Dear Mr. Klingenfuss, Thank you for your letter and the information about the Initiative Pro Rimella. I read the provided material with great interest. Our EU co-funded Alpine Space Programme focused on transnational cooperation and supports projects, as for instance in your field of activity, the project Via Alpina you have mentioned. I invite you to visit the following section of our website ( where you will find information on the future orientations of the programme for the years 2007 to 2013. Chapters 2 and 3 of the so called "operational programme", will give you the strategic orientation as well as the thematic fields in which projects ideas will be co-funded in the future and the targeted beneficiaries. Further I would like to make you aware that our Italian colleagues will organise an information event on the Alpine Space Programme 2007-2013 (results of the programme 2000-2006, opportunities for 2007-2013, when the 1st call for project proposals shall take place, requirements for projects holders...). in Saint Vincent (Aosta) on June 4th and 5th 2007. You will find further details on this event as well as on the agenda on In our website you can find information on other upcoming events (German information day July 12th and 13th in Neu Ulm) and the launch of the Alpine Space Programme 2007-2013 in St.Johann im Pongau (A) June 28-29th 2007. Even if I could not answer positively to your request for cooperation, I hope I could give you some useful guidance. I wish you all the best for your Initiative. Best regards Thomas Fleury - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thomas Fleury Team Coordinator Joint Technical Secretariat Interreg III B - Alpine Space Programme Postfach 1209 D - 83022 Rosenheim Phone: + 49 8031 36 2771 Fax: + 49 8031 36 2779 Please help safeguard our natural resources and the environment. Print this email only if necessary.