very easy to use compared with other radio handbooks. This system is just brilliant, when you're searching the bands. When you listen to a certain frequency, then you look at the time you're listening, and then you have the station you're listening to. It can't be more easier. Of all those stations I have been listening to, just a very few errors were found. I can only recommend this unique book strongly."
Jan Nieuwenhuis, Publications editor of Benelux DX Club Bulletin, Netherlands - January 2002 :"2002 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... A great source of information for a low price! - 2002 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... This is THE book for the shortwave utility monitor, it covers an enormous amount of accurate information, it's user-friendly, clearly arranged and can be used by both the radio hobbyist as well as the professional. - 2002 Super Frequency List on CD ... gives easy access to an enormous amount of information, it's a comprehensive reference for the shortwave broadcast and utility monitor. It's accurate and therefore a great source of information. "
"Monty Python", United States of America - 9 December 2001: " It's an annual thing for me to order the Super Frequency List on CD (which contains both SW + Utility frequencies), the Shortwave Frequency Guide, and the Guide to Utility Radio Stations. This combo is the best bang for your buck, and the most up-to-date references available."
Vasilios Rerres, Greece - 19 December 2001: "I am a reader of your books since the era of the seventies."
James D Strader, United States of America - 22 November 2001: "Many thanks for the email reminder. I look forward to your accurate publications year after year."
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode editor of Shortwave Magazine, United Kingdom - September 2001: "WAVECOM W41PC DSP Digital Data Decoder Card ... immense processing power ... the whole thing was very fast and responsive because there wasn't the lag that you tend to get with PC soundcard based systems. An excellent system of measurement cursors was built into all the analysis display modes and really made the W41PC an extremely powerful analytical tool. Fax signals ... the W41PC delivers the best balance of performance and features that I've seen in any system. Speed and phase adjustment are so well thoughtout they made fax reception a real dream. Excellent owner's manual ... a very sophisticated decoding and analysis system. You can sense the processing power as soon as you start to use it because all the signal displays are so much more lively than many soundcard based systems."
Brian D Gerrard, United Kingdom - 1 October 2001: "2001 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... I have found your earlier version (1994 Twelfth Edition) has been an excellent reference for me ..."
Steve Ford WB8IMY, Managing Editor, in American Radio Relay League QST - August 2001: " If you are tempted to go snooping outside the ham bands with your digital decoder, the Radio Data Code Manual is a vital reference that will make it possible for you to interpret the gibberish you often see on your monitor."
Martin King, United Kingdom - 1 August 2001: "WAVECOM W40PC DSP Digital Data Decoder Card ... Dear all at freq hq, from m king england, one very happy teddy bear thing wrong ....when can i get some sleep with this thing to play with ha ha ha ha."
Allen Fountain, Utility editor of Australian DX News - June 2001: "Radio Data Code Manual ... The most comprehensive source of information for the radio hobbyist available."
Anker Petersen, Chairman of Danish Shortwave Clubs International, in Shortwave News - March 2001: "In SWN January I published a comparison between the 2001 Super Frequency List on CD, the WRTH 2001 and the Passport to World Band Radio 2001. I have now worked intensively with these three products for another month and my conclusions are still the same! The 2001 Shortwave Frequency Guide is by far the most accurate on frequencies in use here at the beginning of 2001!! The book also contains a ten pages long and very interesting article about the future of SW and MW broadcasting: Digital Modulation."
Mike Frastacky, Canada - 4 February 2001: "2001 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Your book is an excellent compilation for those of us interested in exploring shortwave."
Radio Nederland's Real Radio Booklist Review - 29 January 2001: "2001 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... If you're interested in the signals between the broadcast bands, this guide is the acknowledged leader. The 2001 edition features an improved layout and contains the latest Red Cross and UN frequencies, particularly relevant if you want to try and intercept communications going into areas of conflict. - 2001 Super Frequency List on CD ... an extremely comprehensive and accurate list ... A powerful concurrent full text word search is included as well. - 2001 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... an extremely comprehensive and accurate list, in frequency order ... also includes over 100 pages of broadcast station schedules by country in alphabetical order. The book has a quick production turn-around time. This book is ideal if you scan the dial methodically and want a book that will help you identify mystery stations. Klingenfuss bases his material on actual monitoring by a worldwide team of over 100 people. Highly recommended. - This review was compiled by the staff of 'Media Network', the English language communications programme broadcast by Radio Netherlands. The review was done independently of the author and publisher. Radio Netherlands has no financial connection with either and provides the information above in good faith."
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode editor of Shortwave Magazine, United Kingdom - January 2001: "... you need a good reference book to translate the codes. Probably the best place to start is with the Radio Data Code Manual. This excellent book is packed full of fascinating data for anyone seriously in decoding."
Anker Petersen, Chairman of Danish Shortwave Clubs International, in Shortwave News - January 2001: "For identification purposes, it is necessary that all the essential details [station name, exact language, scheduled broadcast time, exact frequency, transmitter site] are readily available in the handbook. This was found to be the case in 57 % of the checks [of 100 randomly selected broadcast stations throughout the shortwave bands] in the World Radio TV Handbook, 55 % in the Passport to World Band Radio, and as high as 77 % in the Super Frequency List on CD."
David Bones, BBC Atlantic Relay Station, Ascension - 6 October 2000: "2000 Super Frequency List on CD arrived on Ascension Island, South Atlantic this morning (courtesy of the Royal Air Force!). 4 days - that must be a record! I am very impressed with the frequency guide so far, very easy to use and very powerful."
Joe Cooper, Utility Radio Review Editor of Popular Communications, United States of America - October 2000: "One of the best sources of information on where to find digital (not to mention other) utility stations is the 2000 Guide to Utility Radio Stations .. the list that others are judged by."
Bob Grove W8JHD, Chief Editor of Monitoring Times, United States of America - July 2000: "For those serious shortwave addicts who specialize in monitoring the two-way communications, nothing beats the classic 2000 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... - 2000 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... this worldwide listening guide should be at the fingertips of every serious DXer."
Radio Today, United Kingdom - April 2000: "2000 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2000 Super Frequency List on CD ... the most up-to-date and the most accurate HF frequency listings presently available."
Harold Ort N2RLL, Chief Editor of Popular Communications, United States of America - March 2000: "We found the 2000 Shortwave Frequency Guide to be a superb compilation and retrieval of data was fast and easy!"
Francesco Valsecchi, Italy - 8 March 2000: "Just today I received the 2000 Super Frequency List on CD. Congratulations! Wonderful product, easy to use and useful."
Richard Baker, Communications Confidential editor of Monitoring Times, United States of America - February 2000: "2000 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... The extent of the utility station coverage in this publication is unmatched by any other publication available anywhere."
Richard C Birnie, United Kingdom - 4 February 2000: "2000 Super Frequency List on CD ... The amount of information is just great, easy to use. and laid out in a way that is easy to work through."
Richard D'Angelo in Numero Uno, United States of America - 16 January 2000: "2000 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Unlike the WRTH, the 2000 Guide does contain a nice section covering clandestine shortwave broadcasters. Its strength is the updated international broadcasting schedules."
Laurence Jamieson, United Kingdom - 27 December 1999: "2000 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2000 Super Frequency List on CD ... The quality is the usual high standard ... screenshots in the frequency list. I think the idea is a very good one. Sample printouts are one of the tools I use for identing new frequencies, and I think the screenshots could be very helpful especially to a new or inexperienced monitor."
Joe Cooper VE3FMQ, Utility Radio Review editor of Popular Communications, United States of America - 18 April 2000: "I would also like to thank you personally for the extremely important contributions that you have made to the utility monitoring hobby. Your professionalism sets the standards for us all."
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode editor of Shortwave Magazine, United Kingdom - February 2000: "2000 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... packed with a wide range of essential information for the serious listener. - 2000 Super Frequency List on CD ... a wonderful reference that's ideal for anyone who bases their operation around a computer. The frequency listings are very comprehensive."
Mark Zavatsky, United States of America - 3 February 2000: "I just received your 2000 Guide to Utility Radio Stations and your Radio Data Code Manual ... they are extremely helpful. Thank You."
R M Emery, United Kingdom - 23 January 2000: "1999/2000 Guide to Worldwide Weather Services excellent - use on sailing boat."
Angelo Brunero IK1QLD, President of Associazione Italiana Radioascolto, Italy - 20 January 2000: "2000 Super Frequency List on CD ... An excellent product, very easy to use and to read and, above all, very fast. My congratulations, a first-class product."
Kaj Bredahl Jørgensen, Editor-in-chief of Danish Shortwave Clubs International, in Shortwave News, Denmark - January 2000: "2000 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... the letter size and type are much more readable compared with e.g. the WRTVH. So it is a real pleasure for me to use and read this frequency guide. Out of those few loggings I have made, I didn't find any mistakes. Obviously it seems that Klingenfuss again has made a very up-to-date handbook. "
Jonathan Marks, Diana Janssen and Thomas Sundström in Radio Nederland's Real Radio Booklist Review - January 2000: "2000 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... If you're interested in the signals between the broadcast bands, this guide is the acknowledged leader. The 2000 edition features an improved layout and contains the latest Red Cross and UN frequencies, particularly relevant if you want to try and intercept communications going into areas of conflict. - 2000 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... extremely comprehensive and accurate. - 2000 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... an extremely comprehensive and accurate list, in frequency order ... also includes over 100 pages of broadcast station schedules by country in alphabetical order. The book has a quick production turn-around time. Klingenfuss bases his material on actual monitoring. Highly recommend."
Jan Nieuwenhuis, Computer & Radio editor of Benelux DX Club Bulletin, Netherlands - January 2000 :"2000 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... easy access to an enormous amount of information, using an easy to handle software ... it is very, very fast, easy to use and nothing has to be installed onto your computer."
Jim Wilson, United States of America - 27 August 1999: "I enjoy your 1999 Shortwave Frequency Guide and use it often."
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode editor of Shortwave Magazine, United Kingdom - August 1999: "1999/2000 Guide to Worldwide Weather Services ... an essential publication for anyone with an interest in receiving weather data. "
Paul Pybus, United Kingdom - 18 February 1999: "1999 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... Having used it this evening I see it is of great help in identifying stations and frequencies. Once again well done on an excellent product."
C E Peed, United States of America - 26 January 1999: "1999 Guide to Utility Radio Stations & 1998/1999 Guide to Worldwide Weather Services ... are both 1st class! Bought them from Universal Radio ... spoke with "Steve", he recommended them highly!"
François Guillet F6FLT, France, author of the superb RadioRaft decoding software - 30 March 1999: "Your CDs of recorded modes have been a precious help."
Jan Nieuwenhuis, Publications editor of Benelux DX Club Bulletin, Netherlands - February 1999 :"1999 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... It's user-friendly; it lists an enormous amount of frequency information about utility and broadcasting stations; and ... it has a low price."
Don Phillips, "As I Please" editor of Danish Shortwave Clubs International, in Shortwave News, Denmark - February 1999:"The 1999 Shortwave Frequency Guide is an impressive document with lots in it for the list-searcher ... from a shortwave DX'ers point of view, the list seems accurate. It is nice to see stations that are known to be long-since dead-and-buried not appearing. - 1999 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... is great fun and very useful for the keen shortwave listener."
Al Dudley, United States of America - 5 February 1999: "Your publications are simply THE best source due to the fact that there's so much more information available in them, samples, pictures of what decoded logs/sounds are supposed to look like, detailed explanations of just about anything a person may need, etc., etc. Keep up the excellent work!"
Jonathan Marks, Diana Janssen and Thomas Sundström in Radio Nederland's Real Radio Booklist Review - January 1999: "1999 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... If you're interested in the signals between the broadcast bands, this guide is the acknowledged leader. The book has a quick production turn-around time. - 1999 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... an extremely comprehensive and accurate list. - 1999 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... an extremely comprehensive and accurate list, in frequency order ... also includes over 100 pages of broadcast station schedules by country in alphabetical order. Klingenfuss bases his material on actual monitoring. Highly recommend."
Eric R Stettler, Switzerland - 12 January 1999: "1999 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... Encyclopedia of Intelligence and Secret Services ... Worldwide Intelligence Services on CD-ROM ... In my quality of regular client since a couple of years; i would like to thank you for making very fine products accessible on the market."
Olav M Grimdalen, Frequency Manager for Radio Norway International and Radio Denmark - 5 January 1999: "1999 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... I am sure that it will be of great use when we start the new radio conference of HFCC in the beginning of February. "
Paolo Romani, Italy - 12 December 1998: "1999 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Compliments for the new layout of the frequency list!"
Lennart Deimert, Book Review editor of Sveriges DX-Förbund's Eter Aktuellt, Sweden - 21 December 1998: "1999 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... new layout improvements ... easier to read and perfect for notes ..."
Kjell-Ingvar Karlsson, Ericsson, Sweden - 19 December 1998: "1999 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Thanks for this great guide."
Olav M Grimdalen, Frequency Manager for Radio Norway International and Radio Denmark - 11 December 1998: "1999 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... We will have another conference in Portugal in the beginning of February. In my work during these conferences I use the CD very much."
Erik Koie, Danmarks Radio, Copenhagen, Denmark - 4 December 1998: "... the 1999 Guide to Utility Radio Stations arrived today - after two days! Thanks for the fast delivery!"
Bob Grove, What's New? editor of Monitoring Times, United States of America - December 1998: "Radio Data Code Manual ... a detailed breakdown of virtually every digital code encountered in the HF spectrum ... mammoth library of digital information for the complete monitoring post."
Laurence Jamieson, United Kingdom - 6 November 1998: "Radiotelex Messages ... A very interesting book, and an excellent reference."
American Radio Relay League in QST New Products - November 1998: "Radio Data Code Manual ... 1998/1999 Guide to Worldwide Weather Services ... Compact Disc Recordings of Modulation Types ... Used by professional and hobbyist listeners, Klingenfuss Publications are known for their thoroughness and accuracy."
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode editor of Shortwave Magazine, United Kingdom - September 1998: "The Radio Data Code Manual is packed with technical data on a very wide range of data modes - every serious listener should have a copy."
Prof. Dr. Geoffrey F Gott, University of Manchester - Institute of Science and Technology - Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics / Rohde & Schwarz HF Spectral Occupancy Measurement Project, United Kingdom - 4 September 1998: "Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... Radio Data Code Manual ... Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... They represent a tremendous effort of compilation, and congratulations."
David W Gentile in Shortwave Magazine, Great Britain - September 1998: "All in all the WAVECOM W41PC DSP is a very able decoder. It can decode almost every non-encrypted signal found in the HF! And the developers are working hard to make sure that they keep on the cutting edge of decoding technology."
Jan Nieuwenhuis in BDXC Bulletin, Netherlands - August 1998: "Radio Data Code Manual ... The best reference book on this subject I have ever seen. - 1998/1999 Guide to Worldwide Weather Services ... A 'must' for the radio- and weather-amateur/professional."
George W Henry, President of HAL Communications Corporation, United States of America, and Book Review editor of RTTY Journal - August 1998: "Klingenfuss's books have become a set of "must-reference" books for all of us data mode listeners. Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... very easy to use and view. - Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... information you always wondered where to find. - Radio Data Code Manual ... a collection of just about everything you ever wanted to know about different data codes, protocols, languages, and uses. A treasure-trove of information for those of us who want to expand our knowledge beyond Baudot and ASCII data coding."
Anker Petersen, President of Danish Shortwave Clubs International, Denmark - 20 March 1998: "Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... looks very usable for most SW DX-ers. You are in the front row of modern information technology for DX-ers!"
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode editor of Shortwave Magazine, United Kingdom - March 1998: "Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... This wonderful CD-ROM is getting better every time and the latest has lots of extras included. - Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... remains the most comprehensive and up-to-date guide of its type."
David W Gentile, United States of America - 15 February 1998: "My WAVECOM W41PC DSP works like a dream under Win-95! The on-board memory means that I can be on the Internet, play my favorite 3D shooter (Quake II), and be monitoring whomever - all at the same time ..."
Bob Padula, Australia, in Electronic DX Press Australia - 26 January 1998: "Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... I recently wanted to know the names of SW broadcasters carrying programming in Uighur. This sort of data is SOMEWHERE in the standard hardcopy references, but quite impracticable to find! Bingo - the Klingenfuss CD-ROM gave me much of the data almost instantaneously, along with freqs and times!!!"
Kaj Bredahl Jorgensen, Editor-in-chief of Danish Shortwave Clubs International's Shortwave News - January 1998: "Shortwave Frequency Guide ... I have had the opportunity to use this book for about two weeks, and I must say that it is very easy to use ... very much up-to-date ... So, my conclusion is that it is an extremely valuable book."
Larry van Horn, Assistant Editor of Monitoring Times, United States of America - October 1998: "An excellent frequency guide that ought to be on your reference shelf is the Klingenfuss 1998 Guide to Utility Radio Stations. This by-frequency reference will help the monitor identify a wide variety of digital signals and reduce the amount of unknown signals that the radio monitor has to contend with."
Keith Ferry, Republic of South Africa - 16 July 1998: "Thanks for sending ... so quickly. I think that apart from a radio and antenna, the 1998 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM is the best radio tool there is!!!!!!"
Kevin Burgin, United States of America - 22 May 1998: "Thank you for your most excellent books. In this day of the Internet, it's good to know there is still plenty of ways to explore "the good fashioned way" - via the radio. Keep up the good work. Your publications are by far the best in the industry."
Allen Fountain, Utility editor of Australian DX News - March 1998: "1998 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... If one wishes to keep abreast of what can be heard on the ute frequencies I suggest it is essential to have a current copy. Checking against the 15th edition clearly indicates that this guide is kept up to date. It is obvious that only stations actually monitored or currently scheduled are included. The same attention to detail is evident in other chapters."
Radio Nederland's Real Radio Booklist Review - January 1998: "1998 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... an extremely comprehensive and accurate list, in frequency order ... also includes over 100 pages of broadcast station schedules by country in alphabetical order. Klingenfuss bases his material on actual monitoring. Highly recommended. - 1998 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... an extremely comprehensive and accurate list. Michiel Schaay is a trustworthy source of info. Highly recommended."
Keith Ferry, Republic of South Africa - 14 January 1998: "Last year I ordered an Alpha Delta DX-Ultra antenna from you. I am very impressed. Low noise and good signal strength. We get a lot of man made noise in my neighbourhood, and also atmospheric hash! So it has made a big difference to my listening/viewing (utility). Thanks."
Hervé De Schepper, Belgium - 23 December 1997: "1998 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 1998 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... 1998 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... I have been a customer of yours for about 20 years I believe, have always been very pleased with your products, and am really impressed by the quality and accuracy! My sincere congratulations for that!"
Mohammad Sultan, Mauritius - 15 December 1997: "1998 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 1998 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... Very nice and most informative products. Thank you very much for producing these outstanding tools for the utility hobby. Keep the good work going. " :
American Radio Relay League in QST New Products - May 1998: "1998 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 1998 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 1998 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... Used by professional and hobbyist listeners for years, Klingenfuss Publications are known for their thoroughness and accuracy."
Kevin Burgin, United States of America - 10 January 1998: "Thank you for publishing real books with real information. Excellent work!"
Dr. Joaquin Vargas jr., United States of America - 10 January 1998: "1998 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... It is just WONDERFUL. It is going to be of great help to me. Please keep updating this VERY GREAT WORK for us shortwave listeners."
Neville L H Cresdee, Chief Radio Officer, M/V Anastasis/9HOZ, Cotonou, Benin - 26 January 1998: "Previous to working on this vessel I worked for some years with the Greenpeace marine organisation as Radio Operator. At that time I purchased several Klingenfuss products which were very useful in tracking down radio and telecommunication sources. Your Guide to Utility Stations - 11th Edition comes to mind. I still have this with me and use it. Of great professional use was your Tape Cassette recording of some 48 different emissions of Modulation Types. This was extremely useful in Greenpeace for learning how to differentiate encoded or encrypted signals."
Bob Padula, Australia, in Electronic DX Press Australia - 31 December 1997: "1998 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... My assessment of this manual that it lives up to its published claims in terms of topicality, accuracy, and ease of use. - 1998 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... Yes, search time is extremely quick, and the desired data comes up on the screen almost before the keyboard entry has been completed! The data is accessible through software interfaces included on the CD-ROM. The database is an unencrypted .dbf-file, which allows the direct importing of data into the user's own application, using standard database software packages such as dBase or Microsoft Access. The data can also be used in receiver control software. For users wanting very quick electronic access, where RF interference from the PC is tolerable, the CD-ROM is ideal and others may prefer to use the printed versions. Some users may choose both! 1998 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... All three products are excellent value and are in daily use here in Surrey Hills!"
Michiel Schaay, editor of Kortegolf Nieuwsbrief, Netherlands - 10 December 1997: "1998 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... best ever all-in-one frequency guide and at a very competitive price!"
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode editor of Shortwave Magazine, United Kingdom - November 1997: "Compact Disc Recording of Modulation Types ... This very comprehensive CD set includes good quality recordings of just about every signal type that you will encounter. The beauty of it being packaged on CD is that you can quickly step straight to the required track. Another advantage of the CD is that the recordings can be used to test your decoder and provide valuable practice in using your decoder under controlled conditions."
Richard Olesen, United States of America - 30 October 1997: "I really enjoy your up-to-date publications and your web site. The screen shots of the W41PC DSP Digital Data Decoder Card are interesting and informative." Richard Baker, New Products Editor of Worldwide Utility News, Internet - March 1997: "1997 Internet Radio Guide ... This is an amazing compilation ... Under the chapter for Solar and Geophysical Data there are enough sites as to keep you surfing for a few days alone. I found hundreds of interesting sites that I have not found "surfing" in many hours on the web."
Trevor Rymell, British Council, Singapore - 31 March 1997: "Many thanks for the "Shortwave Communication Receivers 1945-1996" which arrived today and very fast too. It's great! So many models I never heard of before!"
Radio Society of Great Britain's Headquarters Staff in RadCom - March 1997: "1997 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... enormous frequency listings ... the information contained in the guide is probably the most up-to-date frequency listing presently available."
Tom Roach, United States of America, in WRTH vs. Passport in - 12 March 1997: "1997 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... contains an exportable "world band" database. Now I can easily add my own entries, update the information based on my own, or other people's inputs. The CD-ROM is fast and you can sort "filter" and display the information ninety ways from Sunday in almost any manner you see fit."
Bob Padula, Australia, in Electronic DX Press Australia - 9 March 1997: "1997 Internet Radio Guide ... For setting Browser bookmarks, this latest reference is ideal, and will obviously save a lot of time and effort in searching the WWW for something which we may not be really sure is there! For radio enthusiasts using the Internet, this latest comprehensive Guide is a "must-have", and the purchase cost will be recouped very quickly by savings in access and online search time."
Mark Hawkins, Director Atlantis Sailing Limited, United Kingdom - 18 February 1997: "You posted me the 1997 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM on Friday from Germany. It got to me Monday morning! I was amazed how quickly the German Post office managed to get the mail out to the UK but I am totally surprised that the Royal Mail handled the package as quickly ... it will be very useful to me when I get down to the Falkland Islands next week."
Radio Nederland's Media Network Booklist Review - February 1997: "1997 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... an extremely comprehensive and accurate list, in frequency order. This book is ideal if you scan the dial methodically and want a book that will help you identify mystery stations. Klingenfuss bases his material on actual monitoring. Highly recommended. - 1997 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... an extremely comprehensive and accurate list. Michiel Schaay is a trustworthy source of info. Highly recommended. - 1997 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... the acknowledged leader."
Chris McWinnie, BBC Monitoring Foreign Media Unit, in World Media - 17 January 1997: "1997 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ...was easy to install and the interface is easy to use."
Bob Padula, Australia, in Electronic DX Press Australia - 8 January 1997: "1997 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... 1997 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 1997 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... I regard all three products as worthwile, useful acquisitions to the functional library of anyone involved with shortwave monitoring or transmission, whether at the hobby, technical, engineering, or professional level. Frequency managers and schedule planners will find these products to be valuable investments in support of transmission coordination activities, particularly where the needs of differing services need to be taken into accouint within specific administrations."
Thomas B Roach, United States of America - 26 and 28 December 1996: "... just received the 1997 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM a few minutes ago. Have already confirmed several tropical and other ISWBC Ids I wasn't sure of and am VERY impressed with the product. All in all it is a VERY good product ... overall the data is far more up to date than either WRTVH or Passport. It has made an already pleasant hobby all that much more pleasant."
Bob Padula, Australia, in Electronic DX Press Australia - 24 December 1996: "1997 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... excellent! Access time is extremely fast, of the order of milliseconds ... In my opinion, the publishers are to be commended for this product, which has been compiled quickly and accurately ... the market will ultimately determine the success, or otherwise, of these kinds of references, taking into account timeliness, accuracy, and functionality, consistent with what the user perceives as value for money. I award top marks for all these vital criteria ... For my own monitoring of shortwave broadcasters, the CD List provides a convenient, accurate, and topical reference ... and I use it continuously."
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Germany, in DX Window # 44 B - 21 December 1996: "1997 Super Frequency List ... powerful software makes it real fun to work with this CD-ROM. To sum up, I would call this the only CD-ROM on the market which really is worth checking for a dedicated shortwave listener."
Lennart Deimert, Sweden - 19 December 1996: "... really a pleasure to use the 1997 Super Frequency List with all the new possibilities! An excellent work!"
Adrian O'Leary, Ireland - 16 December 1996: "1997 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... I ordered the book by phone on a Thursday in late November ... it arrived on the following Tuesday!!! I would like to commend you for excellent service ..."
Michael D Hurst, Book Store manager of Practical Wireless, United Kingdom - December 1996 page 65: "In the world of data communications the name of Joerg Klingenfuss reigns supreme when it comes to information. Internet Radio Guide ... If you're looking for the radio information needle in a haystack - this book is just the magnet you need to find it and is well worth it."
Larry Miller, What's New editor of Monitoring Times, United States of America - December 1996: "Guide to Worldwide Weatherfax Services ... the most exhaustive directory of these stations ... includes an excellent tutorial chapter on weather satellites."
Richard Baker, Review Editor of Worldwide Utility News, United States of America - September 1996: "Guide to Worldwide Weatherfax Services ... covers the facsimile/weatherfax end of the hobby A through Z. .If you are a fax/weather buff or would like to learn more, I strongly suggest this detailed reference."
R.L. Slattery, Book Review editor of Popular Communications, United States of America - June 1996: "Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... there is a wealth of hard monitoring data here, well prepared and presented."
Harry Martin, United Kingdom - 15 March 1996: "The Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... You may add me to your list of satisfied customers! My son bought me the Frequency List for Christmas and I use it every day."
Fred J. Zendarski, United States of America - 7 March 1996: "Compact Disc Recording of Modulation Types ... Thank you for an interesting, educational and accurate addition to my listening pleasure."
George Wood, MediaScan editor of Radio Sweden - 20 February 1996: "Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... The best guide to these stations. A good solid work."
Mike Richards G4WNC, Decode editor of Shortwave Magazine, United Kingdom - February 1996 page 71: "Guide to Utility Radio Stations remains the definitive and most up-to-date guide available ... with a few very worthwile improvements. - The Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... for a CD-based system with no files downloaded to your hard disk the search and retrieval times were very good."
Roy Tait, United Kingdom - 28 January 1996: "The Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... Congratulations on a good product and of course the high standard of information."
Robert Margolis, Editor of Ute Hunter, United States of America - January 1996: "Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... the most important, fact-filled reference to worldwide utility stations that use shortwave radio."
Rick Matthew VE7BFB, Canada - 13 January 1996: "Received the 96 Utility Guide and CD-ROM - both are great!"
Laurence Jamieson, United Kingdom - 31 December 1995: "Many thanks for the usual swift delivery of the Utility Guide. I find that addition of the unid stations in the main section of the book is very helpful."
Jonathan Marks, Director of Programmes of Radio Netherlands, Hilversum, Netherlands - 27 December 1995: "Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... The Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... Good luck with your excellent guides in '96."
Kaj Bredahl Jorgensen, Editor-in-chief of Danish Shortwave Clubs International's Shortwave News - December 1995 page 3: "Passport to World Band Radio ... very valuable and interesting articles. An essential tool for your DX hobby, as it covers almost all aspects of our hobby."
World DX Club's Contact - November 1995: "Passport to World Band Radio .. Essential to all SW listeners and DXers. Almost all the worldwide stations, from low-powered Peruvians to the international blasters ... an ingenious barcode type of system, across the full width of the page, gives you all the information, times, language etc., you could possibly need to identify it, or to FIND it!"
Roger G7CSE and Alan G8GOJ, Products and Book Review editors of British Amateur Radio Teledata Group's Datacom, Cullompton, United Kingdom - Autumn 1995 page 34-35 and 72-73: "The Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... I haven't seen any other programs that contain this type of information. At £ 22 this is half the price of most commercial CD-ROMs that radio users will have been offered. - Radioteletype Code Manual ... well structured. This book should find a place on the book shelves of anyone with more than a casual interest in monitoring the HF bands for data signals."
Lesenswerte Google-Übersetzung der umfangreichen Besprechung von Georg Wiessala, ehemaliger Herausgeber von Radio User (früher Shortwave Magazine), Vereinigtes Königreich, in The Spectrum Monitor, United States of America - February 2025:
Funkamateur, Germany - February 2025: "2025/2026 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Ergänzend zu Unterseekabeln und Satelliten bleibt die Kurzwelle für die unabhängige Übertragung von Informationen unverzichtbar ... Deren Bedeutung nimmt angesichts der aktuellen internationalen Lage zu."
Funkamateur, Germany - January 2025: "2025 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Für aktive Wellenjäger ist dieses Handbuch wie gewohnt ein hilfreicher Begleiter."
Michael Haberer, Germany - 16 December 2024: "2025/2026 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Wie immer aktuelle und professionell recherchierte Informationen über Utility-Stations. Vielen Dank an alle Beteiligten für die wirklich aufwändige Erstellung dieses Handbuches."
Wolfgang Büschel DF5SX, Germany - 8 December 2024: "2025 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2025 Super Frequency List on CD ... Großen Dank für ... die kontinuierliche Produktion in gewohnt akkurater Weise ..."
Horst Weise DL4SBK, Germany - 7 December 2024: "2025 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2025 Super Frequency List on CD ... ... der Inhalt wie immer in bewährter Klingenfuss Qualität! Das macht dir so schnell keiner nach."
Markus Wolf DE1AFN, Germany - 27 October 2024: "2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2024 Super Frequency List on CD ... Danke für eure Arbeit ;-) Macht weiter so!!!!"
Martin Bertuleit, Austria - 20 July 2024: "2024 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... tolle Arbeit."
Joachim Lersch DK5NF, Germany - 18 March 2024: "2024 Super Frequency List on CD ... Ein sehr schönes Programm!"
Harald Kuhl DL1AX, Buchbesprechungen editor of Radio-Kurier Weltweit Hören, Germany - February 2024: "2024 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... ist weiterhin das einzige gedruckte Frequenzwerk, das sich mit den beiden wichtigsten Nutzern des Kurzwellenspektrums befasst: den professionellen Funkdiensten und den Hörfunkstationen ..."
Matthias Zapatka AJ4BB DL6ZM DU3ZM, Germany - 23 December 2022: "2023 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2023 Super Frequency List on CD ... wie immer sehr gut verpackt und wurde sehr schnell verschickt. Als beruflich Vielreisender kommt die digitale 2023 Klingenfuss Frequenzliste nun auf den Laptop, um abends nach Dienstschluss von verschiedenen QTH's mit einem SDR oder dem Kenwood TH-D74 auf Sendersuche zu gehen. Hoffe die Bücher und CD's werden noch viele weitere Jahre produziert. Bin sehr zufrieden."
Peter Eppich, Germany - 16 December 2022: "2023 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... TOP! Danke. Ich bin in mehrfacher Hinsicht begeistert ..."
Heinz Böger DL5BAQ, Germany - 9 October 2022: "2022 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... hervorragende Publikationen!"
Hubert Weikert, Germany - 30 August 2022: "2022 Super Frequency List on CD ... Sie funktioniert perfekt mit WINE und auch mit CrossOver auf Linux."
Fabio Galeffi, Italy - 4 January 2022: "2022 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Fantastisch! Sie sind zwei wahre Meisterwerke."
Matthias Zapatka AJ4BB DL6ZM DU3ZM, Germany - 18 December 2021: "2022 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2022 Super Frequency List on CD ... Die Frequenzliste, die ich letztes Jahr auf CD bestellt hatte, war mir eine grosse Hilfe zahlreiche Stationen zu ermitteln und mit Buch nun noch besser :) "
Jutta Schneider, Germany - 9 December 2021: "2022 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Vielen Dank, dass Sie immer noch alles zum Funkempfang zusammentragen, veröffentlichen und direkt zum Verkauf anbieten."
Klaus Flöer, Germany - 22 November 2021: "2022 Frequency Database for the Perseus Receiver ... Diese Liste begleitet mich von Jahr zu Jahr und ist mir ein unentbehrliches Hilfsmittel. Nichts ist so topaktuell."
Frank Wenzel, Germany - 22 November 2021: "2022 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Ein sehr wertvolles Werk, welches Sie anbieten. Es hält, was das W..H verspricht."
Thomas von Kiedrowski, Spain - 13 June 2021: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Radio Data Code Manual ... 2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2021 Super Frequency List on CD ... muss man Ihnen für das heraus gearbeitete Material und das daraus resultierende hoch spannende Informationsangebot einen großen Dank aussprechen."
Günter Gabelunke DH3GG, Germany - 14 May 2021: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Meine früheren Bestellungen liegen schon eine recht lange Zeit zurück - ich war aber immer sehr zufrieden."
Joe Foser, Germany - 29 April 2021: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2021 Super Frequency List on CD ... Ich bin nach 10 Jahren QRL-bedingter Pause, Wiedereinsteiger in das UT Monitoring, bin sehr froh, dass es Sie und Ihre Publikationen noch gibt."
Willi Rauschenberg, Germany - 4 February 2021: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Obwohl ich mich schon seit etlichen Jahren mit DXen und SDR beschäftige und auch bereits in der Vergangenheit einige Bücher bei Ihnen bestellt habe, muss ich heute wirklich sagen, dass die neuen Bücher ja wirklich eine wahre Fundgrube sind."
Gunthart Mau, Germany - 4 February 2021: "2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Vielen Dank für den schnellen Versand! Ebenso wie M. Richards vom Radio User bin auch ich von der Papierqualität sehr positiv überrascht. Danke auch für die gute Versandverpackung."
Rita Bauer, Germany - 19 January 2021: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Vielen Dank für den guten Service und die schnelle Lieferung! Auch prima: Ihre 'Last minute info' auf der Rechnung! Mein Mann wird gerne mal auf diesen Link gehen!"
Claus Galow, Germany - 27 December 2020: "2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Herzlichen Dank für Ihre stets gut recherchierten Werke und Ihren schnellen und zuverlässigen Service!"
Peter Dintelmann DL4FN, Germany - 19 December 2020: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Vielen Dank für Ihren großartigen jahrelangen Service."
Sascha Schulze, Germany - 9 December 2020: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... bedanken für die schnelle Lieferung meiner Bestellung, sowie für die extra beigelegte CD und natürlich auch für den Sonderpreis, den Sie mir berechnet haben. Sowas ist heutzutage nicht selbstverständlich und ich bin angenehm überrascht. Dies ist mein erster Kontakt mit Klingenfuss Publikationen und mein erster Eindruck der Bücher ist hervorragend, genau das was ich gesucht habe."
Franz Sigg HB9ASF, Switzerland - 2 December 2020: "2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... das beste seit vielen Jahren, erste Version 1996 bezogen, complimenti!"
Michael Haberer, Germany - 24 November 2020: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... wieder top aktuelle Daten, mit vielen neuen Digital Data Decoder Fotos, wie gemacht für SDR Receiver. Chapeau für diese hervorragende redaktionelle Arbeit und das professionelle Ergebnis."
Michael Haberer, Germany - 29 November 2019: "2019/2020 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... wie immer top aktuelle Daten, sehr übersichtlich und strukturiert dargestellt, die ideale Ergänzung zum SDR Receiver."
Frank Schlünsen DK1LX, Germany - 16 October 2019: "2019/2020 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Das Buch ist heute gut angekommen ... Meine letzte Ausgabe ist übrigens von anno 1991 ..."
Georg Wiessala, Editor of Radio User, United Kingdom - 16 December 2018: "2019/2020 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2019 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2019 Super Frequency List on CD ... fantastische Bücher ..."
Michael Ickenroth DD2PX, Germany - 14 December 2018: "2019/2020 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2019 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2019 Super Frequency List on CD ... Weiter so! Kein anderer hat solch eine hohe Qualität. Deine Homepage ist super. Ein wahre Fundgrube!!"
Michael Zwingl OE3MZC in Österreichischer Versuchssenderverband's QSP - March 2018: "2018 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Interessant dabei ist auch der Abschnitt mit genauen Erklärrungen der einzelnen Betriebsverfahren von verschiedenen Diensten wie Wetterdienst, Flugfunk, Küstenfunkstellen, Botschaften, Presseagenturen, Hilfsorganisationen in Krisengebieten und Militär ... Eine Reihe von Bildschirmfotos zeigt die spektrale Verteilung und andere Besonderheiten, anhand derer man die Aussendungen erkennen und zuordnen kann. - 2018 Frequency Database for the Perseus LF-HF Software-Defined Receiver ... Bei mir funktionierte die Integration der Datenbank mit der bestehenden SDR-Software für den Perseus sofort einwandfrei. Das Hören und Scannen der Frequenzen ist damit wesentlich komfortabler und informativer. Man sieht sofort wer da gerade sendet."
Michael Haberer, Germany - 15 December 2017: "... 2018 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2017/2018 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Beide Bücher sind eine hervoragende Hilfe für mein Hobby."
Josef Garcia, Germany - 30 January 2017: "2017 Super Frequency List on CD ... Wie nicht anders gewohnt Top Qualität!!!"
Ralf Crüsemann DL4DAE, Bochum - 14 January 2017: "2017 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2017 Super Frequency List on CD ... Wirklich eine feine Liste, die Sie jedes Jahr auf das Neue zusammenstellen. Herzlichen Dank für die mühevolle Arbeit!"
Klaus Flöer, Friedland - 4 December 2016: "2017 Frequency Database for the Perseus LF-HF Software-Defined Receiver ... Das ist ein hervorragendes Hilfsmittel für mein Hobby."
Franz Sigg HB9ASF, Switzerland - 1 December 2016: "Habe die UTILITY Guides ab 2000 immer noch im Bücherschrank, super Monitoring Beschreibungen!"
Markus Tag, Solingen - 14 August 2016: "2016 Frequency Database for the Perseus Receiver ... alles prima angekommen und im Perseus installiert, eine gute und hilfreiche Datenbank."
Funkamateur, Germany - March 2016: "2016 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Empfehlenswerter Begleiter beim Kurzwellenempfang."
Rüdiger Heim, Bad Orb - 4 September 2015: "2015 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Vielen Dank für Ihre Mühe und die hohen Ausgaben!"
Heinrich Nieschulz DH2IF, Germany - 4 February 2015: "2015/2016 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2015 Super Frequency List on CD ... Buch und CD sind immer eine gute Hilfe an der Station."
Regina Eckert, Germany - 26 November 2014: "2015 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2015 Frequency Database for the Perseus Receiver ... Ich war auch im letzten Jahr super zufrieden mit Ihrem Service ... das ideale Weihnachtsgeschenk für meinen Vater!"
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Buchbesprechungen editor of Radio-Kurier Weltweit Hören, Germany - February 2014: "Handbuch Funkdienst-Radiostationen 2013/2014 ... 2014 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2014 Super Frequency List on CD ... Der international wohl bekannteste Herausgeber von Frequenzlisten im Bereich Kurzwellenfunkdienste ist Jörg Klingenfuss, der sich bereits sehr früh mit digitalen Übertragungsverfahren professioneller KW-Funker befasst hat und dessen Publikationen für viele Empfangsspezialisten ein Wegbereiter waren."
Michael Zeiger, Germany - 30 November 2013: "2013/2014 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Gerade ist das Buch angekommen. Erster Eindruck ist super."
Michael Haberer, Germany - 14 May 2013: "... auch die vier Modulation Type Recording CDs sind hervorragend gelungen. Das Erkennen der unterschiedlichen Signaltypen und das korrekte Einstellen des Decoders ist damit wesentlich einfacher geworden."
Michael Haberer, Germany - 1 and 16 April 2013: "2013/2014 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Radio Data Code Manual ... Beide Bücher sind momentan meine Lieblingslektüre. Sie vermitteln nicht nur profundes Fachwissen, es macht mir Spaß sie zu lesen. Sie sind leichtverständlich und kurzweilig verfasst, einfach klasse. - Super Frequenzliste 2013 ... ich bin über die Informationsvielfalt und die Beschreibungen begeistert, weiter so."
Peter Leusch, Germany - 6 February 2013: "Super Frequenzliste 2013 auf CD ... ich reise mit meinem Allradfahrzeug und KW Empfänger ab April durch Russland, Mongolei, Kasachstan, Kirgistan und Usbekistan. Ich möchte gerne deutsche oder englische Radionachrichten empfangen ...Toll, genau das was ich brauche."
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Buchbesprechungen editor of Radio-Kurier Weltweit Hören, Germany - February 2013: "Handbuch Funkdienst-Radiostationen 2013/2014 ... Bei der Identifizierung von Funkdienst-Radiostationen hilft seit vielen Jahren der Guide to Utility Radio Stations. Jörg Klingenfuss ist ein international bekannter Spezialist im Bereich Utility-DX und hat schon früh als einer der ersten Herausgeber solcher Frequenzhandbücher seinen Fokus auf die Dokumentation und Analyse von digitalen Betriebsarten gelegt. Diese Buch verschafft einen guten Überblick, welche Digimodes, die den einst auf Kurzwelle dominanten SSB-Sprechfunk oft ersetzt haben, dem vielfältig interessierten Kurzwellenhörer heute begegnen. Dabei betont der Herausgeber, dass er nur tatsächlich als aktiv bestätigte Frequenzen beziehungsweise Stationen in sein Buch aufgenommen hat. Damit vermeidet Klingenfuss längst inaktive 'Karteileichen'. Nach der Frequenzliste folgt ein alphabetisch nach Ländern geordnetes Stationsverzeichnis, das für jede namentlich im Buch erwähnte Station die zugehörigen Frequenzen nennt. Über dieses Verzeichnis ist es also möglich, die jeweiligen Frequenzeinträge einer Utility-Station schnell zu finden. Das ist ein deutlicher Vorteil gegenüber Publikationen anderer Herausgeber, die sich auf eine Frequenzliste beschränken und sich die Arbeit für ein Stationsverzeichnis sparen. Anschauungsmaterial, wie dekodierte Digimode-Übertragungen von Funkdiensten aussehen, liefern 140 Seiten Screenshots. Zum Einsatz kamen hierfür software-definierte Empfänger, wie Perseus SDR, und Dekoder von Wavecom. Als Fazit bleibt festzuhalten, dass der 2013/2014 Guide to Utility Radio Stations einmal mehr die Referenz im Bereich der Utility-Frequenzlisten ist. Wer sich für Digimodes auf Kurzwelle interessiert, hat dieses Buch in ständiger Reichweite zu Empfänger und Dekoder."
Klaus Neupert, Germany - 24 May 2012: "2011/2012 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... schön, dass es noch einen spezialisierten DX-Verlag gibt."
Eberhard Smolka DB7UP in UKW-Berichte 1/2012: "Radio Monitoring ... Die Seite ist übervoll mit Infos zum Thema!"
Hanspeter Graf, Switzerland - 5 April 2012: "2012 USERLIST.TXT for the Perseus LF-HF Software-Defined Receiver ... 2012 Super Frequency List on CD... Gratulation zu den hochwertigen Produkten!"
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Buchbesprechungen editor of Radio-Kurier Weltweit Hören, Germany - February 2012: "2012 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... nach Frequenzen geordnet ... Länderverzeichnis ... Man hat hier also beide Suchoptionen und bekommt jeweils auf einen Blick alle für den Empfang relevanten Informationen ... bauen internationale Hörfunkstationen ihre Sendekapazitäten weiter ab. Dies kritisiert der Herausgeber ganz richtig als kurzsichtig, denn die von früher bekannten Auslandssendern heute gern favorisierte Programmverteilung über örtliche UKW-Frequenzen, per Satellit oder übers Internet ist potenziell der Willkür der Zensoren im Zielgebiet ausgesetzt. Während die Kurzwelle immer einen Weg zum interessierten Hörer findet, geben Auslandssender diese und damit einen Teil der von ihnen selbst propagierten Informationsfreiheit auf. - Wer es noch komfortabler mag und sich individuelle Listen erstellen will, erhält den kompletten Frequenzdatensatz 2012 auf der 2012 Super Frequency List on CD."
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Buchbesprechungen editor of Radio-Kurier Weltweit Hören, Germany - April 2011: "2011 Super Frequency List on CD ... Diese bietet über praktische Suchfunktionen einen noch schnelleren Zugriff auf die gewünschten Informationen, und es lassen sich nach den vielfältigen Kriterien individuelle Senderlisten zusammenstellen."
Alexander Wagner OE3DMA in Österreichischer Versuchssenderverband's QSP - February 2011: "2011/2012 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2011 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2011 Super Frequency List on CD ... Beide Bücher sowie die CD sind wieder einmal exzellente Werke aus dem Hause Klingenfuss. Sie sind anwenderfreundlich, übersichtlich und topaktuell. Die Frequenzlisten aus dem Klingenfuss-Verlag genießen sicher nicht grundlos weltweit bei Kurzwellenhörern einen hervorragenden Ruf. Zu erwähnen wäre noch, dass es Kombipreise bei Bestellung mehrerer Publikationen gibt."
Jörg Roller DF9IU, Germany - 20 February 2011: "Ich muss Ihnen einfach mal so schreiben, dass ich den praktischen Nutzen des 2011 Guide to Utility Radio Stations erst so langsam richtig erfasse, und immer mehr schätzen lerne! Ganz besonders gut finde ich die redundanten Informationsquellen - dazu muss man einfach ein bisschen in Ihrer Publikation blättern und sie einfach aktiv nutzen! Im Ergebnis ist diese Publikation einfach unschlagbar!!!!!!!!!!! Nochmals Congratulations zu diesem Standardwerk!"
Christoph Preutenborbeck, Germany - 21 December 2010: "... 2011 Super Frequency List on CD ... habe neulich eine Frequenz Radio Kuwait 13-m-Band mit der Klingenfuss Frequenzen CD herausbekommen; WRTH, S+F und EIBI Liste mussten passen, thanx a lot."
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Buchbesprechungen editor of Radio-Kurier Weltweit Hören, Germany - 7 December 2010: "2011/2012 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2011 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2011 Super Frequency List on CD ... Gute Arbeit - wie immer."
Reinhart Mazur OE5MZO, Austria - 7 December 2010: "Danke für die super Arbeit! Freue mich schon auf die neue Utility-List."
Christoph Preutenborbeck, Germany - 7 December 2010: "... 2011 Super Frequency List on CD mit wie immer UFB und vorzüglich und kompetent zusammengestellten Frequenzeninformationen."
Willi Fühles, Germany - 22 February 2010: "2010 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Ich war viel im Ausland und habe jetzt als Rentner wieder Zeit zum Radiohören. Bei den beiden anderen da hat die Qualität doch stark nachgelassen, haben die keine Fachleute mehr oder sind die alle schon gestorben? Ihre Bücher waren schon immer sehr genau, die konnte man noch nach Jahren in die Hand nehmen und verwenden."
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Buchbesprechungen editor of Radio-Kurier Weltweit Hören, Germany - February 2010: "2010 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2010 Super Frequency List on CD ... Konzentration auf das Wesentliche und eine möglichst effiziente Datenpräsentation sind die beiden Maximen, denen dieses für Wellenjäger empfehlenswerte Werk konsequent folgt."
Christoph Ratzer OE2CRM, Austria - 11 December 2009: "2010 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2010 Super Frequency List on CD ... Auch in Salzburg klingelte der Postbote. Für den Redaktionsschluss 20. November eine beachtliche Leistung. Als Beispiel für seine Aktualität ist Klingenfuss wohl der einzige der drei Jahrbücher, welcher den erst im November wieder in Betrieb genommenen Sender von Radio Burkina Faso auf 5030 kHz korrekt auflistet. Dieses Beispiel ist kein Kaufgrund, zeigt aber wie bei Klingenfuss gearbeitet wird. Nicht billig, aber seinen Preis als Referenzbuch mehr als wert."
Christoph Preutenborbeck, Germany - 7 December 2009: "... danke ich Ihnen für die vorzügliche ... 2010 Super Frequency List on CD, mit der wir SWLs wieder optimal arbeiten können auf Grund von UFB Sammelleidenschaft für die Frequenzen."
Dr.-Ing. Werner Hegewald DL2RD, Chief Editor of Funkamateur, Germany - July 2009: "2009 Frequency database for the Perseus LF-HF Software-Defined Receiver ... Seit über 40 Jahren ist Klingenfuß führend im Bereich Datenbanken für professionelles Kurzwellen-Monitoring."
Nils Schiffhauer DK8OK, Radio Editor, Germany, in Perseus Tagebuch Dritter Teil - 13 January 2009: "Klingenfuß frequency database for the MICROTELECOM Perseus LF-HF Software-Defined Receiver ... Jörg Klingenfuß hat nun den Frequenzlistenbestand seines 'Guide to Utility Radio Station' so eingerichtet, dass er unter 'user' im entsprechenden Memory-Fenster des Perseus passend auftaucht. Funktioniert klasse und ist für Utility-DXer eine echte Hilfe!"
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Buchbesprechungen editor of Radio-Kurier Weltweit Hören, Germany - January 2009: "2009/2010 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Der Autor hat sich schon früh mit der systematischen Beobachtung digitaler Übertragungsverfahren im Kurzwellenbereich befaßt und ist auf diesem Gebiet ein weltweit bei Amateuren sowie Profis anerkannter Spezialist. Bildschirmfotos dekodierter Funksprüche aus aller Welt erlauben einen Blick in die sonst oft verschlossene Welt der professionellen Funkdienste auf Kurzwelle."
Nils Schiffhauer DK8OK, Radio Editor, Germany, in Radio-Kurier Weltweit Hören - January 2009: "WAVECOM W-CODE ... Die Top-Lösung. Der Code-Knacker der Profis. Besonders spannend sind die phasenmodulierten Signale, hier wiederum das aus der Militärtechnik übernommene Software-Konzept der STANAG-Modems mit ihren Varianten, die viele primär auf den Hobbymarkt fokussierenden Dekoder vor unlösbare Aufgaben stellen. Wo die Fähigkeiten dieser Dekoder wegfaden, übernimmt WAVECOM: die Kombination Perseus/WAVECOM bringt dem Ohr unhörbare STANAG-Signale selbst noch aus Neukaledonien auf den Bildschirm. Die Zusammenarbeit mit einem Software-Defined Radio wie dem PERSEUS ist besonders instruktiv und wegen der digitalen Weitergabe ohne mehrfache Konvertierung hocheffizient. W-CODE erweitert Ohren und Augen des Kurzwellenhörers um absolut professionelle Dekodier- und Analyseinstrumente und damit durch viele neue faszinierende Empfänge. Die Software definiert die oberste Leistungsklasse."
Wolfgang Steuhl in Straubinger Tagblatt - Landshuter Zeitung, Germany - 24 December 2008: "Jahrbuch Sender + Frequenzen ... World Radio TV Handbook ... Passport to World Band Radio ... Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Klingenfuß überzeugt nicht nur damit, dass er die zwischen den offiziellen Rundfunkbändern gelegenen Funkdienste berücksichtigt, sondern auch mit seiner Aktualität sowie mit seiner fast ans Unglaubliche grenzenden Präzision und Zuverlässigkeit, was die Frequenzlisten betrifft. Ja, was tun? Der Verfasser dieser Zeilen würde wohl den Klingenfuß nehmen, will aber die anderen auf gar keinen Fall herabsetzen. Hauptsache, es nützt!"
Dr.-Ing. Werner Hegewald DL2RD, Chief Editor of Funkamateur, Germany - January 2009: "2009/2010 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Der Autor hat sich schon früh mit der systematischen Beobachtung digitaler Übertragungsverfahren im HF-Bereich befaßt und ist auf diesem Gebiet ein weltweit bei Amateuren sowie Profis anerkannter Spezialist. Ein üppiger Katalog mit Bildschirmfotos dekodierter digitaler Kurzwellenübertragungen aus aller Welt erlaubt interessante Einblicke in den digitalen Profifunk."
Hartmut Brodien in , Germany - January/February 2009: "2009/2010 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2009 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2009 Super Frequency List on CD ... Ein weltweites Netz erfahrener Mitarbeiter arbeitet mit modernsten Geräten und führenden Technologien an den Grundlagen für eine Erarbeitung der Frequenzlisten und anderer spezieller Angaben. Wer einen Blick auf die Internetseite der Firma wirft, kann einen Teil der Gründlichkeit erkennen. Kaum anderswo sind so viele Bildschirmfotos aus der Empfangspraxis zu finden wie hier."
Christoph Ratzer OE2CRM, Austria - 10 December 2008: "Heute kam hier ein dickes Paket aus Tübingen an: das aktuelle Kurzwellen-Frequenz-Handbuch 2009, die 13. Ausgabe. Redaktionsschluß 20. (!) November 2008 und schon am Stationstisch. Von den Berufskollegen WRTH und S+F 2009 noch weit und breit nichts zu sehen. Das Kurzwellen-Frequenz-Handbuch ist kein Ersatz für die beiden genannten, sondern DIE erstklassige Referenz, wenn es um Frequenzbelegungen sowohl im Broadcast- wie im Utility-Bereich geht. So kompakt und übersichtlich bietet nur Klingenfuß seine Listen an. Nicht billig, aber preiswert, wenn man den Aufwand und die Aktualität sieht. Mehr von mir, wenn ich die 446 Seiten durch habe. Begeisterte Grüße, Christoph."
Christoph Preutenborbeck, Germany - 1 December 2008: "... danke ich Ihnen für die ausgezeichnete Lieferung der wie immer vorzüglichen 2009 Super Frequency List on CD, die absolut korrekt ist, so macht das Hören Freude."
Nils Schiffhauer DK8OK, Radio Editor, Germany, in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - 18 November 2008: "WAVECOM W-CODE ... macht selbst einen Laptop zur leistungsstarken Abhörzentrale. Gegenüber billigen oder gar kostenlosen Dekodern aus der und für die Hobbyszene bietet nur das Profipack eine verläßliche Erkennung schwer auseinanderzuhaltender Signale und in jeder Disziplin jenes Mehr an Qualität, das in der Summe zu einer sicheren Mitschrift selbst stark gestörter und mit unbewaffnetem Ohr nicht mehr hörbarer Sender führt."
Alex Wagner OE3DMA in ÖVSV QSP - September 2008: "Radio Data Code Manual ... Dieses Werk beinhaltet massig weiterführende und (wie bei Klingenfuss üblich) exzellent recherchierte Informationen und ist daher ein Muss für den Utility-DXer ... eine Liste mit den 4-stelligen ICAO-Flugplatz-Codes. Diese Liste dürfte, so wie alle anderen Listen und Tabellen in diesem Buch, ziemlich vollständig sein, da sogar der Heli-Port am Krankenhaus in Horn (LOAH) angeführt ist."
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Buchbesprechungen editor of Radio-Kurier Weltweit Hören, Germany - June 2008: "Konkurrenzlose Eigenschaften der Kurzwelle ... Heute belegen moderne Fernschreibverfahren in einer erstaunlichen Vielfalt die Frequenzen. Radio Data Code Manual ... spart dem interessierten Datenfunker die mühsame und in einigen Fällen schwierige Sucher nach anderen Informationsquellen. Das empfehlenswerte Buch hat sich bei professionellen Anwendern als Standardwerk etabliert."
Funkamateur, Germany - June 2008: "Digitale Verfahren dominieren heute weltweit den professionellen Funkverkehr auf Kurzwelle. Funkdienstspezialist Jörg Klingenfuß' Radio Data Code Manual erlaubt einen Blick auf die oft verschlossene Welt der professionellen Übertragungsverfahren."
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Buchbesprechungen editor of Radio-Kurier Weltweit Hören, Germany - April 2008: "2008 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2007/2008 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2008 Super Frequency List on CD ... Die Frequenzlisten aus dem Klingenfuß Verlag genießen nicht grundlos weltweit bei Kurzwellenhörern einen hervorragenden Ruf und die hier vorgestellten Ausgaben bestätigen das gewachsene Vertrauen."
Christoph Preutenborbeck, Germany - 13 December 2007: "2008 Super Frequency List on CD ... Vorzügliche Lieferung. Vorzügliche CD."
Wolfgang Hadel DK2OM, Digital Data Expert of the Intruder Watch of Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (DARC), in Funkamateur July 2007: "Der WAVECOM-Classifier erfaßt die Parameter des Systems in Sekundenschnelle. WAVECOM-Dekoder sind nicht billig, aber in dieser Preisklasse unschlagbar. Deshalb gehören sie zur Grundausrüstung vieler militärischer und ziviler Dienststellen. Mein alter Kaho-Dekoder hat ausgedient."
Nils Schiffhauer ex DK8OK, ex editor of ex Funk, Germany, in Funktelegramm - March 2007: "Information fördert DX-Erfolge. Eine immer unverzichtbare Handreichung bietet Jörg Klingenfuß mit seinem 2007/2008 Guide to Utility Radio Stations, der seit Jahren vom Monitoring-Tisch nicht wegzudenken ist."
Christoph Ratzer OE2CRM, Austria - January 2007: "Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Ausgezeichnete Fachartikel ... besonders ausführlich wird sich zukünftigen digitalen Übertragungsverfahren gewidmet ... in seiner Genauigkeit und Ausführlichkeit unerreicht. Es gibt in Papierform kein besseres und aktuelleres Nachschlagewerk für Kurzwellenhörer. Zusätzlich sind die Informationen des Buches auch auf CD erhältlich."
Wolfgang Büschel DF5SX, Germany - 11 December 2006: "2007 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2007 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Wie immer: sehr, sehr willkommen und eine prägende Landmarke im Ablauf des Jahres."
Uli Bihlmayer DJ9KR, President of the Monitoring Service of Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club, in cq-DL, Germany - February 2006: "Durch den Einsatz modernster Nachrichtencomputer vor allem der Schweizer Firma WAVECOM ist die Bandwacht des DARC heutzutage führend, die verschiedenen Übertragungsmodi digitaler Aussendungen kommerzieller und militärischer Anwender zu bestimmen und teilweise auch zu entschlüsseln."
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Buchbesprechungen editor of Radio-Kurier Weltweit Hören, Germany - February 2006: "2006 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Mit Effizient und ohne Schnörkel präsentiert dieses Frequenzjahrbuch die bei Redaktionsschluß aktuellen Daten aktiver Kurzwellenstationen. In der Praxis am Empfänger ist diese Frequenzliste eine große Hilfe bei der Identifizierung von Stationen."
Fritz Nusser, Switzerland - 16 January 2006: "Radio Data Code Manual ... 2006 Super Frequency List on CD ... Besten Dank für die gleichbleibend hohe Qualität Ihrer Produkte."
Claus Dietrich, Germany - 21 December 2005: "Ich besitze die zwölfte Ausgabe des Radioteletype Code Manual und arbeite an einer Erweiterung meiner Fernschreib-(Message Handling-) Software Ticker für die Koreanische Marine. Ihr Buch stellt für meine Arbeit eine großartige Hilfe dar."
Funk, Germany - February 2005: "2005/2006 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Funkamateure und Hörfunkstationen nutzen nur einen kleinen Teil der Kurzwelle, der große Rest ist den kommerziellen Funkdiensten vorbehalten: Flugzeuge, Schiffe, Botschaften, Militär. Und die machen davon weiterhin regen Gebrauch, wie ein Blick ins Buch beweist. Der Autor ist Spezialist für den Empfang von Funkdienststationen mit dem Schwerpunkt auf den digitalen Betriebsarten."
Christoph Ratzer OE2CRM, Austria, January 2005: "Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Ausgezeichnete Fachartikel ... in seiner Genauigkeit und Ausführlichkeit unerreicht. Es gibt in Papierform kein besseres und aktuelleres Nachschlagewerk für Kurzwellenhörer. Zusätzlich sind die Informationen des Buches auch auf CD erhältlich."
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Buchbesprechungen editor of Radio-Kurier Weltweit Hören, Germany - January 2005: "2005 Super Frequency List on CD ... Die intelligente Lesesoftware erlaubt es, sich im Handumdrehen beliebige Sendepläne zusammenzustellen und auf den Bildschirm zu holen. Man ist nicht mehr auf das starr vorgegebene Format in Büchern festgelegt und kann sich zum Beispiel eine Liste aller derzeit in einer bestimmten Sprache laufenden Sendungen heraussuchen lassen. Vor allem wer während der Senderjagd den Computer ohnehin einsetzt, um vielleicht Ausbreitungsprognosen zu erstellen, den Empfänger zu steuern oder sich den Verlauf von Hell-Dunkel-Zonen darstellen zu lassen, wird auch auf die 'Klingenfuß-CD' bald nicht mehr verzichten wollen."
Josef Garcia, Germany - 15 December 2004: "Vielen Dank für die 2005 Super Frequency List on CD. Einfach FANTASTISCH!!!!!!!"
Josef Garcia, Germany - 17 September 2004: "2004 Super Frequency List on CD ... zu Ihrer tollen CD hatte ich ein schönes Ahhhha-Erlebnis mitbekommen. Als ich vor einigen Monaten einen Hobby-Kollegen besuchte, suchte er in einem großen Stapel Frequenzlisten den ALE-Call 'ADW'. Als er nach fieberhafter Suche entnervt aufgab, lud ich ihn zu mir nach Hause ein, und führte Ihre CD vor. Er war ganz von den Socken, wie schnell ich die Station finden konnte. Er hat sofort eine CD bestellt."
Nils Schiffhauer in FAZ - 14 September 2004: "Schon wenige Watt Sendeleistung und eine unauffällige Antenne reichen, um mit Computerunterstützung zuverlässig digitale Verbindungen zwischen Kontinenten herzustellen. Nach einer Anfangsinvestition von wenigen 1000 Euro und bei Energiebedarf, der aus einer Solarbatterie gedeckt werden kann, sind keine weiteren Gebühren zu entrichten. Die Kurzwelle ist kostenlos. Und sie ist bequem geworden. Wenn früher ein Fachmann die je nach Tages- und Jahreszeit sowie zu überbrückender Entfernung passenden Frequenzen mühevoll zu kalkulieren hatte, so übernimmt heute Software diesen automatischen Verbindungsaufbau. ALE wie Automatic Link Establishment nennt man das. Eine zu Empfangsversuchen anregende Übersicht bietet die Frequenzliste "2004 Guide to Utility Radio Stations" des Tübinger Experten Jörg Klingenfuß mit ihren 1700 Stationen auf 10200 Frequenzen. Bei dieser Lektüre wächst der Appetit über die Leistungsfähigkeit der SkySweep-Software hinaus, weil Delikatessen wie das Rote Kreuz im afghanischen Mazar-i-Sharif oder ein Al-Qaida-Sender auf 20597,3 Kilohertz aus dem pakistanischen Faisalabad nur mit teuren Hardware-Decodern wie dem W51PC des Schweizer Spezialisten WAVECOM mitzulesen sind."
Dr.-Ing. Werner Hegewald DL2RD, Chief Editor of Funkamateur, Germany - July 2004: "2004 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Digitale Funksignale haben auf Kurzwelle derart inflationär zugenommen, dass der gelegentliche Funkdienst-DXer schnell den Überblick verliert. Ordnung ins Sendegeschehen professioneller Kurzwellen-Funker bringt seit Jahren Jörg Klingenfuß. Zahlreiche Screenshots vermitteln einen Eindruck von der Leistung eines guten Dekoders."
Horst Garbe DK3GV in Radio-Scanner, Germany - June 2004: "Die gute alte Kurzwelle hat auch im Zeitalter der modernen Satellitenkommunikation noch lange nicht ausgedient. Fernschreib-und Datensignale zu empfangen ist nicht schwer. Entsprechende Dekoder in verschiedenen Preiskategorien oder entsprechende Computerprogramme machen es möglich. Und dann? Dann stehen meist unverständliche Dinge auf dem Bildschirm! Daß dies aber nicht unbedingt eine Textverschlüsselung sein muß, das verrät uns unter anderem das Radio Data Code Manual. Auf 600 Seiten (!) wird der ernsthaft Interessierte an Fernschreib- und Datenübertragungen in die Geheimnisse dieser äußerst interessanten Übertragungsarten eingeweiht. Dabei schafft es Jörg Klingenfuß, über das normale Maß hinaus 'Unmengen' Betriebsarten bis ins Detail zu beleuchten. Und das im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes, wird doch anhand zahlreicher 'Screenshots' gezeigt, wie ein Signal zunächst analysiert und dann dekodiert wird. Unter anderem werden Multiplexverfahren sowie ARQ- und FEC-Fehlerkorrektursysteme erklärt. Sogar die für Europäer so exotischen Zeichen arabischer oder chinesischer Schriftzeichen in der Fernschreibübertragung werden erschöpfend erklärt. Selbst erfahrene Fernschreib- und Datenfunker werden erstaunt sein, wie viele unterschiedliche Übertragungsverfahren es gibt. Weitere Kapitel widmen sich den Flugdatenfunkübertragungen sowie meteorologischen Aussendungen. Die gerade hier häufig verwendeten Buchstabenkodierungen werden ihres Geheimnisses beraubt. Endlich weiß der Empfänger, was das Buchstabengewirr auf seinem Monitor bedeutet und welche Station er empfangen hat! Besonders spannend wird es noch einmal zum Schluß des Buches, wenn der Autor sich den Verschlüsselungsverfahren der Geheimdienste widmet. Das Radio Data Code Manual ist ein faszinierendes Buch für eine ebenso faszinierendeVariante des Kurzwellen- und UKW-Empfangs. Es wendet sich eindeutig an den Spezialisten des Empfangs drahtloser Fernschreib-und Datenübertragungen. Gerade bei diesen Spezialisten darf dieses Buch nicht fehlen, will man auf genanntem Gebiet einen erfolgreichen Empfang ohne Enttäuschungen erleben."
Funk, Germany - March 2004: "Seit ihrer Einführung vor zehn Jahren ist die Super-Frequenzliste von Klingenfuß die einzige CD-ROM geblieben, die die neuesten Sendpläne ... präsentiert."
Matthias Zweigert, Cameroon - 7 January 2004: "2004 Super Frequency List on CD ... ist wirklich super und im Gegensatz zu Ihren früheren "Wälzern" enorm anwendungsfreundlich. Meinen besten Glückwunsch zu diesem Werk!"
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Buchbesprechungen editor of Radio-Kurier Weltweit Hören, Germany - 15 April 2003: "Die Firma WAVECOM hat unter den Dekodern digitaler Übertragungssysteme einen vergleichbar legendären Ruf wie Rohde + Schwarz bei der Sende- und Empfangstechnik: es gibt kaum etwa besseres. Mehr als 110 Systeme kann ein WAVECOM-Dekoder mittlerweile erkennen und auf den Bildschirm bringen. Regelmäßige Updates werden von WAVECOM kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt, so dass das System im Laufe der Zeit immer leistungsfähiger wird."
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Buchbesprechungen editor of Radio-Kurier Weltweit Hören, Germany - 15 February 2003: "2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... hat gegenüber anderen Frequenzwerken den Vorteil, dass es sich nicht auf die Darstellung von Empfangsmöglichkeiten in einer bestimmten Region der Erde konzentriert. Die Darstellung der Daten ist zwar betont nüchtern gestattet, doch dafür angenehm umfassend und komplett."
Nils Schiffhauer DK8OK, editor of Funk, Germany - February 2003: "Seit beinahe undenklichen Zeiten bringt der Welt- und Wellenreisende Jörg Klingenfuß seinen jährlichen 2003 Guide to Utility Radio Stations unter die Leute. Der Meister hatte wieder einmal recht, wenn er einen steigenden Anteil privater Funkdienste, Militärfunk und die Kurzwelle als kostenlosen E-Mail-Ersatz prophezeite. Der 2003er-Jahrgang dokumentiert den Wahrheitsgehalt von Jörgs fundierten Vorhersagen auf eindrucksvolle Weise. 34 Jahre Erfahrung fließen auch in der 21. Auflage des Guide to Utility Radio Stations zusammen. Jörg weiß bei jedem Detail, von was er redet. Auch sein 2003er-Guide ist wiederum unverzichtbar für jeden, dessen HF-Horizont nicht beim Bayerischen Rundfunk endet. Er sollte zudem Pflichtlektüre für jeden Funkamateur sein, der daran sehen kann, wie dank neuer digitaler Betriebsarten der Äther brennt wie selten zuvor."
Stefan Dombrowski, Germany - 7 December 2002: "2003 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2003 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Die Publikationen sind immer ufb Qualität, freue mich schon auf die neuen Ausgaben."
Josef Garcia, Germany - 3 December 2002: "Vielen Dank für das hervorragende Guide to Utility Radio Stations 2003. Ich kann nur eins dazu sagen: "Das Telefonbuch für die Kurzwelle"."
Dr.-Ing. Werner Hegewald DL2RD, Chief Editor of Funkamateur, Germany - February 2002: "2002 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Der Kurzwellenfunkverkehr ist für den ambitionierten Beobachter spannender denn je geworden. Dies ist mit erheblichem Wildwuchs in bezug auf Frequenznutzung, Rufzeichengebrauch etc. verbunden - für den Herausgeber und sein Team eine gewaltige Herausforderung, stützt sich doch das vorliegende Werk ausschließlich auf akribisch zusammengestellte reale Beobachtungen und nicht auf im Internet in Hülle und Fülle zu findende Halbwahrheiten zweifelhafter Natur."
Wilfried Melchior, Germany - 18 December 2001: "Die Auflistungen mit den Zeiten sind wunderbar übersichtlich. Bei der Aktualität und Übersichtlichkeit kann ich in Zukunft beruhigt auf andere Werke verzichten. Besonders imponieren mir die Sendezeiten innerhalb der Frequenzliste und dass dort auch ausreichend Platz für Notizen vorhanden ist, um gegebenenfalls aktuelle Veränderungen zu vermerken - das reicht, bis man mit Spannung wieder die neue Ausgabe erwartet."
Nils Schiffhauer DK8OK, editor of Funk, Germany - February 2002: "In gewohnter Qualität liegen die drei Neuauflagen für 2002 bereit für alle, die auch in diesem Jahr wieder mehr hören wollen als andere. Das Kurzwellen-Frequenz-Handbuch besticht durch Übersichtlichkeit und Anwenderfreundlichkeit."
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Buchbesprechungen editor of Radio-Kurier Weltweit Hören, Germany - 15 January 2002: "2002 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Der traditionelle Schwerpunkt des Autors auf den digitalen Betriebsarten ist erneut unverkennbar ... Informationen über Frequenzen mit digitalen Aussendungen, die man sonst in keiner Frequenzliste findet."
Rainer Gnirke, Germany - 16 December 2001: "So eine superschnelle Lieferung habe ich nicht erwartet. Vielen Dank. Es sind wieder sehr gute Ausgaben, ich bin begeistert."
Michael Wöste, editor of Scanner Praxis, Germany - September 2001: "Das Standardwerk für die Kurzwelle ist der 2001 Shortwave Frequency Guide ..."
Nils Schiffhauer DK8OK, editor of Funk, Germany - September 2001: "WAVECOM W40PC DSP Digital Data Decoder Card ... Für die professionelle Analyse und Mitschrift ist nach wie vor ein Hardware-Dekoder notwendig, der die optimalen Bandbreiten und den perfekten Signal/Rausch-Abstand verwirklicht. Außerdem ist trotz vieler Soundcard-Ansätze damit nur ein Bruchteil der mit der W40PC-Karte mitzulesenden Sendungen dekodierbar. Und manches kann eine Soundcard eben gar nicht leisten. Wer eine zeitgemäße und professionelle Dekodier-Möglichkeit sucht, für den ist die W40PC-Karte eine sowohl kompromißlose als auch noch bezahlbare Lösung."
Josef Garcia, Germany - 18 June 2001: "Ein großes Kompliment für ... 2001 Guide to Utility Radio Stations. Super gemacht und hoch aktuell!"
Nils Schiffhauer DK8OK in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany - 3 April 2001: "WAVECOM W40PC / W41PC DSP Digital-Daten-Dekodier-Karten ... die Asse unter den Dekodern. Weltweit konkurrenzlos."
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Literatur editor of Funk - February 2001: "2001/2001 Guide to Worldwide Weather Services ... eine unschätzbare Hilfe für Amateure und Hobbymeteorologen."
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Buchbesprechungen editor of Radio-Kurier Weltweit Hören, Germany - 1 February 2001: "2001 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... der Spitzenplatz unter den allgemein zugänglichen Informationsquellen. - 2001 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... An erster Stelle der Prioritäten bei der Zusammenstellung standen ganz offensichtlich Effektivität und Exaktheit der Datenpräsentation. Als Arbeitsgrundlage neben dem Empfänger ist der 2001 Shortwave Frequency Guide wie schon in den Vorjahren empfehlenswert. - 2001 Super Frequency List on CD ... ein unentbehrliches Hilfsmittel für den aktiven Kurzwellenhörer mit PC. "
Gregor Behr, Germany - 9 August 2000: "Radio Data Code Manual ... Vor lauter Freude (weil lange gesucht...) muß ich doch mal eben ein dickes Lob aussprechen ! Zum einen für die zügige Lieferung des Buches ... zum anderen wegen des Buches selbst. Eine solche Fülle an Daten, dazu noch übersichtlich strukturiert, habe ich vorher noch nicht gesehen ! Klasse !"
Dr.-Ing. Werner Hegewald DL2RD, Book Review editor of Funkamateur, Germany - February 2000: "2000 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Hunderte faszinierende Bildschirmfotos dekodierter Empfangsdaten lockern die exzellent aufbereitete tabellarische Zusammenstellung in willkommener Weise auf. Klingenfuß, ein Fuchs und praktisch Nestor auf diesem Gebiet, gelingt es dank der angewandten Drucktechnologie, noch wenige Tage vor dem Erscheinungsdatum aus dem Internet erhaschte Neuigkeiten einzuarbeiten."
Jan Zwarteveen, Netherlands - 28 March 2000: "Ab 1963 habe ich jedes Jahr das WRTV-Handbook gekauft. Dieses Jahr zum ersten Mal also Ihr SW Frequency Guide. Dieses Buch gefällt mir sehr gut, ich finde alles sehr deutlich."
Manfred Lamß DL3FQ, Media editor of Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club, in cq-DL March 2000: "2000 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Für Wellenjäger, die wissen möchten, was sie da gerade empfangen, ein sehr nützliches Hilfsmittel.."
Manfred Lamß DL3FQ, Media editor of Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club, in cq-DL February 2000: "1999/2000 Guide to Worldwide Weather Services ... Das grüne Handbuch ist dem Hobbysegler, Funkamateur oder Kurzwellenhörer ein wertvoller Helfer."
Erwin Fohrmann, Germany - 19 January 2000: "2000 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Ich bin schlichtweg begeistert. Vom Konzept her ein 100%-anwenderfreundliches Buch. Vielen Dank für diese hervorragende Arbeit. Seit 1978 beziehe ich jetzt das WRTH ... Ich war jedenfalls so enttäuscht und sauer, dass ich zum ersten Mal auf das WRTH verzichte: ich habe es dem Lieferanten zurückgeschickt."
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Buchbesprechungen editor of Radio-Kurier Weltweit Hören, Germany - January 2000: "2000 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2000 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... Ein Großteil der Ende Oktober erfolgten Frequenzänderungen konnte in den beiden Veröffentlichungen bereits berücksichtigt werden. Als reines Nachschlagewerk für Kurzwellensender stellt der neue Shortwave Frequency Guide bis zum nächsten Frequenzwechsel erneut die aktuellste Quelle dar, die dem aktiven Welthörer derzeit zur Verfügung steht. - Wer in der Nähe des Empfängers einen Computer betreibt, wird sich für die Ausgabe 2000 der CD-ROM Super Frequency List begeistern. Denn durch die zahlreichen Sortiermöglichkeiten, die diese Form der Datenpräsentation bietet, kann man sich schnell die gerade benötigte Stationsliste zusammenstellen oder nach bestimmten Stationen, Programmsprachen, Zielgebieten etc. suchen lassen."
Hartmut Brodien in Radio-Scanner, Germany - February 1999: "Seit vielen Jahren sind die Bücher und Produkte rund ums Empfangshobby, die der Klingenfuß-Verlag in Tübingen herausgibt, ein Begriff für jeden ernsthaften DXer, egal, ob er sich mit Rundfunk- oder Utility-Fernempfang beschäftigt. 1999 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... 11000 Datensätze können in einer offenen DBF-Datei zum Finden der Frequenz und gleichzeitig zur Fernsteuerung des Empfängers genutzt werden. Was will ein Rundfunk-DXer mehr? - 1999 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Ein Muß für jeden Utility-DXer."
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Buchbesprechungen editor of Kurier mit Weltweit Hören, Germany - 1 February 1999: "Radiotelex Messages ... Wavecom W41PC DSP Digital Data Decoder Card ... lernt man auch die erstaunlichen Möglichkeiten dieser Technik kennen, einschließlich einer automatisierten Übersetzung arabischer RTTY-Sendungen ... eine interessante Lektüre für wirklich kompromißlose Fernschreibfans."
Thomas Kaczmarek, Germany - 20 January 1999: "WAVECOM W41PC DSP Digital Data Decoder Card ... congratulations, die Leistungen von Soft- und Hardware sind unübertroffen."
Rudolf Schneeberger, Germany - 18 January 1999: "1999 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... eine gute Alternative zum miserabel recherchierten WR.. 1999 ..."
Franz Sichla DL7VFS, Book Review editor of Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club, in cq-DL - January 1999: "Radio Data Code Manual ... besonders nicht standardisierte Fernschreibsysteme exakt definiert ... aufpoliert mit modernsten Informationen ... Eine Fundgrube für Leute mit besonders spitzen Ohren."
Thomas Roth DL4OBN, Germany - 17 December 1998: "1999 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Das beste was ich je in den Händen gehalten habe!!!"
Heinz Tank DE7TXL, Germany - 18 November 1998: "1999 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... ausgezeichnete Arbeitsgrundlage für Kurzwellenhörer."
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Germany, in Funk - July 1998: "Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... das weltweit einzige Frequenzwerk auf CD-ROM, das sowohl für Funkdienst-Interessenten als auch für aktive Kurzwellen-Rundfunkhörer ein sehr nützliches Informationsmedium darstellt. Durch den späten Erscheinungstermin und die kurze Zeitspanne zwischen Redaktionsschluß und Erscheinen wird ein hoher Aktualitätsgrad der Daten gewährleistet."
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Germany, in ADDX-Kurier - February 1998: "Shortwave Frequency Guide ... eine in ihrer Art wohl unerreicht komplette Frequenzliste ... von hohem praktischen Nutzwert für den vielseitig interessierten Kurzwellenhörer. - Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... das weltweit einzige Frequenzwerk auf CD-ROM, das sowohl dem ernsthaften Funkdienst-DXer als auch den Kurzwellen-Rundfunkhörer - ob Einsteiger oder Empfangsspezialist - nützlich ist."
Erik von Krause in Yacht, Germany - 26 August 1998: "Wege zum Wetter ... Empfehlenswert ist das Nachschlagewerk 1998/1999 Guide to Worldwide Weather Services."
Thomas Simoneit, President of Deutsche Zentrale für Globetrotter, Germany, in Trotter - March 1998: "Guide to Worldwide Weather Services ... Mitglied Jörg Klingenfuß stellt hier ein prima Nachschlagewerk für die Schiffahrt und andere Wetterinteressierte vor. Hier wurde mir die Vielfalt der Wetterforschung wirklich deutlich. Weltweit ein Riesen-Business."
Manfred Lamß DL3FQ, Media editor of Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club, in cq-DL February 1998: "1998 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Die Frequenzliste ist erfreulich umfangreich und durch ihre klare Gliederung benutzerfreundlich."
Edgar Chaim, France - 16 December 1997: "Die neue Aufmachung des 1998 Shortwave Frequency Guide gefällt mir sehr gut, insbesondere der Abschnitt mit den einzelnen Rundfunkstationen."
Reiner Schneider, Buchtip editor of Weltweit Hören, Germany - November 1997: "... von A wie Alaska bis Z wie Zambia ... Klingenfuß beweist einmal mehr absolute Professionalität und Aktualität bei seinen Handbüchern. Jeder wetterinteressierte Kurzwellenhörer sollte, bevor sinnlos über Frequenzen und durchs Internet gekurbelt (gesurft) wird, vorab einen Blick in den Guide to Worldwide Weather Services werfen, und an Bord (und in die Funkkabine) jeder Jacht und jedes Passagier- und Frachtschiffes gehört dieses Buch sowieso."
Nils Schiffhauer DK8OK, editor of Funk, Germany - August 1997: "Guide to Worldwide Weather Services ... Eine Fundgrube gut recherchierter Informationen ..."
Thorsten Koch, Germany in Radio Hören - April 1997: "1997 Internet Radio Guide ... Die Ausdrucke geben einen sehr guten Einblick in das Angebot des World Wide Web. Gegenüber der ersten Auflage wurde das Buch stark erweitert."
Christoph Ratzer, President of AGDX, Germany, in Weltweit Hören - February 1997: "1997 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... selbst in den Tropenbändern sind die Informationen derart ausführlich, dass eine eigene Liste für diesen Frequenzbereich meist nicht notwendig sein wird. Fazit? Ein exzellentes Handbuch, das zum täglichen Werkzeug eines ernsthaften Kurzwellenhörers gehören sollte ... bietet als einziges Nachschlagewerk auf einen Blick wirklich aktuelle Frequenzbelegungen und Sendezeitinformationen sowohl lokaler als auch internationaler Dienste."
Olaf Gold, Germany - 24 December 1996: "1997 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... Am Sonntag, dem 22. 12. 96, habe ich meine Bestellung per E-Mail abgesetzt und pünktlich zu Weihnachten [am Dienstag] kam auch schon die CD hier in Rodgau an. Einen so schnellen Service trifft man selten an."
Wolfgang Büschel DF5SX, Germany - 15 December 1996: "1997 Super Frequency List ... funktioniert mit meinem Windows 3.11 und Vierfach-Laufwerk rasend schnell."
Klaus Flör, United States of America - 12 December 1996: "1997 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Am Sonntag bestellt und am Donnerstag abend schon hier in New York. Respekt! Respekt!"
Nils Schiffhauer DK8OK, editor of Funk, Germany - December 1996: "Guide to Worldwide Weatherfax Services ... Gerade dieses Buch führt in seinen Wandlungen mustergültig vor, wie sich die Kommunikationswelt in den letzten Jahren wandelte. Diese Entwicklung kontinuierlich und kompetent verfolgt zu haben, darin liegt nicht zuletzt eine der Stärken ..."
Nils Schiffhauer DK8OK, editor of Funk, Germany - September 1996 page 9: "Internet-Radio-Handbuch ... stöbert in allen Ecken beinahe alles auf, was auch nur annäherungsweise mit Rundfunk, Amateurfunk und Utility zu tun hat. Man staunt ... mit aufwendiger Recherche ein üppig illustriertes Werk gelungen."
Yacht, Germany - August 1996: "Guide to Worldwide Weatherfax Services ... macht Sinn für Segler auf Langfahrt sowie für alle, die über Wetterfax-Möglichkeiten informiert sein wollen."
Harald Kuhl DL1ABJ, Utility editor of Funk, Germany - April 1996: "The Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... Zahlreiche Verbesserungen gegenüber der Erstausgabe 1995 rechtfertigen es, von einer ganz neuen Generation der Klingenfuß-CD-ROM zu sprechen."
Wolfgang Büschel, Germany - 20 December 1995: "The Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... GREAT, eine sichtliche Verbesserung der Bedienerführung und Display."
Giuseppe Novellino IK5WWA IM0C 4O7GD, Italy - 2 February 2025: "2025 Super Frequency List on CD ... grazie per tutto quello che fate per la comunità."
Maurizio Naldi, Italy - 15 January 2025: "2025 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2025/2026 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... devo dire che ne è valsa l’attesa!! Veramente due bei libri, che comincio subito a leggere e consultare!"
Valentino Zardi, United States of America - 11 December 2024: "2025 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2025 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2025 Frequency Database for the Perseus Receiver ... Grazie a Lei per splendide pubblicazioni che mette a disposizione del pubblico."
Daniele Cristaldini IK2XRO, Italy - 22 February 2024: "2024 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2024 Super Frequency List on CD ... Grazie per l'ottimo lavoro in questi decenni. Continuate così!!"
Fabio Cambisi, Italy - 3 December 2023: "2024 Super Frequency List on CD ... Grazie sempre per la mirabile, competente e inimitabile opera!"
Alfredo Gallerati IK7JGI in Associazione Radioamatori Italiani's Radio Rivista, Italy - April 2023: "... la conosciuta compagna di viaggio dei più appassionati DXer del mondo: la 2023 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... voglio pubblicamente ringraziare perché tiene puntualmente aggiornate le informazioni sulle stazioni di tutto il pianeta ..."
Albino Raffaele Cimino, Italy - 15 February 2023: "2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Sono anni che aggiorno le mie pubblicazioni radio e nella vostra ho sempre trovato un ottimo punto di riferimento. Grazie."
Alfredo Gallerati IK7JGI in Associazione Radioamatori Italiani's Radio Rivista, Italy - January 2022: "2022 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Una guida apprezzata in tutto il mondo ... presente negli shack di grandi DXer in tutto il mondo ... preziosi consigli per la miglior ricezione completati da mappe ed informazioni utili ..."
Marco Paglionico IN3UFW, Italy - 11 January 2022: "2022 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... sono molto contento che almeno voi possiate continuare a stampare per noi SWL. A breve vi ordinerò altre copie che conservo con parsimonia."
Alfredo Gallerati IK7JGI in Associazione Radioamatori Italiani's Radio Rivista, Italy - February 2021: "Una guida, conosciuta in tutto il mondo ed immancabile negli shack dei maggiori DXer del mondo è la tedesca 2021 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... ormai alla sua 25ª edizione ... Questa edizione riserverà quindi, una speciale attenzione alla ricezione di segnali ricevibili con sistemi SDR ... utili supporti ad evitarci di mandare in fumo, ore trascorse ad inseguire segnali rare e DX."
Giacomo Mainati IW2FTN, Italy - 11 January 2021: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Adesso comincio la caccia!"
Giuliano Dal Ben IV3XZG - 24 November 2020: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Grazie mille per il vostro lavoro!"
Alfredo Gallerati IK7JGI in Associazione Radioamatori Italiani's Radio Rivista, Italy - February 2020: "2020 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... una guida, che ormai da anni usiamo ed apprezziamo per la sua agilità nella consultazione ed il particolare focus su dati di segnali ricevibili su sistemi computerizzati come SDR, Web SDR, Kiwi SDR etc ..."
Piero Bordino, Italy - 26 November 2019: "2020 Super Frequency List on CD ... acquisto da voi da almeno 20 anni il CD con tutte le stazioni radio in Onde Corte."
Maurizio Vecchi, Italy - 4 November 2019: "Ho diversi numeri di Guide to Utility Radio Stations - Professional HF Communication Today. La considero la Bibbia della radio Utility. La consiglio a tutti i miei amici. Complimenti per il lavoro che fate."
Alessandro Bertoglio in Associazione Radioamatori Italiani's Radio Rivista, Italy - March 2018: "Non si offendano i BCL, essendo una questione di gusti personali, ma dopo una decina di anni d'ascolto delle stazioni BC ero veramente annoiato di ascoltare annunci pubblicitari, trasmissioni politiche o sportive in lingue che conoscevo poco ... Fu così che approdai nel mondo delle Utility, sconosciuto, intrigante, quasi, potrei dire, misterioso. Fu l'incontro con le pubblicazioni del Klingenfuss ad aprirci gli occhi: migliaia di stazioni, molto differenti dalle broadcasting, sparse su tutto il globo e tanti modi e protocolli di trasmissione. Un vero universo da esplorare!"
Mauro De Pascali, Switzerland - 3 January 2017: "2017/2018 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2017 Super Frequency List on CD ... Grazie per il grandioso e instancabile lavoro."
Alfredo Gallerati IK7JGI in Associazione Radioamatori Italiani's Radio Rivista, Italy - December 2016: "2017 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... molto apprezzata nel mondo del radioascolto: edita da Joerg Klingenfuss, uno di noi, storico appassionato di radioascolto; da sempre legato all'Italia. È un database che ... presenta una panoramica completa delle stazioni internazionali e delle Utility Radio Stations corredata da una guida introduttiva di circa 40 pagine, dedicata al monitoraggio professionale alle Utility. La guida ha una versione digitale in formato CD che è la 2017 Super Frequency List ... Dello stesso autore c'è la preziosa 2017/2018 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Accurata guida che presenta in 550 pagine un completo database delle stazioni utility internazionali. Consiglio a tutti di tenere sempre, a portata di mano, nello shack, una guida aggiornata che può essere anche cartacea come quelle che vi ho suggerito oppure in formato digitale ma di non rischiare mai di mandare in fumo il tempo trascorso a caccia di DX e di segnali interessanti."
Luigi Collico, Italy - 4 April 2016: "2016 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2015/2016 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Arrivato tutto. Sempre un'ottima pubblicazione."
Alfredo Gallerati IK7JGI in Associazione Radioamatori Italiani's Radio Rivista, Italy - December 2015: "2016 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... importante guida operativa, una guida che consiglio di tenere accanto al nostro ricevitore per disporre di un database aggiornato da sfogliare con pochi 'click' delle dita, magari durante la nostra caccia al dx. A Klingenfuss ... dobbiamo un ringraziamento perchè da 20 anni non ci fa mancare questa panoramica aggiornata di frequenze mondiali BC da tutto il mondo in circa 400 pagine. La stessa SWFG esce anche in versione CD con il titolo 2016 Super Frequency List aggiornatissima e di facile gestione da computer. Attraverso una utility interna offre la possibilità di una comoda ricerca di stazioni e frequenze aggiornate, grazie all'impostazione dei parametri di lingua e Paese. Per gli amanti del radioascolto utility è targata la famosa 2015/2016 Guide to Utility Radio Stations che, ogni due anni in 550 pagine, offre una panoramica aggiornata del mondo delle Utility."
Massimiliano Sacchi IZ6RMR, Italy - 15 January 2015: "2015 Frequency Database for the Perseus LF-HF Software-Defined Receiver ... Il cd è gia arrivato , molto interessante ..."
Roberto Mazzitelli, Italy - 4 February 2014: "2013/2014 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Radio Data Code Manual ... erano gli anni 1990 quando acquistai i primi tuoi volumi ... quante cose sono cambiate ... e poi col sistema WAVECOM di cui tu sei stato leader ..."
Massimo Scaglione IZ1PON, Italy - 26 January 2014: "2014 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Mi pregio di ringraziarVi e complimentarmi per il Vostro eccellente lavoro che conosco e uso dal 1998. Shortwave Frequency Guide da sempre rimane la miglior guida per chi come me vuole ascoltare in modo professionale le Onde Corte."
Paolo De Berti, Switzerland - 19 January 2014: "Grazie x le tue belle pubblicazioni."
Angelo Brunero IK1QLD, Italy, on Yahoo Group SW-ITA - 23 June 2013: "2013 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... rimane una buona guida di massima per come è strutturato ... e per la miniera di informazioni. - 2013/2014 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Ne ho possedute solo poche edizioni, ma me le rileggo ancora, perchè trovo sempre qualche cosa che mi era sfuggito o che non avevo approfondito a dovere. Anche questo testo è strutturato per effettuare ricerche secondo diverse modalità. - Radio Data Code Manual ... Interessante, sempre molto interessante, purtroppo solo sfogliato a casa d'altri; ma prima o poi ... 2013 Super Freqeuncy List on CD ... Il CD è piuttosto comodo da utilizzare, credo sia l'unico esempio sul mercato; anche lui paga lo scotto del passaggio da ora solare a legale. E ancora: Radio Telex Messages, Digital Data Decoder Screenshots ... Con Internet, purtroppo, tutto diventa vecchio nell'arco di poco tempo e la Rete è davvero una fonte non solo inesauribile ma anche aggiornata ed aggiornabile praticamente in tempo reale. Ma un Klingenfuss, una tantum, entra sempre in casa mia ..."
Alfredo Gallerati IK7JGI in Associazione Radioamatori Italiani's Radio Rivista, Italy - December 2010: "2011 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... La uso personalmente, ormai da anni, trovandola aggiornata e pratica nella consultazione."
Alfredo Gallerati IK7JGI in Associazione Radioamatori Italiani's Radio Rivista, Italy - March 2010: "Nella pratica del radioascolto, disporre di una guida completa ed aggiornata, vuol dire avere una sicura base di lavoro che ci consentirà un monitoraggio costante e aggiornato delle frequenze per tutte le bande interessate. Vale la pena ricordare la 2010 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2010 Super Frequency List on CD ... Bastano pochi secondi per effetuare una veloce ricerca ..."
Alfredo Gallerati IK7JGI in Associazione Radioamatori Italiani's Radio Rivista, Italy - December 2009: "2010 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Personalmente l'acquisto ormai da anni perchè agile e funzionale nella consultazione della immensa raccolta di orari, stazioni, frequenze, siti di trasmissione, e molti altri dettagli."
Paolo Valfrè I1VPJ, Italy - 7 April and 5 March 2009: "Klingenfuss frequency database for the MICROTELECOM Perseus LF-HF Software-Defined Receiver ... Ciao Giorgio, è arrivato ieri il CD, tutto OK, magnifico ... è molto comodo veder apparire i dati delle stazioni utility man mano che sposti la barra di sintonia! Adesso bisogna convincere Nico che introduca nel software di Perseus il passo da 3 kHz con la rotellina del mouse ... È favoloso Perseus unito alle tue liste!!!"
Daniele Cristaldini, Italy - 9 December 2008: "2009/2010 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2009 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Non vedo l'ora di ricevere i nuovi libri!"
Claudio Di Bona, United Kingdom - 23 October 2008: "Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Ti ammiro tantissimo sin dal 1993 guando comprai la mia prima radio in HF! Complimenti per il tuo italiano! Il tuo libro per me e come 'la bibbia del radioascolto', mai un errore, sempre informazioni corrette. Ma come fai? Sei il punto di riferimento a livello mondiale. Continua così!"
Daniele Taliani IV3TDM in Associazione Radioamatori Italiani's Radio Rivista, Italy - March 2008: "L'attività di Joerg, iniziata nel 1970, con i suoi 39 anni di esperienza può senz'altro essere collocata al vertice, sia per la mole di dati che per l'assoluta affidabilità di quanto riportato. Se è vero che le frequenze, come le donne, sono variabili 'come piume al vento', è altrettanto vero che quelle indicate da Klingenfuss sono quanto di più aggiornato l'attuale bibliografia metta a disposizione. 2007/2008 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Quando tanti anni addietro mi ci dedicavo anch'io (stante il fatto che non ero nelle condizioni di antenna tali da poter trasmettere), mi sono trovato a sentire la necessità di una guida che mi facilitasse il compito di ricerca e devo dire che fin da quei tempi (parlo dell'inizio anni 80), ho trovato in Klingenfuss un preciso riferimento, pieno di dati tecnici, di consigli e di 'trucchetti' che mi hanno portato ad appassionarmi sempre più, contrariamente ad alcuni amici che dopo numerosi quanto infruttuosi tentativi 'fai da te', hanno preferito dedicarsi ad altro. 2008 Super Frequency List on CD ... Lo stesso CD, oltre a numerosissime informazioni tutte volte ad ampliare la cultura dell'SWL, propone anche una serie di alcune centinaia di screenshot utili a dare immediatamente l'idea di cosa si possa ascoltare ancora oggi, nel meraviglioso ed infinito spazio delle onde corte. Radio Data Code Manual ... Un manuale divenuto ormai standard di riferimento internazionale sia per l'SWL che per i servizi di radio monitoring professionali. Chi volesse avventurarsi in questo fantastico mondo, potrà trovare in Klingenfuss una vera miniera di informazioni ed un prezioso alleato, con una esperienza che si colloca certamente ai vertici a livello mondiale e che non disdegnerà di fornire tutte le informazioni utili ad ognuno per cominciare col piede giusto o per proseguire con sicurezza."
Antonio Sorrentino I8SWZ, Italy - 22 March 2008: "Klingenfuss Publications e Klingenfuss Radio Monitoring possono essere considerati come l'enciclopedia del radioascolto realizzata da Joerg Klingenfuss che in circa 40 anni ha messo insieme e catalogato un'enorme mole di dati utili e nello stesso tempo affidabili e sempre aggiornati."
Andrea Lawendel, Italy - 11 December 2007: "L'esperto tedesco è una autorità internazionale in materia e da anni sostiene che la radio è un mezzo tutt'altro che obsoleto quando si tratta di comunicazioni civili e militari in situazioni estreme o di emergenza."
Paolo Valfré I1VPJ, Italy - 23 December 2006: "2007/2008 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2007 Super Frequency List on CD ... Ancora complimenti per il suo lavoro e per i suoi prodotti, precisi ed impeccabili e completi anche di commenti puntuali e sagaci!"
Alfredo Gallerati IK7JGI in Associazione Radioamatori Italiani's Radio Rivista, Italy - April 2006: "Una guida molta aggiornata, sopratutto di facile consultazione, è la 2006 Shortwave Frequency Guide. Joerg Klingenfuss: 'Cosa c'è di meglio? Solo noi, e nessun altro, pubblichiamo tutti i dati anche in versione CD.' "
Massimo Petrantoni, Italy - 14 January 2006: "2006 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2005/2006 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... È un prodotto validissimo che non teme confronti."
Massimo Petrantoni in Confidential Radio Secret 2 - I Misteri delle Etere, Italy, March 2005: "2005/2006 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... una attività di monitoraggio professionale che viene condotta in maniera scientifica. Le stazioni elencate in tale famosa guida sono realmente esistenti ed effetivamente monitorate a differenza di pubblicazioni analoghe ove sono riportate frequenze inattive da tempo e obsolete. In realtà il sistema di gestione del log adottato da Joerg elimina automaticamente quelle frequenze che non risultino attive da 15 mesi, ragion per cui i dati che esso fornisce sono notevolmente aggiornati e veritieri ... la guida più valida e più scientifica per potere districarsi all'interno delle gamme HF. Sono riportate esclusivamente stazioni con codici realmente decodificabili e sincronizzabili con i decoder professionali WAVECOM."
Fabrizio Magrone, Italy on it.hobby.radioascolto - 4 September 2004: "Dal mio punto di vista, con diversi anni di ascolto alle spalle, la lista di prima scelta per chi deve acquistare il primo libro e la Klingenfuss, perche contiene numerose informazioni addizionali che non si trovano in altre liste."
Angelo Brunero IK1QLD, CISI, Università di Torino, Italy - 18 June 2003: "Un paio di pubblicazioni che spesso consulto per sapere qualcosa in più sono Shortwave Frequency Guide (Worldwide HF Communications Today) e Guide to Utility Radio Stations di Joerg Klingenfuss."
Paolo Valfré I1VPJ, Italy - 12 December 2002: "2003 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Complimenti per le tue pubblicazioni!"
Angelo Brunero IK1QLD, CISI, Università di Torino, Italy - 18 June 2003: "Un paio di pubblicazioni che spesso consulto per sapere qualcosa in più sono Shortwave Frequency Guide (Worldwide HF Communications Today) e Guide to Utility Radio Station di Joerg Klingenfuss, una vera manna nel campo del radioascolto."
Giuseppe Gianotti, President of Associazione Italiana Radioascolto, Italy - 21 December 2002: "2003 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2003 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... ringrazio sentitamente per queste stupende opere che sono una vera pietra migliare del radioascolto.
Paolo Valfré I1VPJ, Italy - 12 December 2002: "2003 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Complimenti per le tue pubblicazioni!"
Alberico Cavriani IK0TUL, Italy - 3 December 2002: "2003 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2003 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Molti complimenti per il vostro sempre stupendo lavoro."
Mario Ambrosi I2MQP, Vice President of Assoziacione Radioamatori Italiani, in Radio Rivista - February 2000: "2000 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Il libro è, senza dubbio, il migliore ausilio per gli ascoltatori di onde corte. Ma permettetami di dirlo che è anche un utilissimo aiutante per il DXer serio, por gli appassionati di propagazione e i radioamatori che si sforzano di fare al meglio de loro attività."
Andrea Borgnino, Shortwave Radio editor of Radiotelevisione Italiana, Rome, Italy - 29 January 1999: " Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Il nostro magellano per le navigazioni nell'etere ... rappresenta l'accessorio indispensabile per chi vuole mettersi ad ascoltare stazioni utility in onde corte. Un lavoro incredibile di monitoraggio svolto dal Sig. Klingenfuss e dal suo team che ormai ogni anno ci svelano i misteri delle telecomunicazioni professianali in HF."
Angelo Brunero IK1QLD - 29 March 1999: "Se sei interessato al fantastico mondo delle Onde Corte, ti consiglio un libro, che riporta tutte le frequenze radio delle Onde Medie e Onde Corte: servizi marittimi militari, mercantili da diporto, servizi aeronautici civili e militari, stazioni costiere, radiofari, stazioni di tempo, stazioni meteorologiche etc. etc: 1999 Shortwave Frequency Guide."
Sergio Mas Ruiz, Spain - 16 December 2018: "2020 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Muchas gracias por su excelente trabajo."
Sergio Mas Ruiz, Spain - 17 December 2017: "2018 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2018 Super Frequency List on CD ... Felicitaciones por sus interesantes publicaciones!!!"
Arnaldo Slaen, Argentinia - 12 December 2017: "... mis felicitaciones por vuestra publicaciòn anual la cual, en casi 40 años como diexista, es la primera vez que adquiero."
Miguel Carrillo Diaz, Canary Islands - 10 March 2015: "Gracias por sus publicaciones y su trabajo. Lo aprecio mucho."
Entre-Ondas Blogspot, 31 January 2015: "Otra opciòn, son las Publicaciones Klingenfuss, Shortwave Frequency Guide (Guía de Frecuencias de Onda Corta) en versiòn impresa y en CD, que junto con el Guide to Utility Radio Stations (Guía de Radioestaciones Utilitarias), son la fascinaciòn de muchos experimentados diexistas."
Sergio Mas Ruiz, Spain - 27 March 2007: "Felicitaciones por su aportaciòn al mundo de las radiocomunicaciones tanto profesionales como amateur, gracias!"
Enrique Zabala Etxebarria, Spain - 27 March 2002: "Le felicito por la calidad de sus publicaciones. Le animo a continuar."
CQ Radio Amateur, Spain - January 1999: "Radio Data Code Manual ... Quenes tengan algo más que un interés pasajero en monitorizar señales de datos tienen en esto libro un auxiliar altamente valioso."
CQ Radio Amateur, Spain - February 1999: "1998/1999 Guide to Worldwide Weather Services ... una inestimable herramienta para muchos profesionales y aficionados a la navegación."
Manuel Durán EA7HAZ in CQ Radio Amateur, Spain - December 1998: "1999 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... la referencia obligada para los escuchas de utilitarias. Aparte de éste, Klingenfuss ha publicado otros libros y productos de considerable interes para el radioescucha, como el Radio Data Code Manual, imprescindible para conocer las distintas señales que emiten las estaciones utilitarias."
Juan Vilá Giralt EA3CRJ, Spain - 20 October 1997: "1997 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 1997 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 1997 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... expresarles mis felicitaciones por el buen hacer de sus magnificas publicaciones de las cuales me honra dispones."
Thieu Mandos PA0M - NL199, NL-Post editor of VERON, in Electron, Netherlands - January 2023: "Naast de tijdschriften zijn er de boeken van Klingenfuss die als naslagwerk naast mijn ontvanger liggen . Deze boeken bevatten wel een paar hoofdstukken die interessant en leerzaam zijn om te lezen, maar het grootste deel van deze boeken bestaat uit frequentielijsten, schema's en tabellen die als naslagwerk dienen. - 2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Met 550 pagina's is de utility guide weer helemaal actueel beschikbaar als de 2023/2024 editie die ook nog eens up-to-date gehouden wordt door tussentijdse on-line aanvullingen. Wat ooit begon als een lijst met radio teletype stations is uitgegroeid tot een standaard werk dat je de weg wijst in het doolhof van professionele gebruikers van de korte golf. Of je nu over de korte golf draait en een duister signaal probeert te identificeren of je probeert een station uit de lijst terug te vinden op je ontvanger, het is alsof je een spannend boek leest. - Niet alle signalen zijn op jouw antenne of ontvanger te nemen, maar we hebben tegenwoordig een geweldig netwerk aan software ontvangers, SDR's, beschikbaar via internet. Zo wordt het netwerk met KiwiSDR's intensief gebruikt voor het verzamelen van informatie voor de Utility guide. Een aantal vrij toegankelijke KiwiSDR's zijn te vinden via . Een van de bijzonder leuke mogelijkheden van het netwerk met KiwiSDR's is dat door nauwkeurige timing en koppelingen via internet locatie peilingen mogelijk zijn. Er zijn nog diverse andere netwerken met SDR's beschikbaar die alle een leuke aanvulling op je eigen ontvanger geven. Zo komen signalen vanuit de hele wereld je shack binnen, ook al heb je last van lokale storing of zijn je ontvangst mogelijkheden beperkt. Een heel ander leuk aspect van luisteren naar SDR ontvangers in een ander werelddeel is dat je met heel andere condities te maken hebt. Tijdverschil, schemerzone, zomer-winter condities, het kan daar allemaal anders zijn dan hier lokaal. - Dat brengt me ook bij het onderwerp decoder. Er zijn voor de door amateurs gebruikte modulaties diverse decoders te downloaden op internet. Zelf gebruik ik vooral WSJT-X en FLDIGI, maar voor decodering van de grote variatie aan signalen die de professionele gebruikers uitzenden is meer nodig. De Utility guide beschrijft enkele decoders gebruikt voor het samenstellen van het boek en laat ook heel wat schermafbeeldingen zien van de resultaten. De signalen kun je natuurlijk ook identificeren door de frequentie op te zoeken in de Utility guide, al moet je dan soms nog kiezen uit een aantal stations die dezelfde frequentie delen. - De Utility guide bestaat voor de helft uit een frequentielijst met meer dan 9000 vermeldingen van frequentie, call, stationsnaam en locatie en modulatie. In veel gevallen staat er ook tijdstip van activiteit bij. In de andere hoofdstukken worden per land de stations geordend en worden diverse codes en afkortingen verklaard die je in de lijst en berichten tegen kunt komen. Er is ook een uitgebreide verzameling schermafdrukken opgenomen die tonen wat je zoal kun verwachten van bepaalde station, frequenties en modulaties. Al met al is de Guide to Utility Radio Stations een interessant boek dat een uitstekende gids is bij het identificeren van de signalen van professionele gebruikers van de korte golf. - 2023 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Wie geïnteresseerd is in de kortgolf omroepstations èn de utilitystations vindt deze informatie in de compacte 350 pagina dikke SW-frequency guide. Ook dit boek begint met een uitleg van de achtergronden die gebruikt zijn bij het monitoren, identificeren en samenstellen van het boek. De frequentielijst met utilitystations in dit boek is wat compacter van opzet door gebruik van kleinere letters, maar bevat vrijwel evenveel stations. Er is ook een uitgebreide frequentielijst met meer dan 4000 vermeldingen van omroepstations in dat zelfde compacte lettertype. De vermeldingen bestaan uit frequentie, stationsnaam, locatie van uitzenden, begin- en eindtijd van uitzending, taal en gebied waar de uitzending op gericht is. Er is ook een lijst met een samenvatting van de stations per land. Op de kortegolf zijn er ook nog stations in Nederland, al komen de namen mij niet erg bekend voor. De informatie over de stations is vrij summier, voldoende om een stations te identificeren of een gewenste uitzending op te zoeken. Dit boek verschijnt elk jaar, terwijl de Utility Guide om de 2 jaar wordt uitgegeven. - Wie nog meer wil moet zeker eens kijken naar de Super Frequency List on CD. Dat vereis wel een PC met CD drive bij je ontvanger, maar als je signalen wil decoderen is dat toch al een logische combinatie. Op deze CD vind je de stations uit de Utility Guide èn de omroepstations uit de Shortwave Frequency Guide op een manier geordend dat je er in kunt zoeken en selecties zichtbaar kunt maken. Zo kun je eenvoudig alle stations tevoorschijn halen die DRM uitzendingen doen of in een bepaalde taal uitzenden. Professionele radiostations krijgen vaak een aantal frequenties toegewezen, die ze niet allemaal gelijktijdig gebruiken. Afhankelijk van de veranderende condities en seizoenen maken ze een keuze. Zo kan het gebeuren dat ze jaren een frequentie niet gebruiken en nu bij de betere condities daar weer naartoe verhuizen. Daar is de database met vroeger gebruikte frequenties bijzonder nuttig voor. Die database met ruimt 24000 vermeldingen staat ook op de CD. - De uitgever wil een goede kwaliteit behouden voor zijn Utility guide en SW frequency guide. Als een station niet meer gesignaleerd wordt op de frequentie van afgelopen jaar, dan verhuist de vermelding naar de database met vroeger gebruikte frequenties. Zo ben je er van verzekerd dat je boeken en CD's krijgt met actuele gegevens. - Meer details over kosten en verkrijgbaarheid van de boeken vind je op waar ook voorbeeld pagina's te bekijken zijn van de verschillende uitgaven. Neem zeker eens een kijkje, de voorbeeld pagina's tonen al leuke informatie over verschillende onderwerpen."
Thieu Mandos PA0M - NL199, NL-Post editor of VERON, in Electron, Netherlands - January 2022: "Buiten gebaande paden ... Ik wil nog wel eens buiten de gebaande paden luisteren, daarmee bedoel ik buiten onze amateurbanden. Zeker als er weinig activiteit is door de matige condities is het leuk om toch wat te interessants te ontdekken. Er zijn echt wonderlijk veel en vreemde signalen te horen, leuk voor een nieuwsgierige luisteramateur. Het vraagt vaak het nodige experimenteren om er achter te komen op wat voor signaal je afgestemd hebt, om hat vervolgens te decoderen en tot slot te bepalen wie het van waar uitzend. Er zijn signalen die je echt niet ontcijfert krijgt, omdat ze bewust sterk gecodeerd zijn. Maar er zijn ook heel wat stations nog gewoon mee te lezen. Om wat sneller de weg te vinden tussen al die signalen heeft Klingenfuss elk jaar weer een paar gidsen die je de weg wijzen. Zo kwamen er afgelopen maand ook weer een paar nieuwe uitgaves beschikbaar. - De 2022 Shortwave Frequency Guide is de meest compacte gids, goed gevuld met frequentie lijsten voor omroep en utility stations op lange- midden- en kortegolf ... Het bijzondere van deze lijsten is dat ze elk jaar gescreend worden of de vermelde stations on daar aanwezig zijn. Verder staan er ook de uitzendschema's in van de omroepstations. Het boek is in het Engels geschreven, maar de lijsten, tabellen en afkortingen verklaren zich zelf. - Maar er is meer. De 2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations is een meer op utility stations gespecialiseerde gids ... Ook in deze gids een lijst met stations per land en frequenties per station. Van enkele populaire modes als Navtex, FAX, RTTY, Meteo-stations zijn er lijsten met stations, frequentie en uitzendschema's. Een overvloed aan informatie voor wie op zoek gaat naar stations buiten de amateurbanden. - Maar het kan niet op. De 2022 Super Frequency List is er voor wie echt alles wil weten. Deze CD maakt al deze informatie op je PC toegankelijk. De CD bevat een aantal lijsten met zoek mogelijkheden op diverse criteria, zo'n beetje elke informatie die in de lijsten staat. En ja dan de lijsten. De CD bevat de Shortwave frequency guide plus de Guide to utility radio stations. Daarbij komt ook nog eens de lijst met "Former active stations". Dat zijn stations die recentelijk niet meer gehoord zijn. Met het opbloeien van de condities is er een redelijk kans dat ze hun ongebruikte frequenties weer op pakken ... Als bonus staan er ook nog eens bijna 1000 screenshots op van wat al die stations zoal versturen. - Bij mijn strooptochten buiten de amateurbanden en bij het identificeren van indringers in onze banden liggen deze boeken naast m'n ontvanger. Zo is het Radio Data Code manual voor mij nuttig bij het identificeren van welke codering er nu weer te horen is. Er is altijd wel wat nieuws te ontdekken, zeker buiten de gebaande paden."
VRZA Vereniging voor en door zendamateurs, Zuid West Nederland - 28 December 2021: "2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... zijn vaak digitaal. De Klingenfuss gids is daarbij trouwens een geweldig hulpmiddel (wat is het wat ik hoor?)"
Thieu Mandos PA0M - NL199, NL-Post editor of VERON, in Electron, Netherlands - December 2019: "Er is veel meer activiteit op de kortegolf, veel meer dan alleen maar radioamateurs. Al jaren gebruik ik dan de publicaties van Joerg Klingenfuss als wegwijzer, want er is veel te horen waarvan je niet in de gaten hebt wat het is. Daarbij komt ook nog eens dat er regelmatig wat veranderd in mode, frequentie, tijden en gebruikers. Mijn speurtochten buiten de amateurbanden zijn heel gevarieerd. Zo nu en dan probeer ik elk signaaltje wat opduikt te decoderen. Dan is het handig om in een van de gidsen op te zoeken wat voor codering en gebruiker achter het signaaltje verborgen zit. Er wordt een grote variatie aan digitale codes gebruikt door de professionele gebruikers van de kortegolf. Er zijn ook redelijk wat SSB signalen, vooral luchtvaart en scheepvaart is met spraak te beluisteren. Voor het identificeren van de signaaltjes heeft Klingenfuss leuke uitgaves van CD's met voorbeelden. In het boek Radio Data Code Manual wordt de opbouw van modulaties en codes uitgelegd in 600 pagina's. - 2020 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Al met al een handige wegwijzer bij wie de korte golf wil verkennen buiten de amateurbanden. - 2019/2020 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... wel een bont gezelschap aan kortegolfgebruikers. Deze gids is ruimer en gedetailleerder opgezet dan de Shortwave Frequency Guide en beter geschikt voor wie de achtergronden van veel gecodeerde signalen wil leren kenen. Een heerlijk boek om in te neuzen tijdens een ontdekkingsreis over de ruimte tussen onze amateurbanden. Al die piepjes en signaaltjes verbergen iemand, al zijn er tegenwoordig ook heel wat draaggolven en ruisbulten die als storing uit allerlei apparatuur komt. - 2020 Super Frequency List on CD ... De actuele lijsten zijn met de PC te doorzoeken naar station, frequentie, mode, land en de andere gegevens die er op staan. Dat is natuurlijk handig voor wie snel wat zoek in de overvloed van meer dan 10.000 vermeldingen. - Mocht het weer eens erg rustig zijn op de amateurbanden en heb je alles al gelogd, draai dan eens buiten de banden. Daar is een hele wereld van professionele gebruikers te beluisteren."
Thieu Mandos PA0M - NL199, NL-Post editor of VERON, in Electron, Netherlands - February 2017: "Wegwijs op de kortegolf ... Met bijna 1000 pagina's aan nieuwe publicaties verblijdde Klingenfuss ons in de vorm van een nieuwe uitgave van de 2017/2018 Guide to Utility Radio Stations en de 2017 Shortwave Frequency Guide. Tevens is er een nieuwe uitgave van de Super Frequency List 2017, de CD met haast onuitputtelijke informatie over kortegolfstations. Je moet in deze boeken geen lijst met DX stations verwachten, als je daar naar op zoek bent moet je kijken bij . Daar vind je informatie over radioamateur-DX, de expedities en hun plannen. Waar ik het hier over heb is de overvloed aan kortegolfstations die zich rondom de amateurbanden bevinden. Een groot deel daarvan bestaat uit professionele gebruikers van HF-radio, ook wel utility stations genoemd. Dat is veel meer dan scheepvaart, luchtvaart en omroep. Verdiep je er maar eens in en je zult versteld staan hoe intensief de ether gebruikt wordt, vooral door stations met digitale modulaties. 2017/2018 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Onder deze titel verschijnt er elke paar jaar een nieuwe uitgave van een interessant boek met circa 550 pagina's waarin meer dan 9000 frequenties en stations vermeld staan met de nodige details. Het is meer dan een frequentielijst, want een deel van het boek beschrijft ook hoe je de stations kunt herkennen en hoe de informatie verzameld is. Er zijn meer frequentielijsten, maar deze van Klingenfuss kenmerkt zich al jaren door de kwaliteit van de informatie. Er zit dan ook een heel team achter dat jaar in jaar uit de vermeldingen verifieert en zelf verzamelt, dus niet kopieert uit andere bronnen. Die controle is van vitaal belang, want ook de professionele gebruikers kiezen hun frequenties afhankelijk van de condities. Ook zij hebben meestal enkele frequenties beschikbaar en maken hieruit een keuze afhankelijk van jaargetijde, propagatie, tijdstip en bestemming van de uitzending. Met de veranderende mogelijkheden van de techniek wisselt ook de gekozen modulatie techniek van de stations. De een kiest op basis van betrouwbaarheid van signaal, de ander op maximale privacy van de berichtgeving. Natuurlijk hoor je nog wel SSB en een enkele FAX uitzending, maar het grootste deel is tegenwoordig e-mail via PACTOR en speciale codes. Ook is het gebruik van ALE ruim in gebruik, een mode waarbij automatisch de meest geschikte frequentie gekozen wordt. Alle details over digitale modes gebruikt bij professionele HF communicatie kun je vinden het boek Radio Data Code Manual, ook een uitgave van Klingenfuss. Speciaal voor de geïnteresseerden van meteorologie, luchtvaart en NAVTEX zijn er uitzendschema's van een aantal stations. Er staan ook een aantal voorbeelden in van uitzendingen die met speciale decoders opgenomen zijn. In die screenshots zie je wat er verborgen gaat achter al die vreemde geluiden om de korte golf. Heel wat stations zijn te decoderen met een simpele PC of gewoon luisteren. Mocht je een magisch piepje horen en willen weten wie er achter zit of hoe je de decodering moet aanpakken dan brengt de Utility Guide zeker uitkomst. - 2017 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Dit is een gids met een wat beknoptere informatie over Utility Stations, maar als extra bevat dit boek ook informatie over de korte golf omroepstations. Dat zijn er ook heel wat waardoor het toch 350 pagina's geworden zijn. Deze gids verschijnt jaarlijks en is vooral interessant voor ook de korte golf omroepstations wil identificeren. Deze stations staan er met frequentie, naam, locatie, callsign, taal, uitzendtijden en gebied waarop die uitzendingen gericht zijn. Voor wie een uitzending vanuit een bepaald land zoekt is er ook een lijst gesorteerd op land, station, taal, uitzendtijd en frequentie. Zo kun je het wereldnieuws uit eerste hand volgen. - De 2017 Super Frequency List ... Dit is weer een heel andere verschijningsvorm van frequentie informatie, die goed past bij onze moderne media. Op CD is de informatie uit beide boeken samengebracht aangevuld met een lijst van frequenties die nu niet meer in gebruik zijn door de stations. Dat kan toch nuttige informatie zijn mocht een van die frequenties weer opnieuw in gebruik genomen worden. Door wijzigingen in het gebruiksschema komt het nogal eens voor dat een station een toegewezen frequentie enkele jaren niet gebruikt. Door dat in de frequentielijst te laten staan wordt die wel lekker groot, maar neemt de kwaliteit snel af door vervuiling. Iets wat Klingenfuss wil voorkomen en waar zijn team al bijna 50 jaar de goede kwaliteit aan dankt. De lijsten op CD zijn in het Engels of in het Duits te benaderen met een PC waarbij zoeken op diverse criteria mogelijk is. Zo kun je een selectie maken van stations op land, roepnaam, taal, modulatie, tijdstip, stationsnaam en natuurlijk frequentie. Ook op willekeurige stukken tekst is te zoeken. Dat is een handige functie, zoals ook het sturen van je ontvanger vanuit de frequentie database, iets wat wel ontvanger specifieke software afhankelijk is. Op de CD met Super Frequnecy List kun je stations zoeken naar keuze in de utility stations, in de shortwave guide of in de Old Frequency lijst. Deze Old frequency lijst bevat de vermeldingen die niet meer actueel zijn."
Thieu Mandos NL199, NL-Post editor of VERON, in Electron, Netherlands - February 2013: "De kortegolfgidsen 2013 ... Om nooit meer te verdwalen op de kortegolf in de overvloed aan zenders die je daar hoort zijn de kortegolfgidsen van Klingenfuss haast onmisbaar. Er hebben weer heel verschuivingen en veranderingen plaatsgevonden doordat veel stations hun frequenties aangepast hebben aan de verbeterde condities. Hierdoor zijn we heel blij dat er weer een nieuwe uitgave beschikbaar is van de "Guide to Utility Radio Stations" en de "Shortwave Frequency Guide". Dit wordt nog eens compleet gemaakt door de Super Frequency List" die op CD wordt uitgebracht en een heel nieuwe uitgave, de "Digital Data Decoder Screenshots" die op USB stick aangeboden worden. Er zijn natuurlijk nog enkele andere boeken beschikbaar van deze uitgave die ik ook kan aanbevelen zoals het "Radio Data Code Manual" en de "Recordings of modulation types" op twee audio-CD's. - 2013/2014 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Dit is inmiddels een standaard werk voor wie geïnteresseerd is in de professionele gebruikers van de kortegolf. De kwaliteit van de informatie in dit boek maakt het zo waardevol. Als het even kan wordt het jaarlijks geheel bijgewerkt zodat de gegevens die er in staan ook echt kloppen. Daarbij komt dat er tegenwoordig ook een aanvulling beschikbaar is via de website . Wat ooit eens begon als een lijst van telex stations is na 35 edities uitgegroeid tot een 550 pagina dik naslagwerk gevuld met frequentielijsten en verklarende tabellen. De omvang van de lijst bewijst maar weer eens dat de kortegolf nog volop leeft. Er wordt nog druk gebruik gemaakt van kortegolfverbindingen. Het zijn misschien wel heel andere gebruikers dan tien jaar geleden en ook de modulatiesoorten zijn aangepast aan de huidige technieken, maar het is er echt niet stil geworden. In deze gids staan geen omroepstations of radioamateurs vermeld, maar wel alle andere soorten professionele gebruikers. Daarbij moet je denken aan weerstations, luchtvaartverkeer, ambassades, hulpverleners, scheepvaart, militair en nog veel meer van dergelijke diensten. Veel van deze stations kun je beluisteren met je kortegolfontvanger. Niet het er allemaal reuze interessante berichten te horen zijn, maar je wil natuurlijk wel weten wie er verborgen zit achter al die verschillende digitale signalen. Zo nu en dan verdwaalt er ook wel eens een in de amateurbanden. Het decoderen van al die verschillende modulaties is tegenwoordig een stuk eenvoudiger geworden met de komst van PC's en passende software. Het monitor team van Klingenfuss gebruikt vooral de decoders van Wavecom. Daarmee checken ze of de beschreven stations nog op hun frequentie actief zijn en sporen ze nieuwe gebruikers op, zodat er weer een geheel bijgewerkte uitgave beschikbaar is voor jullie. Het kloppend hart van het boek is de frequentielijst waarin naast de frequentie tevens vermeld staat; De roepnaam (Call) van het station, de locatie, de gebruikte modulatie en codering en snelheid, aanvullende gegevens zoals tijden, bericht inhoud en eventuele samenhang met andere frequenties. Doordat al die details beknopt samengevat staan in de lijst worden er nogal wat afkortingen gebuikt, zoals we dat als amateurs zelf ook veel doen. Een deel van het boek is dan ook besteed aan de verklaring van de gebruikte afkortingen. Dat zijn ook de afkortingen die je tegen gaat komen tijdens het beluisteren van de stations. Deze lijsten maken het lezen van het boek en het luisteren een heel stuk prettiger. Wie op zoek is naar een station uit een bepaald land wordt geholpen door de alfabetische lijst waar de stations per land gegroepeerd staan. Van daar uit wordt verwezen naar de frequenties waar verdere details staan. Om een indruk te geven van wat je zoal kunt decoderen zijn er een groot aantal voorbeelden opgenomen van berichten zoals ze door de monitor stations ontvangen zijn en jij ze ook kunt decoderen. Het zijn screenshots waarop ook te zien is hoe de decoder ingesteld stond. Dat helpt bij het ontcijferen van al die magische signalen. Het is niet echt een boek dat je leest, maar veel meer een naslagwerk dat je gebruikt naast je ontvanger. Bij het gebruik ervan is het druk bladeren tussen de verschillende lijsten. De aanvullende informatie komt dan goed van pas. - 2013 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Dit is een frequentielijst met een iets andere aanpak dan de utility guide. Hierin staan ook de kortegolf omroepstation. De lijst met utility stations in dit boek is wat beknopter met zijn informatie per station, maar niet minder compleet en actueel dan de utility guide. De tweede lijst in dit boek bevat de omroepstations op de kortegolf. Hierin staan naast de frequenties natuurlijk de naam van het station, het land, de tijden van uitzenden en de taal van de uitzending. Indien beschikbaar staan er nog wat aanvullende gegevens bij. Verwacht niet een verhalend boek dat allerlei achtergronden van de omroepstations vertelt zoals we dat kennen van het WRTH handboek. Dit is een spartaanse frequentielijst met die gegevens die je nodig hebt om een station te identificeren of op te sporen. Ook dit boek heeft een lijst met alfabetische vermelding van de stations en de benodigde lijsten met afkortingen. De shortwave frequency guide is echt een boek om mee te werken. Dat heeft het voordeel dat het niet storend is dat de hoofdstukken met verhalen in het Engels zijn. De frequentie vermeldingen en afkortingen zijn immers universeel voor elke taal. Waarschijnlijk staat het na een jaar vol aantekeningen die je maakt tijdens het luisteren en loggen. - 2013 Super Frequency List on CD ... Zoals de titel van deze uitgave al zegt is het een CD-Rom waar niet een maar verschillende frequentie lijsten op staan. Deze CD staat echt bol van detail informatie en biedt de mogelijkheid om er snel in te zoeken met de PC of zelfs de frequentielijsten te koppelen als database aan je ontvanger. Op de CD vind je de frequentie lijst zoals die ook in de Guide to Utility radio Stations staat. Doordat die hier met de PC te benaderen is, kun je er op allerlei manieren in zoeken. Tegenwoordig hebben veel amateurs de PC al gekoppeld aan de ontvanger voor het decoderen van digitale modes. Nu komt hij ook nog van pas als frequentie wegwijzer, echt handig. Ook de Shortwave Frequency Guide staat er op, zodat je ook snel de weg kunt vinden in de omroepstations en hun programma's. Tot slot is er nog een enorme lijst met frequenties die vroeger in gebruik zijn geweest. Klingenfuss bewaart deze historische lijst netjes gescheiden van de actuele gegevens, zodat de frequentielijsten van 2013 niet vervuild zijn met oude waardeloze gegevens. Het monitor team biedt zo een top kwaliteit frequentie gids, voor hun staat niet de omvang van de lijst voorop maar de kwaliteit. - Na het uitkomen van de nieuwe lijsten ben ik altijd weer heel wat avonden zoet met beluisteren van de nieuwe aanwinsten in de lijst. Daarna grijp ik er nog vaak op terug om te checken wat de bron is van het vreemde signaal wat er nu weer uit mijn ontvanger klinkt. Daarbij komt het Radio Data Code Manual ook erg goed van pas. Dat boek legt uit hoed de codes opgebouwd zijn en hoe je de verschillende modulatie soorten kunt herkennen en deoderen. Nu eens een keer geen frequentielijst maar meer een studieboek voor codekrakers. Een leuke bezigheid voor wie meer uit zijn ontvanger wil halen. Als je geïnteresseerd bent in de boeken, neem dan zeker een kijk op , daar staan heel wat interessante boeken voor de kortegolf luisteramateur."
Thieu Mandos NL199, NL-Post editor of VERON, in Electron, Netherlands - February 2012: "De toegenomen activiteit van de zon maakt van de kortegolf weer een grote bruisende bron van plezier. Vooral op de frequenties boven 10 MHz is weer veel meer te horen dan de afgelopen paar jaar ... enorm veel veranderingen in de uitzendschema's en frequenties van de professionale gebruikers van de kortegolf. Klingenfuss 2012 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Door en hoge kwaliteitsnorm te hanteren en niet klakkeloos te kopieren hebben zijn uitgaven veel andere boeken, gidsen en lijsten overleefd. Zijn gidsen vinden dan ook aftrek bij de hele kortegolf-luistergemeenschap, zowel hobbyist als professional. - Radio Data Code Manual ... In 600 pagina's worden al di geheimzinnige piep-, kraak- en krasgeluiden ontdaan van hun magie."
Thieu Mandos NL199, NL-Post editor of VERON, in Electron, Netherlands - February 2010: "2009/2010 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... standaardwerk voor de utility luisteraar. Een onvoorstelbare hoeveelheid details van de radiostations die je kunt beluisteren is te vinden in dit boek. Stations die werkelijk van over de geheles wereld komen. Interessant zijn ook de screenshots die het decoderen van diverse stations tonen, leuk te zien dat daar gebruikgemaakt wordt van de Perseus SDR-ontvanger en van WAVECOM decoders. Voor uitleg en de achtergrondinformatie moet je wel het boek erbij hebben. - 2010 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Hiermee zijn de stations goed te identificeren of kun je op jacht gaan naar een van de stations. - 2010 Super Frequency List on CD ... voor wie echt alles wil weten van de kortegolf. Een enorme database dus met snelle zoegmogelijkheden."
Michiel Schaay at 3 April 2003 on and in Radio Amateur Magazine, Netherlands, May 2003: "Radio Data Code Manual ... een werkelijk goed inzicht te verwerven in de digitale transmissiesoorten en -protocollen die de kortegolf bevolken. Gerichte zoekopdrachten op het internet kunnen veel interessante informatie boven water brengen. Toch blijft er altijd behoefte aan een gedrukt overzichtswerk. In zijn Radio Data Code Manual brengt Klingenfuss een grote hoeveelheid relevante informatie samen. Gewapend met dit 600 pagina's tellende boekwerk, kan de toegewijde hobbyist zich stap voor stap een weg banen in de (soms ondoorzichtige) wereld van de professionele kortegolf communicatie. Klingenfuss rafelt een aantal belangrijke digitale transmissietechnieken uiteen, ruimschoots geïllustreerd met signaalanalyses en computer screenshots. En-passant signaleert hij trends en ontwikkelingen, bijvoorbeeld op het gebied van HF e-mail. Waarom is Pactor-2 in feite de standaard geworden en bijvoorbeeld niet Clover-2000? Het antwoord op deze en andere vragen is in het Radio Data Code Manual te vinden. De beste maatstaf voor de kwaliteit van de informatie, is de indrukwekkende lijst van professionele klanten van Klingenfuss. In ons land hebben bijvoorbeeld het Ministerie van Defensie, de Koninklijke Landmacht en de NAVO boekwerken van Klingenfuss op de plank staan."
Michiel Schaay at 7 January 2004 on and in Radio Amateur Magazine, Netherlands, February 2004: "2004 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Eén van de meest opmerkelijke ontwikkelingen op dit gebied, is de toename van het aantal ALE-signalen. Steeds meer communicatiestations gaan ertoe over om onderlinge HF-verbindingen op te starten met het Automatic Link Establishment systeem, kortweg ALE genoemd. Deze sterke stijging van het aantal ALE-gebruikers komt ook tot uiting in de editie 2004 van de Klingenfuss-gids. Het in kaart brengen van digitale kortegolf transmissies is sinds jaar en dag een sterk punt van de Guide to Utility Radio Stations. De nieuwste editie onderstreept dat nog eens. Maar natuurlijk komen ook een groot aantal stations in enkelzijband, morse en fax aan bod in de nieuwe frequentiebijbel van Klingenfuss. Zoals gebruikelijk omvat de 22e editie ook een waaier aan informatie, die wordt verdeeld over gerangschikte overzichten en redactionele artikelen. De actiefste signaaljagers onder u zullen zeker geen editie willen missen. De verzameling van uw redacteur begint bij de uitgave van 1985. Zo'n serie vuistdikke boekwerken biedt uiteraard een fraaie en goed gedocumenteerde kijk op van het gebruik van de kortegolf gedurende de laatste twee decennia. - 2004 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Het kan echter nog completer, want in zijn Shortwave Frequency Guide combineert Klingenfuss zijn database van communicatiediensten met een kwalitatief hoogstaand bestand van actuele omroepfrequenties. Maar met in totaal 20300 frequenties krijgt de lezer de beschikking over een alomvattend naslagwerk, dat zijn weerga niet kent. - Overigens vinden we alle frequenties uit het boekwerk terug op een door Klingenfuss uitgebrachte CD. Deze 2004 Super Frequency List on CD bevat bovendien een archief van 19600 inactieve frequenties en geeft ons daarmee een interessante terugblik op het verleden. Alle gegevens op deze CD zijn toegankelijk via een meegeleverd databaseprogramma, dat draait onder de besturingssystemen Windows 3.1, 95, 98, 2000, ME, NT en XP. Vanzelfsprekend zijn er allerlei zoekacties en sorteringen mogelijk."
Dirk van de Wal, Utility Mozaiek editor of DX Antwerp, Belgium, in Bulletin July 2003: "De Radio Data Code Manual is reeds jaren het standaardwerk op gebied van de digitale datatransmissie ... Voor wie echt ge interesseerd is in digitale datatransmissie en daarbij tot op de bodem wil gaan mag dit boek onmisbaar genoemd worden."
Michiel Schaay at 3 April 2003 on and in Radio Amateur Magazine, Netherlands, May 2003: "Radio Data Code Manual ... een werkelijk goed inzicht te verwerven in de digitale transmissiesoorten en -protocollen die de kortegolf bevolken. Gerichte zoekopdrachten op het internet kunnen veel interessante informatie boven water brengen. Toch blijft er altijd behoefte aan een gedrukt overzichtswerk. In zijn Radio Data Code Manual brengt Klingenfuss een grote hoeveelheid relevante informatie samen. Gewapend met dit 600 pagina's tellende boekwerk, kan de toegewijde hobbyist zich stap voor stap een weg banen in de (soms ondoorzichtige) wereld van de professionele kortegolf communicatie. Klingenfuss rafelt een aantal belangrijke digitale transmissietechnieken uiteen, ruimschoots geïllustreerd met signaalanalyses en computer screenshots. En-passant signaleert hij trends en ontwikkelingen, bijvoorbeeld op het gebied van HF e-mail. Waarom is Pactor-2 in feite de standaard geworden en bijvoorbeeld niet Clover-2000? Het antwoord op deze en andere vragen is in het Radio Data Code Manual te vinden. De beste maatstaf voor de kwaliteit van de informatie, is de indrukwekkende lijst van professionele klanten van Klingenfuss. In ons land hebben bijvoorbeeld het Ministerie van Defensie, de Koninklijke Landmacht en de NAVO boekwerken van Klingenfuss op de plank staan."
Thieu Mandos NL199, NL-Post editor of VERON, in Electron, Netherlands - February 2003: "Wie alles wil weten van coderings-technieken kan ik het Radio Data Code Manual aanbevelen. - 2003 Super Frequency List on CD ... een fascinerende CD ... De kwaliteit van de vermelde stations is uitstekend. De gegevens zijn niet blindelings gekopieerd uit overzichten en andere lijsten. Het gemak waarmee je kunt zoeken is echt een genot. - 2003 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Dit is een standaardwerk voor wie geïnteresseerd is in utility stations. Met die boek in de hand kun je de meeste geheimzinnige signalen snel ontmaskeren. De kwaliteit van de informatie staat hoog in het vaandel van de Klingenfuss organisatie. Als een signal 15 maanden niet meer gehoord is wordt het afgevoerd naar de lijst met voormalige stations. In de actuele lijst is dan ook elk jaar weer de helft veranderd. Zeker de laatste paar jaar is er veel veranderd op de kortegolf. Het boek is echt een gids voor wie de kortegolf wil ontdekken. - De 2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide is een bijzonder handig boek bij onze speurtochten op de kortegolf. Het blinkt uit in informatiedichtheid en actualietit."
Michiel Schaay at 23 December 2002 on and in Radio Amateur Magazine, Netherlands, February 2003: "2003 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2003 Super Frequency List on CD ... 2003 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Het trio vormt een ware goudmijn voor de doorgewinterde kortegolf hobbyist. Ook professionele telecomwerkers gebruiken de Klingenfuss-gidsen. De frequentiegidsen en -bestanden van de Duitse kortegolf specialist zijn voornamelijk opgebouwd uit zijn eigen waarnemingen en die van enkele medewerkers. Voor de ontvangst van telexuitzendingen in alle mogelijke transmissie protocollen is het boekwerk in feite onmisbaar."
Guido Schotmans in DX Antwerp Bulletin, Belgium - January 2002: "2002 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... De correctheid van de listings is erg groot. En voor tropenband frequenties blijkt het boek een pluspunt te zijn. Je vindt er soms actieve stations in terug die in andere lijsten niet vermeld staan. Zenders die sedert jaar en dag uit dienst zijn werden ook niet gepubliceerd ... in jeder geval een aanbevelenswaardig boek."
Peter van der Wal in Radio Amateur Magazine, Netherlands - June 2001: "Jörg Klingenfuss ... der ware konig als het gaat om uitgeven van boeken en cd rom's waar men vrijwel elke frequentie tussen een paar kiloherz en 30 mhz terugvindt. U hoort een station? In de beroemde Klingenfuss is elk omroep en bedrijfsstation terug te vinden. Met en kop koffie in de bank geef ik de voorkeur aan een book: elk overzichtswerk is een ware ontdekkingstocht."
Guido Schotmans in DX Antwerp Bulletin, Belgium - April 2001: "2001 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... De correctheid van de listings is erg groot. Ook voor tropenband frequenties blijkt het boek een pluspunt te zijn. Je vindt er soms actieve stations in terug die in andere lijsten niet vermeld staan. Zenders die sedert jaar en dag uit dienst zijn werden ook niet gepubliceerd ... in jeder geval een aanbevelenswaardig boek."
Thieu Mandos NL199, NL-Post editor of VERON, in Electron, Netherlands - February 2001: "2001 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... een unieke combinatie voor wie in werkelijk alle signalen geïnteresseerd is ... een boek van weinig worden en veel feiten ... Voor wie alles compact in een boek wil terugvinden is dit de gids naar de kortegolf. - 2001 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... en actueel boek dat der ervaring van de top utility luisteraars samenvat. - 2001/2001 Guide to Worldwide Weather Services ... Prachtige plaatjes en gedetailleerde overzichten van allerlei weerfenomenen ... een perfecte gids naar bronnen voor weerinformatie ..."
Thieu Mandos NL199, NL-Post editor of VERON, in Electron, Netherlands - December 2000: "2001 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... echt een werkboek dat zich richt op intensief gebruik ... Het steekt boven de ander boeken [World Radio and TV Handbook, Passport to World Band Radio, Sender + Frequenzen] uit door zijn actualiteit. Elk jaar verschijnt het aan het einde van het jaar en wordt in een recordtijd samengesteld."
Thieu Mandos NL199, NL-Post editor of VERON, in Electron, Netherlands - February 2000: "2000 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... In een paar jaar tijd is dit boek doorgedrongen tot de top van informatiebronnen over omroepstations. Het is een boek dat bijzonder actueel is en werkelijk alle omroepstations vermeld ... een gedetailleerde en volledige opsomming van feiten, geordend naar frequentie en land ... echt een boek voor wie het uiterste eist voor wat betreft acualiteit en volledigheid. Deze kwaliteit zijn we gewend van de uitgever Klingenfuss. - 2000 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Wie gefascineerd wordt door de mystieke piepjes en kraken op de kortegolf vindt in dit boek een schat aan informatie. Zonder twijfel is de informatie die Klingenfuss verstrekt actueel. Terwijl ik dit schrijf lees ik op jun internet site een aanvulling met frequenties die drie uur geleden nieuw gedecodeerd zijn. Zo wordt het een echte uitdaging iets nieuws te ontdekken dat zij nog niet gehoord hebben! - 2000 Super Frequency List on CD ... In milliseconden verschijnt een lijstje met stations die aan je zoekcriteria voldoen. Heel wat sneller dan bladeren in dikke boeken."
Guido Schotmans in DX Antwerp Bulletin, Belgium - January 2000: "2000 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... De correctheid van de listings is erg groot. Ook voor tropenband frequenties blijkt het boek een pluspunt te zijn. Je vindt er soms actieve stations in terug die in andere lijsten niet vermeld staan. Zenders die sedert jaar en dag uit dienst zijn werden ook niet gepubliceerd en blijkbaar werden de meeste winterschema's van de internationale omroepen opgenomen."
Thieu Mandos NL199, Netherlands, NL-Post editor of VERON, in Electron - March 1998: "Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Klingenfuss staat bekend om zijn accurate en up-to-date bijgehouden boeken. - Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Alles heel zakelijk en compact. - Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... werkelijk een compleet overzicht met de nodige details zoals uitzendschema, codering, gebruiker, bestemming een wat al niet meer. Ik kan je zeker een van de uitgaven aanbevelen, het zijn uitstekend verzorgde boeken."
Michiel Schaay in Benelux DX Club Bulletin, Netherlands - June 1997:"Shortwave Communication Receivers 1945-1996 ... voor de liefhebber is het boek zijn gewicht in goud waard."
Thieu Mandos NL199, Netherlands, NL-Post editor of VERON, in Electron - March 1997: "1997 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Elk jaar worden alle details gecontroleerd zo dat je een up to date lijst krijgt ... Voor wie de lastige geluiden wil ontcijferen is dit boek haast onmisbaar."
Dirk van de Wal, Utility Mozaiek editor of DX Antwerp, Belgium, in Bulletin January 1997: "Wie interesse heeft voor het ontleden en decoderen van al deze verschillende synoptische codes verwijzen we graag naar de publikatie 'Radio Data Code Manual' van Joerg Klingenfuss die op dit gebied werkelijk een schat aan informatie bevat."
Michiel Schaay, editor of Kortegolf Nieuwsbrief, Netherlands - 18 December 1996: "1997 Super Frequency List ... razendsnelle selecties mogelijk."
Thieu Mandos, Netherlands, in Elektuur - HF Special edition 1996: "Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Het standaardwerk op het gebiet van Utility stations ... een enorme variatie aan stations. Voor wie de geheimzinnige signalen op korte- en langegolf wil ontcijferen is dit boek een must. Een stark punt van deze lijst is zijn actualiteit. De beschreven stations zijn er echt! - Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... De lijst bevat een enorme hoeveelheid informatie die terug te vinden is in drie andere boeken die samen 2000 pagina's beslaan."
Thieu Mandos PA0MPM, NL-Post editor of VERON, Netherlands, in Electron March 1996: "Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... een perfecte gids. De kwaliteit van deze gids is zijn nauwkeurigheid, volledigheid en actualiteit. De grootste variatie van geïdentificeerde coderingen vind je in deze gids. - The Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... overtroeft daarmee alle ander gidsen in het aantal stations. De zoek mogelijkheden zijn met een CD-ROM echt heel handig, daar kan geen boek tegenop. Ik kan ieder de combinatie aanbevelen. - Passport to World Band Radio ... In ruim 70 pagina's worden de nieuwste ontvangers beschreven. De blue pages maken van Passport een unieke gids, die vooral goed helpt bij de speurtocht naar zwakke stations. De combinatie van veel feiten, een heldere presentatie en veel lezenswaardige rubrieken maken dit boek tot een aangename gids op de kortegolven."
Michiel Schaay, Luisteren op de Korte Golf editor of Radio Amateur Magazine, Netherlands - February 1996: "Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... een aantal ontdekkingen waarbij de ware freaks zich de vingers zullen aflicken ... voor de grote groep belangstellende hobbyisten valt er zo mogelijk nog meer te genieten."
Michiel Schaay, Kortegolf Nieuwsbrief editor, Netherlands - 5 December 1995: "Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... de omvangrijkste uit de reeks utility-jaarboeken, die Klingenfuss de afgelopen twee decennia het licht heeft doen zien. Een imposant werk dat op het gebied van telex-frequenties zijn weerga niet kent."
Xavier Montagne, France - 26 February 2023: "2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... merveilleux livre ..."
Robert Thomassin VE2DMK, Canada - 12 December 2022: "2023 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2023/2024 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Excellent travail, Joerg."
Roch Ciarrouge F1GZV, France - 16 February 2022: "2022 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... 2021/2022 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... 2022 Super Frequency List on CD ... J'apprécie la qualité de votre travail. Une qualité d'impression superbe. J'ai encore une édition de 1992 de GUIDE TO UTILITY RADIO STATIONS en parfait état à part le jaunissement du papier. Merci encore pour votre travail."
Dominique Depouet, Guadeloupe - 1 April 2013: "2013/2014 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Merci pour ce remarquable travail annuel."
Dominique Couturier, France - 18 November 2012: "Merci pour la qualité de votre service."
Georges Dupuis, France - 20 May 2012: "Les derniers ouvrages achetés chez vous datant de 1993 ..."
Dominique Couturier, France - 3 December 2010: "Merci pour votre super travail."
Megahertz, France - May 2008: "Radio Data Code Manual ... L'ouvrage fait office de référence dans le milieu et il est consideré comme indispensable pour identifier un grand nombre de modes 'exotiques' que l'on peut entendre sur les bandes HF."
Megahertz, France - February 2006: "2006 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Les ouvrages de Joerg Klingenfuss font partie de patrimoine du radio-écouteur."
Megahertz, France - January 2005: "... diffusion des informations tres precises sur les sources d'emission ... Ces livres, que tout radio-ecouteur exigeant se doit de posseder, constituent une incontestable reference en la matiere et permettent d'identifier des modes de modulation que l'on ne connait et eventuellement, de les decoder si l'on possede le logiciel ou le materiel correspondants."
Vincent Plousey, France - 15 December 2004: "Je suis SWL depuis 1990 et j'utilise vos manuels Guide to Utility Radio Stations depuis 1993 et votre Radio Data Code Manual depuis 1998. Encore toute mes felicitations pour votre travail fabuleux!"
Michel Lacroix, France - 18 October 2003: "Salutations et mes compliments pour l'Utility Guide que je lis depuis des années."
Gérard Vion, France - 4 September 2002: "J'ai déjà acheté le GUIDE TO UTILITY RADIO STATIONS 1997 et j'y ai trouvé une multitude d'informations. Bravo et tous mes encouragements pour votre immense travail."
Patrick Motte, SWL editor of CQ Radioamateur, France - January 2000: "2000 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... C'est le guide indispensable pour celui qui s'intéresse de près ou de loin à ce qui se passe entre nos bandes amateurs. - 2000 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... L'ouvrage se consulte en un clin d'oeil. C'est certainement l'ouvrage le plus complet et le plus pratique à consulter que l'on connaisse à ce jour."
CQ Radioamateur, France - October 1999: "1999/2000 Guide to Worldwide Weather Services est une mine d'informations pratiques. Encore une fois, Klingenfuss a publié un ouvrage indispensable pour le vrai passionné."
Marc Kentell F6JSZ, Chief Editor of CQ Radioamateur, France - September 1998: "1998/1999 Guide to Worldwide Weather Services .. L'amateur de météo, comme le passionné d'écoute des stations utilitaires, y trouvera les meilleurs renseignements. - Radio Data Code Manual ... le guide le plus complet en la matière. Vraiement à jour et superbement documenté."
Patrick Motte, SWL editor of CQ Radioamateur, France - February 1998: "Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... la bible des stations utilitaires ... ce n'est pas seulement bien, c'est ce que l'on fait de mieux! - Shortwave Frequency Guide ... La consultation du livre est facilitée par une présentation sobre et pratique." "
Daniel Wantz, President of Union des Ecouteurs Français, France, in TSF Info - 26 December 1997: " 1998 Super Frequency List on CD-ROM ... Le contenu est sans concurrence. L'importance de la banque de données, sa qualité et son exactitude ne peuvent pas être pris en défaut. Pour la partie utilitaire c'est une longue tradition. Ma recherche de la "petite bête" a été infructueuse. C'est là le compliment du spécialiste pour le travail accompli. C'est excellent. Vous devez acquérir un exemplaire, vous ne le regretterez pas."
CB Connection, France - April 1997: "1997 Internet Radio Guide ... Indispensable pour le cybernaute amateur de radio."
Mark Kentell F6JSZ, Chief Editor of CB Connection, France - September 1996: "Internet Radio Guide ... Un livre indispensable pour ne pas se perdre sur les autoroutes de l'information."
Magnus Jesperson in Sveriges DX-Förbund's Eter Aktuellt - February/March 2014: "2014 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... Den här böken är och förblir utilityssnarens bibel och även kortvagslyssnaren och DX-aren kan ha stor glädje av den da den är mer uppdaterad än WRTH."
Magnus Jesperson in Sveriges DX-Förbund's Eter Aktuellt - February/March 2012: "2012 Shortwave Frequency Guide ... mycket läsvärt ... Bokens häftning är mycket tacknämligt gjord så att den ligger kvar i uppslaget läge, någon inte gäller alla böcker ... Målgruppen är istället de som vill lyssna på lite av varje. I det sammanhanget fungerar den bra, då rundradiostationerna försvinner en efter en från kortvågen ... blir det alltmer attraktivt att bredda hobbyn för att slippa lägga ner den helt och hållet. - För den som hellre sitter framför datorn än slär i böcker finns the 2012 Super Frequency List on CD. Lite förenklat kan man säga att den är 2012 Shortwave Frequency Guide i digital form. Fördelen är att man kan söka i informationen mycket snabbt, och dessutom sortera den på olika sätt, exv. efter-frekvens eller stationsnamn."
Sveriges DX-Förbund's DX-Köp - 19 December 2010: "2011/2012 Guide to Utility Radio Stations ... Detta är Klingenfuss förlags storsäljare. Världens största och bästa handledning om icke-rundradiostationer inom hela kortvågsområdet 3 - 30 MHz samt frekvensområdena 0 - 150 kHz och 1,6 - 3 MHz."
Bernt Erfjord, Chief Editor of DX Listeners' Club DX-News, Norway - December 1996: "1997 Guide to Utility Radio Stations er minst like essensiell for en utility-Dxer som WRTH er for en kringkastings-DXer."
Topband DX Indonesia - August 2012: "Bila anda ingin mengetahui frekwensi stasiun-stasiun utility, maka informasinya ada pada buku tahunan Klingenfuss 2011/2012 Guide to Utility Stations."
Mahendra Vaghjee, Mauritius - 22 December 1996: "1997 Shortwave Frequency Guide casse dife! Mo faire ou mo compliment li vraiment un 'high precision tool' pour mo hobby."